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Myths and stereotypes about DSG boxes. Clearly. On your fingers. In numbers.


Today I want to talk about DSG boxes, which goes a lot of rumors, myths and legends. Typically, when people hear the word "robot" in mention of the any machine, then immediately in my head thoughts about expensive repairs, that it will break for sure and will be a lot of problems. Is it really so? Truth in this, of course, but let's see this to start with, on your toes.

I am more than sure that some motorists don't even know what a DSG box. Just hearing this acronym, remember that somewhere something heard, read or seen about the endless costly repairs and all. I won't go into too much details and paste here the wrong technical texts and briefly explain, as I wrote above, on your toes. At its core are two mechanical boxes in a single housing, and the gear shift here is in charge of the electronic control unit (control unit). The clutch disc, has a 7-speed gearbox and 6. At DSG-6 grip is buttered tub, and 7 dry. The main advantages of these transmission – very fast shifting, due to the fact that at the time of switching one gear to the other box, as it keeps at the ready the next, and low fuel consumption. These robotic cat called because the control unit, a head switching has many algorithms and is able to adapt under different driving modes. If you are interested in reading about the structure of the DSG technical, the right language, you'll find information on the Internet. I just know that many of you in the head porridge from Tiptronic, variators, mechatronics and other things. DSG is not automatic, because some are shared by all types of CPR and the mechanics of the machine, and distinguish them only by the number of pedals:)

Myths and stereotypes about DSG boxes Clearly On your fingers In numbersFull size1

Well, now let's discuss the myths and stereotypes. Probably the most important, is that the DSG will break for sure on a small run. Here, first and foremost, you need to understand the main thing that usually breaks is not the box itself, and either the clutch or control unit. At this point, let's divide the types of DSG on 7-ku and 6-ku. Let's start with the more problematic, namely "dry" 7-Ki.

T I have a blog about choosing a pre-owned, and we will consider these checkpoints not on new machines, and b/C of skah. Below you can watch a video in which I compared the condition of the clutches on two identical machines with 57т mileage km and 114т km.

I'm not going to retell the whole movie, but the point is that the car with the mileage twice, the state of the clutches better. And the most important thing to know about DSG is that it is well diagnosed. No other cat will not tell you more about yourself than the DSG!

Let's face it, before buying a used car you are most interested in how much you will spend on repairs in the future, right? Buying a car on the classic slot machine, you are primarily motivated by the fact that it is safer. But the main problem is that it can be diagnosed only indirectly: no errors, no leaks, no kicks when it switches, there is a check on the oil in the cat from the previous owner – you can take. Only a month or two, this machine can break and all. Believe me, any diagnostician is not psychic.

But for DSG, especially in 7-ke, diagnosis you could see the wear on the clutches on both drives, warp drives clutches, temperature regimes, which can judge the real operation of the vehicle, the presence of overheating, and their time frame, mistakes in the field of mechatronics, a number of adaptations and, not least, the box stores a run in very many places, and with them the hours. Now you tell me, of course, that can wind up everywhere! OK, roll up and come and see together, as you wind up the mileage everywhere:) all this details you can see in the video above.

Still there is a myth that the DSG before the "death" starts kicking and squirming. I can tell you that it is not necessary, that is, to diagnose it by ear and jerks – it is useless, just keep that in mind. But, definitely you need to keep in mind that computer-aided diagnosis is not a 100% guarantee, but the overall picture it gives is very comprehensive. Well, as you can see, it is coming to the choice of a car with DSG consciously, it turns out, not so bad... you Should have an idea of how this box works, how it operated, what she likes etc etc And then, again, I refer you to the video above, in which the owner of the car 114т km shared his experience, though he never in this run is not repaired my transmission and did not even change her oil!

You probably now wonder why all this hemorrhoids if is much easier to buy a car at classic? Of course, your question is very logical, so now let's discuss the numbers. We will start not from the numbers measure how DSG and torque Converter, and let's count money!

I will give a very good example. We take two seemingly identical cars.

Myths and stereotypes about DSG boxes Clearly On your fingers In numbersFull size2

d-cd.net/c486be9s-960.jpg width=960 height=720 itemprop=contentUrl>Full size3

Pictures just from the Internet what they have there under the hood really – no idea, but assume that both cars of 2012 and they have the same motors 1.8 T. But as many know, was put there DSG-7 and a classic torque Converter Aisin. Many are chasing for the second option, hence the difference in price of similar cars on the secondary market is very large. The average price tag on cars with DSG – 550-600тр and machine 650-700тр. Moreover, many sellers of cars on the at, knowing a certain deficit and the value of their machines, lomyat, they generally price tag more than 700тр.

Myths and stereotypes about DSG boxes Clearly On your fingers In numbersFull size4

So, take the average difference in the price of 100tr. Box Aisin reliable, but broken she is. And here, I would like to remind you that I was told that when buying a used car you need to choose first the seller. In the case of Octavia on at in front of you, most likely, will stand the person you will stubbornly insist that this box is much more reliable robotic, which is why he bought it. For the same reason, the secondary housing is very difficult to find a simple reliable car in good condition, because they buy in order to to travel a lot and do nothing. But in the case of Octavia DSG to a high probability to find such owner as from the video, whose 114т mileage km transmission is in excellent condition. Of course, I don't mean that all Octavia automatic for sale "killed," and all the cars with the robot is perfect, just take this information on Board.

Also should be said about the digits of the booster speakers, then the DSG does not leave any chance the torque Converter, moreover, as I witnessed the arrival of two identical machines on the robot and manual transmission. So, DSG switches gears faster than a human! Well, with all this, the robot is also more economical in terms of fuel consumption. Perhaps now you think that potter27 crazy, or opened a service center on repair of the DSG, otherwise other reasons to extol these checkpoints there:)

But, let's be objective, no vaunted od I this box is not discharged, but merely stated the bare facts. Fast, comfortable, economical – all this has been known for a long time. But the fact that it is well diagnosed, and that if you approach the choice of cars on the DSG with the mind, turns out not so terrible, as about it to tell those who didn't get into specifics.

Of course, it is impossible not to take into account the cost of repairs, but rather the possible replacement of clutches and mechatronics. But here also you need to weigh everything and calculate. In my opinion, you need to understand how much time or mileage you buy the car, lay a possible costly repair, about 50тр and anyway, are you ready in principle to this. But in all cases, the car with DSG is cheaper than its counterpart with the torque Converter.

As regards the DSG boxes-6, they are in principle more reliable than sevens. They diagnosed a little different, but nonetheless, the information you provide about yourself too much. An example of inspection of a car with DSG-6 can watch in the video below.

And if you view the entire video, you will understand that the cars of concern VAG in addition to PPC, you still have a lot to look at diagnostics, there's another video on my channel. And guessing the mileage on the steering wheel and rusty control arms on these cars look just a kindergarten, and conversations that can pull up so that nobody finds out.

If you only read the first lines of the paragraphs in the text, not strongly going into details, and you are only interested in the conclusion that he is. Be afraid of the DSG box is necessary only in the case if you have no idea about its installation, operation, and most importantly, about her diagnosis. If to approach to a choice of car in DSG correct method, you will see a very different picture. I am in no way trying to convince you about the reliability of the robotic cat, and just offer a little more to understand this issue. If you are interested in simple, reliable and unpretentious car, the DSG is definitely not for you. As with all VAG, and the Germans in principle. But this is especially true for those who really like a certain car, but it is either mechanics or robot. Passat CC, for example. Sort out the issue, choose a machine with a "live" DSG, calculate investments for a year and a half ahead already buy and ride your health. To soothe the soul, check the wear of the clutch each time, and you will be happy. Either buy a reliable, but "dead" Camry for the same money with mileage 100T km on the flap and continue to live the stereotypes – your business.

To buy or not to buy a car with DSG – decide, but if we do, it is better not to read horror stories on the Internet, and sedates her diagnosis before buying and sleep well.

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VechniyStrannik 28.07.19


Ahaha.I already knew.still, and forbade him to answer.and do not want this odd deer to prove it.Happy new year!

Happy new year! :)

lunin54 28.07.19

As I understand it, came up with another hemorrhoids for owners of Skodas and Paltsev. On fords there might be a similar box is.

Pchell 28.07.19

If someone traveled in a Mercedes or BMW then drive a dsg in for a shock. As one told me that the worse didn't see anything. Personally I like it neutral. Food that you can buy. The difference really is. The breakdowns are probably machines that have friends are lucky or something. Never one dsg did not break. But Mercier had problems. Not large but was.

iMixan 28.07.19


Well, you have a lot of experience with teethi something) we Immediately see sets iksperda.

"How many know" "everyone says", but for some reason only the followers of recovazon. Unlike the real owners.

can bring the three owners of Skoda — in addition to your opinion — on the road — nothing but mountain roads — still not the same — in simple mode switches to a rise in sports — holds when it is not necessary — when ran in slow. klatsat petals .

the owner is a long shot — sometimes, the robot was pulled with the toggle in the city, he, tired of waiting tossed the transfer of petals and ... fell in time with the robot in the end, switching on two steps

Ehre 28.07.19

Dude, you're the mark — MB own judge. Traveled a lot on it, and the current bucket is not the first. Maintenance problems zero, like most other cars, enough to know the nuances of operation and maintenance.

WiLLy666 28.07.19

I suspect that you are a rare idiot. You have therein first the bike was, and then you yourself niemczyk bought and now piss on it with boiling water! I have a lot of different cars seen and looked at their structures, traveled, saw some cars which diseases. The perfect machine does not exist. Just there are some that are easier to maintain, they are unpretentious and practical, of problems the owner almost didn't deliver. And there are those that give more than a million, and then they still suck money from you bags, always something in them is broken or is not working as it should. I, unlike you, I will not focus on any particular brand, I am not a fan of any of them. By the way Toyota is also not the limit of perfection, especially machines that are released after 2005, also with them a bunch of problems, but compared with the same MERCEDES or AUDI or VOLKSWAGEN for example there is much less, and they don't trouble their owners. For me for example it is much easier and more practical to drive and hold a 2002 COROLLA than COROLLA 2015, because that which is newer, she has a sky-high price tag and made it disgusting, everything in it rattles, sensors, extra lot is that they will break often, even the oil filter on the engine is located so that it can take on any curb, or the same stone, and filter housing are made of plastic. On older COROLLA do not exist, there are practical done.

Ehre 28.07.19

Kokoko and again the standard of the owner of practical shit from Toyota) And as soon as these people vagi themselves in the garage to service manage?)

WiLLy666 28.07.19

Hey uncle, I'm your niemczyk had seen the hell knows! Your hands is not one that shit repaired. They are all impractical and problematic! And everything there is made so that the garage did almost nothing to repair on them, unlike the Japanese or Koreans.

Ehre 28.07.19

Well, you have a lot of experience with teethi something) we Immediately see sets iksperda.

"How many know" "everyone says", but for some reason only the followers of recovazon. Unlike the real owners.

WiLLy666 28.07.19


Congratulations. Your friend was nalubale. The cost of replacing the clutch 35 sput. Repair box as a whole (with the replacement of the clutch in particular) thousand 70 in the worst case.
About reliability it is necessary to drive normally, then it will not break.

Long read all this bullshit and once again we see that the box - robot — THIS SPECIFIC SHIT! How many people know, they all say that I bought myself on the head hemorrhoids, and the fact that she thinks when it switches - it's all the same bullshit! Nichrome it is not shifting as it should, it just didn't work. It switches either earlier or later than necessary.I tried it, took a ride on such a machine. Safer and simpler than conventional gidroavtomatika no, I mean automatic transmission.

Rover24 28.07.19

The price of a new mechatronics just space, but BU is not present sense to take. And breaks it very often .

somebody 28.07.19

Had that Coroleu .
There box is quite different, actually normal Batistuta and two mechanisms bolted thereto, a single actuator clutch gearbox replacing the usual cylinder and actuator enable transmission . Repaired in a garage on the knee two keys, parts cheap, and breaks there is always an actuator cutoffs of coupling, it is simple as a lighter .
All settings and adaptation occur out of the salon with a paper clip and manipulation of the gearshift lever .
Good transmission, but not to get caught in the switches, not the time and always tries to include a higher . Plus the fifth short on the highway is not convenient .
By the way right, they were produced from 2007 to 2009 , after with the torque Converter already restyled king 150 body, BUT ! then Toyota on Karoly began to put the CVT !
Experimenting ...

James-Howlett 28.07.19

Nothing about the reliability of robots can not judge, because they do not exploit them at any time, but because at the time Toyota on their COROLLA E140 the next restyling not just abandoned robot in favor of ordinary hydromechanical automatic transmission... Which is then generally replaced by a CVT...

Ibra78 28.07.19

"These robotic cat called because the control unit, a head switching has many algorithms and is able to adapt under different driving modes"
I always thought that robot they are called because of the mechanism of automatic gear shift. And it turns out at the box, which are now probably all adaptive, too robotic)

Scraplord50 28.07.19

It meant driving 😬

Jeffry-tsi 28.07.19

"These robotic cat called because the control unit, a head switching has many algorithms and is able to adapt under different driving modes"
Here I do not agree, there are only 2 modes:
— "drive" set up for fuel economy

V-08 28.07.19

"At its core are two mechanical boxes in a single housing"

Have fun)))

rgridnev 28.07.19

Perhaps the only plus, after two years of owning a Passat B6 with DSG and mileage 88 000 on the odometer (actually — 230 000) is the possibility of computer diagnostics and customizing. The Japanese never dreamed of. Otherwise some disadvantages. No, DGS and the engine is not covered, but all of that stuff just rained down from all the cracks. After a Lexus with twice the mileage was in shock. In an even greater shock was when I learned how the machine is depreciated over 2 years. 25%. The Lexus was 2 years sold loss is 0%, exactly the same money.

stam1969 28.07.19

and Serge Avtopoisk74 you article perebiraet?How to buy VAG? Why you should not fear the DSG and TSI? Boxes DSG6 and DSG7? Examples, without water. Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI with almost no mileage.

Damir-Tob 28.07.19

"Typically, when people hear the word "robot" in mention of the any machine, then immediately in my head thoughts about expensive repairs, that it will break for sure and will be a lot of problems."
This is the correct answer! (SOUND OF TRUMPETS)
Then it makes no sense to read.

agro-s 28.07.19

Amateur to argue?

h8d 28.07.19

Moot point

agro-s 28.07.19


Again, do not forget to take into account that if the DSG is still in good condition after a further operation her condition will only worsen and the subsequent sale in n km and m years, given a clear diagnosis of the condition is still the event...

When you take any used car over time, it becomes better not.

agro-s 28.07.19


The CVT just discourages even more. Not have any external problems like kicks (and it's on the CVT not supposed to be) today, the variator can suddenly get up tomorrow.

There is only visually you can see the wear on the belt and wait for the end of the ride...

Gosha-igogosha 28.07.19



iMixan 28.07.19


ZARULEM published an article — the WHOLE COUNTRY is openly stating that after a heap zarabotok and upgrades (about 10) due to CUSTOMERS ! (and this, too, says the magazine) the average mileage DSGD breakage ONLY NOW STARTED ! closer to 90-100 thousand miles .

you want to you were experimented on ? — I — NO !

somebody 28.07.19


the Subari most reliable CVT.

Controversial statement. Not long ago I ran across an article about the variator — they are too delicate I think.

ReVolt96 28.07.19

I tried)

h8d 28.07.19

Good article!

ReVolt96 28.07.19


Waiting for an article about the CVT ;)

the Subari most reliable CVT.

FrostByte 28.07.19


Argue. If, for example, Octavia 1.8 with a gun to ride like I ride RSCE, it is not the fact that the machine will survive and 100,000 km mileage. My previous Rska drove 172.000 km without repair of the box! At all. So, there is the question of reliability is open))

On the Volvo with 249 horses still stands. As for R-tuples with 300 horses. Just put extra radiator for better cooling and oil changes more often.
Here my friend was RS A5, went small but intensively, to 30 thousand DSG started to set, began to constantly pull.

AlexKohl 28.07.19


On the drive watching the Fabia with DSG7. The mileage has already exceeded 200.

All this talk about the DSG not understand. At Ford's problem machine, Opel — a little overheated and "Hello" box. A bunch of Japanese junk with the CVT.
Upelis all this DSG stuff and the rating itself talking online and in the Smoking room )))

The idea of the author matching. Adiagnostic to and download alive DSG is easier, and thanks to the hysteria — the machines on the market are cheaper. Yes, even if there immediately after purchase mekhanotron to change it will still be cheaper reliable superheated grandpa torque Converter)))

Previously, such disputes were about the timing belt and timing chain.

so let them sell them cheaper! — the people! — the incident! cool CORONAS!

decia 28.07.19


What's Ford's problem machine, on which the new Mondeo?
ON the old standing Aisin and the VAG. Robot Ford, none at all oceny, speed DSG is inferior in reliability wins.
Have opela Yes apsna 6сти mortar, 4x mortar was strong.
The vṛka, the same cat in a bag, if you take a new car, it is possible to take safely, it is necessary to forget about the end with a traffic light and dont forget to bettole (which can osili cross), then the Vario will live to take on the secondary, not so ice.

In General, now is not the ideal option, all have schools.

Had a Ford focus 3 on the Robot (Powershift) up to 100,000 us fine, changed 3 firmware. But then all ; target, not switched, did nothing. And in the end stood in the emergency mode. The replacement control unit was $ 25 000, plus sentenced the sheer grip (120 000). Sold and crossed himself.
Comfort from him is not felt, the only plus theit is to work in manual mode. Much better machine. Checked on the serpentine.

Fulcrum25 28.07.19

familiar with 6 mortar zf, very reliable unit.

fernando007 28.07.19


What's Ford's problem machine, on which the new Mondeo?
ON the old standing Aisin and the VAG. Robot Ford, none at all oceny, speed DSG is inferior in reliability wins.
Have opela Yes apsna 6сти mortar, 4x mortar was strong.
The vṛka, the same cat in a bag, if you take a new car, it is possible to take safely, it is necessary to forget about the end with a traffic light and dont forget to bettole (which can osili cross), then the Vario will live to take on the secondary, not so ice.

In General, now is not the ideal option, all have schools.

What can you say about zf in the BMW, a range Rover?

bebebe88888888 28.07.19


the subarik variable speed chain — indestructible

Well, well...

Fulcrum25 28.07.19

Another Audi, same design.
But I'm talking about products jatco that is on Toyota, Nissan, Mitsu.

krepkih-av 28.07.19


What's Ford's problem machine, on which the new Mondeo?
ON the old standing Aisin and the VAG. Robot Ford, none at all oceny, speed DSG is inferior in reliability wins.
Have opela Yes apsna 6сти mortar, 4x mortar was strong.
The vṛka, the same cat in a bag, if you take a new car, it is possible to take safely, it is necessary to forget about the end with a traffic light and dont forget to bettole (which can osili cross), then the Vario will live to take on the secondary, not so ice.

In General, now is not the ideal option, all have schools.

the subarik variable speed chain — indestructible

Koba666 28.07.19

Well, I'm about the same.
He threw a tantrum with DSG, and it is just a product of his time)) the same guano as everyone else. ))

Fulcrum25 28.07.19

What's Ford's problem machine, on which the new Mondeo?
ON the old standing Aisin and the VAG. Robot Ford, none at all oceny, speed DSG is inferior in reliability wins.
Have opela Yes apsna 6сти mortar, 4x mortar was strong.
The vṛka, the same cat in a bag, if you take a new car, it is possible to take safely, it is necessary to forget about the end with a traffic light and dont forget to bettole (which can osili cross), then the Vario will live to take on the secondary, not so ice.

In General, now is not the ideal option, all have schools.

Koba666 28.07.19

On the drive watching the Fabia with DSG7. The mileage has already exceeded 200.

All this talk about the DSG not understand. At Ford's problem machine, Opel — a little overheated and "Hello" box. A bunch of Japanese junk with the CVT.
Upelis all this DSG stuff and the rating itself talking online and in the Smoking room )))

The idea of the author matching. Adiagnostic to and download alive DSG is easier, and thanks to the hysteria — the machines on the market are cheaper. Yes, even if there immediately after purchase mekhanotron to change it will still be cheaper reliable superheated grandpa torque Converter)))

Previously, such disputes were about the timing belt and timing chain.

MGC3 28.07.19

114ткм without changing the oil, well, nah. Economical driver

flashbreak 28.07.19

Octavia 1.4 DSG 7 1222 drove 197000 never disappoint ! the most comfortable box! but traffic started to podderzhivaetsya! already sold

Vanek951 28.07.19

the only reason I sold it.there are no improvements and never will

mds83 28.07.19

Octavia And 7 on the mileage to 120 000 km, replaced clutch and mechatronics. A month without a car and$ 2,500. What nah@th revision?! Pure marketing...

AlexKohl 28.07.19


Complete garbage and not an article. DSG shit shit.

DQ200-bullshit. 250 goes hundreds of thousands. Ride should be able to.

AlexKohl 28.07.19


kombatoleg 28.07.19

We have more than twenty superbow. All, without exception, under warranty changed and repaired the box DSG. Runs up to one hundred thousand were.

AlexKohl 28.07.19

not having a clue — I would nozzles!

kombatoleg 28.07.19

Complete garbage and not an article. DSG shit shit.

Dicks336 28.07.19

I also have not been reinsured

AlexKohl 28.07.19


120тыш, and norm

I have 180ткм and yet free!

xflex2011 28.07.19

Well on this run if only for the second time. The maximum that it is enough — thousands 90.
In General, mean motor 1,8

Dicks336 28.07.19


On VAGовском motor 1.8 T to change the chain on 50-70 thousand km is the norm)))

120тыш, and norm

roamka 28.07.19


>> there is a 7-speed gearbox and 6. At DSG-6 grip is buttered tub, and 7 dry.
If we are to explain to explain fully.
There DQ200 — 7 speed dry
there is a DQ250 6 — speed wet,
is DQ500 — 7-speed wet.
All the stereotypes associated with DQ200. And DQ250 and DQ500 — reliable. Therefore, not all the "seven" is bad. DQ500, conversely, the hardy.

Why did you? Let everyone on the Hyundai Board! They're more reliable?

pavel-ko 28.07.19

Yeah, the Tiguan was and automatic transmission.
I think VIN can be accurately found. In General you are probably here forum.tiguans.ru/showthread.php?t=12880

somebody 28.07.19

Generally interested in the Tiguan, better diesel .
And I've heard that even on the Tiguan set the normal, hydrotransformer automatic transmission .
Just looking at this car to purchase used.from. .

pavel-ko 28.07.19

The car then what? DQ200 is put on not very powerful monodrive (up to 250 Nm, it seems), DQ250 — a monodrive more than 250 Nm and all-wheel drive. DQ500 — even more powerful.

somebody 28.07.19

How to determine what is DSG ?
How they are different, in certain years or engines ?
Interested DQ500 .

pavel-ko 28.07.19

>> there is a 7-speed gearbox and 6. At DSG-6 grip is buttered tub, and 7 dry.
If we are to explain to explain fully.
There DQ200 — 7 speed dry
there is a DQ250 6 — speed wet,
is DQ500 — 7-speed wet.
All the stereotypes associated with DQ200. And DQ250 and DQ500 — reliable. Therefore, not all the "seven" is bad. DQ500, conversely, the hardy.

AlexKohl 28.07.19

let them envy those who did not go to DSG!
let them sell the car in the gift — give to others to get high!

krepkih-av 28.07.19


By the way, about headlight washer system — almost 70% of just pulling the fuse on it that the fluid was "spent" and another 15% put themselves a separate button, breaking the relay circuit. The error is in both cases. ) )

I NIRAZU never used as bought the car lifted and all )

Yurkiy-NGSRT 28.07.19

Yeah that too, he did and in a long press, and button original set, and the time of the drawdown changed...

37Dimon 28.07.19

And some people do that www.drive2.ru/l/474493969162568894/ or so www.drive2.ru/l/489775806399119626/

Yurkiy-NGSRT 28.07.19

By the way, about headlight washer system — almost 70% of just pulling the fuse on it that the fluid was "spent" and another 15% put themselves a separate button, breaking the relay circuit. The error is in both cases. ) )

krepkih-av 28.07.19

changed every 30-40 t load through again to change the internal filter, external every time

AndreWinge 28.07.19

don't forget to change the oil

krepkih-av 28.07.19

I have DSG (TCSST to be exact) 6 mortar, 400 nm torque, 280 horsepower, eksplotacija in the tail and mane 135 t km, normal flight

MGQ 28.07.19

strongly did not penetrate, but into the cabin, Kia bundles pass pasty б7в trading and cross themselves masters, and as one box, carton, changed under warranty, twitches, etc etc IMHO or whatever the fuck it's all the machine typically is really reliable

MGQ 28.07.19


Morality must be one — the DSG does not take in principle, because this is a misunderstanding, not a box.

exactly! nothing to add!

Dolfinchik 28.07.19

A strange conclusion that the Germans did not produce simple, reliable and unpretentious car of cars.

Quattordici 28.07.19

An article written by a person who can not briefly and clearly articulate their thoughts) thank God the comments got a man on your toes to explain what DSG more reliable than other

sergzp96 28.07.19

We at the company took a lot of cars with this stuff.Do not have time to do them.Here not long ago, the Passat did three months and went and stood again for three weeks.Moved everything and the fork and bushings and bearings and mechatronics changed, started, went not going.Will drive on the company's stations in another city but there is also already did not go.Already spent so much money that it was possible to buy new and new is floor of the car.People do not buy this junk.Correctly say;I want to buy a salon, take the "German" units and want that "Japanese".

380vol 28.07.19

Damn, I only have a million lies. ))))

3879 28.07.19

80.000 have asacol probegom

Subaru1942 28.07.19

Three thousand eight hundred seventy nine

DSG full g...but as the engine 1.8 t, but 2011, he was. At 35000 replacing the mechatronics, and 800000тыс. Generally rings in the engine cover, and oil change in a timely manner, the turbine is always cooled. I think as soon as VAG group began the build quality uhudshilos 80%, this is my opinion, now riding on i40

800.000 and lay the rings? What a tragedy

3879 28.07.19

For Moyea but in 2009 I don't remember exactly, but as soon as I started making more environmentally friendly

Mesmerized 28.07.19

When it began the Assembly?)

3879 28.07.19

DSG full g...but as the engine 1.8 t, but 2011, he was. At 35000 replacing the mechatronics, and 800000тыс. Generally rings in the engine cover, and oil change in a timely manner, the turbine is always cooled. I think as soon as VAG group began the build quality uhudshilos 80%, this is my opinion, now riding on i40

bmwist-36 28.07.19

wait a little bit.

andenhik 28.07.19

When he took his very afraid after reading that the box will be a problem. I'll be honest. A lot of enjoyment out of the box. Thanks to the author for a full description. But the specialists who write here that it ha... but the flag in his hands.

ArturA5 28.07.19


VAG took a reliable automatic transmission aisin, took out the heatsink and instead put the heat exchanger, most likely in favor of cheaper designs, the heat exchanger is not doing its job. When buying A5,look for a car with a mileage of up to 100 t. km., which change oil in automatic transmission on 50 t. km., after purchase, put the heatsink and You will be happy, no disposable DSG is not to be compared with toyotovskogo automatic transmission. I personally know 2 owners of cars with DSG, both after repair mechatronics under warranty, using 20 tonnes km again to repair it up.

very nice 3-they will!

berikdima 28.07.19

Then they together with the Japanese made this box Asian, so she lives a bit) themselves have not yet learned .now the Japanese it added the torque Converter to the lower nebylo problems .

RALF653 28.07.19

VAG took a reliable automatic transmission aisin, took out the heatsink and instead put the heat exchanger, most likely in favor of cheaper designs, the heat exchanger is not doing its job. When buying A5,look for a car with a mileage of up to 100 t. km., which change oil in automatic transmission on 50 t. km., after purchase, put the heatsink and You will be happy, no disposable DSG is not to be compared with toyotovskogo automatic transmission. I personally know 2 owners of cars with DSG, both after repair mechatronics under warranty, using 20 tonnes km again to repair it up.

sanek077 28.07.19

Was the Toyota robot was sold. We in the city are few experts who understands them.

tehnori72 28.07.19

in the furnace of these DSG!

kombatoleg 28.07.19

What program and what saner can be diagnosed DSG and engine.

WINDisel 28.07.19

another myth about the myth))))

Aron1000 28.07.19

A live transmission at all? ha, ha.

Fogel24 28.07.19

It is still not clear.I learned the principle of operation of this device and now don't have to be afraid of?And the numbers say?

Fogel24 28.07.19

auto.mail.ru/article/5213...ssledovanie_avto_mail_ru/ here objective article.Stuff these boxes.

bmwist-36 28.07.19

Well, Yes. the theme of the rules of marketing.

Viton 28.07.19

The future for a CVT! :)

ilyas77 28.07.19


Safer Yes. And what about fuel economy?

1 RUB for 1 km?

ternovnik 28.07.19


I have owned a Golf 6 with DSG-7, no complaints over 130 km was not, the clutch has not changed or mechatronics.

And that can happen with transmission over 130 km?

Shadok 28.07.19

6 were collected only six months. Then from Germany brought. In Kaluga instead went to build the Polo sedan

Shiprrr 28.07.19

The factory says only 5 Golf from 2009 to 2010. As there were many skeletons it stopped.

Shadok 28.07.19


6 and 7 were not. If you send me 5

Until mid-summer 2010, Socks with the motor 1.6 was collected in Kaluga by SKD technology. After all the Socks were shipped from Germany.

Shadok 28.07.19

It is Golf 6

Shiprrr 28.07.19

6 and 7 were not. If you send me 5

Shadok 28.07.19

Argue? On the 1000R? And I'll throw wine

Shiprrr 28.07.19


Golf Russian Assembly with DSG-7 it is an indicator =))) actually, I know the real owners of the machines, complaints about the box was not. Yes, the clutch was changed closer to 100k miles, but most drivers this run will wind of 5-7 years, and replacement of clutches on the DSG-7 DQ200 30 000 R work, I think it's not much

Golf the Russian Assembly was not there.

Andrey221270 28.07.19

My car is Passat and PAL SS with DSG to 50 t km gnawing budget and brain, so they may have been buggy 2011, but my collected in Kaluga, and his pure German and that--I have a C3 Picasso, his Insignia and mechanics! Thank you

Shadok 28.07.19

Golf Russian Assembly with DSG-7 it is an indicator =))) actually, I know the real owners of the machines, complaints about the box was not. Yes, the clutch was changed closer to 100k miles, but most drivers this run will wind of 5-7 years, and replacement of clutches on the DSG-7 DQ200 30 000 R work, I think it's not much

timurezzz 28.07.19

well, it's the exception rather the rule

Shadok 28.07.19

I have owned a Golf 6 with DSG-7, no complaints over 130 km was not, the clutch has not changed or mechatronics.

timurezzz 28.07.19

and what about saving for the repair of the dsg?

Viton 28.07.19

Safer Yes. And what about fuel economy?

bmwist-36 28.07.19

Reliable hydro-mechanical slot there is nothing and never will.(automatic if you take)

ternovnik 28.07.19

The price of rolling the sleeves for fixing the Robot on my Renault Traffic cost me 300 $ (the price of the official are not much different from garage masters), I don't scare anyone. The taste and color markers are different.
And that's just the cost of the work... the Robot (CPR) in Reno just went into emergency mode. And it was winter...
And collect myths or learn from the mistakes of others — You decide.

Ryz81 28.07.19

I have a friend who is obsessed with cars, who told me that dry DSG often overheat and fail in traffic because of the constant jerky shifts between 1st and 2nd gears. Says that there's a life hack to avoid this trouble — put the box in sport mode and it is holding first gear without switching once again.
PS:did not check, drive on a normal gyrotransport

Abelardon 28.07.19

I write to turn the butter and crackers Nuno )))

dimmas177 28.07.19

After the words: I Have a blog about buying a car with mileage, you have not read further.
The next blog I hope to be: we Choose the products in the store))

Andreyiceman 28.07.19

Went to Turan 2008 DSG 1.5 years didn't do anything at all) carried probably. Run for 180000.

svized 28.07.19

not to change the oil in korobase is evil

SeregaPK 28.07.19

Was Golf plus 1.9 tdi dsg6 mileage under 300 thousand In the box never climbed even the oil is not changed almost. Every 50 thousand Doing diagnostics. It's all good. Think what else will go is not enough. It just need to be able to operate...
That really says a machine is not able to use, especially annoying when downhill to the Parking lot without the Parking brake set, and then rip as a living... then they cry that the box jerks when you start the motor or something else... Read the manual first, it goes with each machine, or in the net you can find. If everything is properly operated, then the thing will work as the position in cases of natural wear...

99RusLX 28.07.19

Friend repaired someone else's: to 100K for the second box were cheap (box) oil ring was gone — thank petroplasma engineering...

Andrey221270 28.07.19

Was Passat 11 years, may have learned to do, but broke terribly, was part of the Avar.mode, worked only the back etc the mileage was ridiculous and fail to start with 25 thousand... in the end changed under warranty and all the parts and oil in it-how much was nerves and thwarted plans! Well, fuck it!

Babushkiny-kudri 28.07.19

Advertising channel IMHO

Ehre 28.07.19


Okay, well, actually I meant about the reliability of the transmission from the engine

If SAKHA (G5, G6), that is normal. Again, if newsjerry option. If CAV (twincharger), then the motor is not very reliable. Yes, and a box of grim live on less.

99RusLX 28.07.19

The reliability of the BMW engine of the German — FL. fiction... ;)
And DSG — it can survive only because the body is easy...

Bremss 28.07.19

Okay, well, actually I meant about the reliability of the transmission from the engine

99RusLX 28.07.19

This exposure of the whole concept ;)

Bremss 28.07.19

It's all the disadvantages of this car?

99RusLX 28.07.19


Hello, please tell me, I want to buy a Golf 6 DSG, 1.4. tell me how it on reliability, mileage 150K

Winter salon will freeze, and officially will say that it should be )))

Bremss 28.07.19


Gellham 28.07.19

From all a particular instance depends

Bremss 28.07.19


Dying DSG in 90% of cases due to incorrect operation, or rather from the fact that the owners exploit them as a classic hydroautomatic. The instructions are clearly written what to do and what not to do, and we don't read it.
The simplest example: most of my friends on DSG at traffic lights are a bit put your foot on the brake pedal. In the end, the clutch is open, heating up and release of wear debris that litter the valve in mechatronics and DSG kill. Such nuances are many and probably half of the outages DSG because of this, but VAG shit, and educi killing their boxes exploitation of illiterate, shit on the forums and tell how they died box for 10000km, and they did nothing, did nothing in order to make it work in normal mode for it :)))))

Hello, please tell me, I want to buy a Golf 6 DSG, 1.4. tell me how it on reliability, mileage 150K

Object-640 28.07.19

All well said, totally agree!

potter27 28.07.19

Nothing happens)

dore 28.07.19

Damn I lachandra, I'm sorry, blunted famously.

potter27 28.07.19

Ahaha, there's no dislikes allowed, man)) You on the release date post look)) You post this and read six months ago, apparently) But, thank you, neighing with avtopoisk74 whatsapp just above your comment)

dore 28.07.19

Paid, some paragraphs almost word for word was in the ode to love at autosearch 74 six months ago. Dislik!

Mohrovic 28.07.19

Let the DOE-Xia: robotic call them, not because they adapt to the riding style, due to the fact that this is by design of the mechanical box in which, in simple words, the gearshift lever "pulls" not a person but a mechanism — a "robot".

Ehre 28.07.19


Really, is there?)))) it is necessary to the author to delve into, to learn. Why? It is much easier to write about the dq200 that it is not so hot in 100500й times.

The author knows everything, but does not seek to confuse the already weak understanding of the difference audience.

Al1234 28.07.19

Add: there are still 7 speed wet dq381 from the Golf GTI/Audi RS3, directly on my car from the factory. Perhaps the author will correct themselves

Vampirs666 28.07.19

Dq500 is, which pulls the Daher moment and, consequently, extremely reliable, made with a stock. Just wondering this is not all. You have rightly noted

Al1234 28.07.19

Really, is there?)))) it is necessary to the author to delve into, to learn. Why? It is much easier to write about the dq200 that it is not so hot in 100500й times.

Berryman 28.07.19

And about the wet "seven" mentioned? And about different firmware and mode coast on the trade winds?

masenkov33 28.07.19

Vag - bottom. And it always will

Peter404 28.07.19

Eat well, but there is a risk not to reach the destination, run on different machines with DSG, one can say. Highly delicate, the overheating goes, it's kicking, vibration switches... and the Box innovative, but better than a normal automatic, reliable...

Ehre 28.07.19

You throw proof in the Passat with a 1.4 and the mileage 600 tyk? Or run them in the 300 and 400 tyk?) 800 tyk — mileage diesel cbab — if physics is taught, it should be understood that the figure is absolutely real) well It's not a one-time ZZ-you)

Time B4 long gone, and only the adherents of the "imperatorskago kachestva" naparivajut on jz-you) that's the point.

Tatarin121 28.07.19

The problem is that man is the most intelligent. Reveal the secret of the Mat.part know you're not alone. And I'm not about to Gilsonite and so on. Do you think time B4 go? It is not necessary fairy tales about 500 and 800 thousand, such a resource is not even close to laid. Fancy very much, but in reality? The Germans have an old fiction of reliability, and now even more so. L200 developed problems with the motor 170тыс. TLC200 problem with diesels in the area of 200 thousand., Khays only one THAT was 1мил150тыс. And still feels good. BMW X6 in 9 thousand more problems in the engine. Volvo guzzle oil to run the 50t. So no more hunting. The Opel insignia, the problems with cooling up to 100T. In General, I see no reason to continue this dialogue. To tell the tale very simply, connoisseurs of the Mat.part.

Ehre 28.07.19

Why would I want to worship something, when I just know the materiel?) So you can drive on the same German 500-800 tyk no problems, with planned maintenance at a much better efficiency, dynamics and comfort.

Kapitalka applicable to all, except "trains", just isopreme cheaper to replace motor than to repair it) and what to change on any ZZ-tah? If only to try to Gilsonite) Time JZ and UZ have almost left themselves Yapi has long been got rid of old junk, and we have some still ride them, but it is from lack of money mostly. New isoprop isn't any special reliability or sharpness.

Tatarin121 28.07.19

Was in the possession of BMW — this is the first. The second — working at the time in the services on the children, but at the same time detect the failure of the Germans. If I did not know, be silent. And kapitalka, this word is rarely applicable to artist, this is not due to contractual spare parts. Well, okay, far-fetched worshiped reliability, and I will be faithful to the mind. PS by the Way I was B4, that's where everything seems to go by without shit. But still more bad examples.

Ehre 28.07.19

Alusil in a limited number of motors. And in principle there is nothing wrong there, except for the cost of the repair. However, again, houselove and nicelove coating the cylinder walls is rare.

In the far East. decides not reliable, but cheap contract with Islands and overall cheapest car from there (as it once was). Reliability is needed everywhere, but in Prol course is in the far East, where Japan is closest.

PS. the owners of the Germans live in peace without repairs. Just for this it is necessary to use them — what was this post.

Tatarin121 28.07.19


Well, if everything is so rosy — where reliable Markovci with dummies? Rastali?) Well, maybe there is one crown, a year ago imported from the Urals, the bottom have to be digested in Drury in arches can fist push — Wang, the body will do a new)

My friend, I do not see sense in this debate. You, and us your. Ural is cruel, eats everything. But according to our statistics, the picture is this. For your other. We have no Alusil, dsg, and other weenie the old world go on the same Markovich that you continue to carry even when sick. And motors from recovazon then put in the Bavarian buckets. Yes the Germans have more comfort, but the reliability of that criterion, which allows not to be eaten on the streets of the Far East. Each brand a buyer. You repair Alusil 50t.R, DSG 30. And we calmly, without repairs. And to fix the ailments of the Germans need eternity.

Tatarin121 28.07.19


Well, if everything is so rosy — where reliable Markovci with dummies? Rastali?) Well, maybe there is one crown, a year ago imported from the Urals, the bottom have to be digested in Drury in arches can fist push — Wang, the body will do a new)

If you take the last year of the carrot, it is 2004, kettles whom little is 2001. Where behi these years? Long ago in the trash.

Ehre 28.07.19

Well behi XS — I do not watch them. And B5 and G4, despite that the broken-broken in a good deal of travel. As V4 is still alive. In neighboring Belarus, their number even surpasses.

Tatarin121 28.07.19

If you take the last year of the carrot, it is 2004, kettles whom little is 2001. Where behi these years? Long ago in the trash.

Ehre 28.07.19

Well, if everything is so rosy — where reliable Markovci with dummies? Rastali?) Well, maybe there is one crown, a year ago imported from the Urals, the bottom have to be digested in Drury in arches can fist push — Wang, the body will do a new)

Tatarin121 28.07.19

Well you should know, you're a Muscovite, where we, despite the fact that the Germans one year ribozyme really in a sad state despite our gentle climate.

Ehre 28.07.19

But no, look and see even B4 pascatti. But no CFM-CI NEMA, only leaky hulls met) Because Moscow reagents are not familiar with the arguments proletario, they just eat Lisowski with the wheel even in the glove box, at least for my location)

Tatarin121 28.07.19

And do not worry, this Germans has rotted.

Ehre 28.07.19

I'm afraid will rot the Camry, whether it is at least three times CFM.

Tatarin121 28.07.19

I mean Camry JDM with three twisting run =)

SPB360 28.07.19

the article says "on the flap" the author means that his a hundred times already twisted ))

Tatarin121 28.07.19

Dead Camry with mileage 100T.km. =))))) JDM Camry with an honest mileage will outlast any new CAR.

somebody 28.07.19

who would not say that, I know one thing, DSG is a full "G" that hell sell...)))

somebody 28.07.19

better B2 and B3 VAG still nothing came up!

Santik1988 28.07.19

Bwhahahah how loud I laugh, step on it with each traffic light, well scream the same .

RacerW 28.07.19

I have a Golf 6 tsi DSG7, the mileage at the moment 180K, the car is 12 years took new

had one clutch replacement at 60K mileage, still more problems,

driving style - sneakers in the floor with each traffic light, the car is chipped with 40K mileage to this day

DSG works now smoother machine, like everything, go farther ...

Dimasic71 28.07.19

B/u I would even machine did not take! Well, here are my prejudices.
New, well, I would have considered wet DSG, on the condition that I would sell the car after warranty.
Same with engines tfsi — b/y for anything wouldn't get new until after the warranty.

Dimasic71 28.07.19

Do not say, since you do not know! If the oil is to be changed, not to rape her, then they were 200 and 300 thousand without problems go.

Clearradio 28.07.19

No need to take risks. They do not go more than 70-80 tcm.

Dimasic71 28.07.19

Yes it's early, up to 100 plans to sell as always.

Clearradio 28.07.19


Dimasic71 28.07.19

About 50 thousand.

Clearradio 28.07.19

Mileage how much?

Dimasic71 28.07.19


DP0/AL4 — these do not happen xd
They are already on the Assembly line start to die :)))

My father on C4 dp0, machine 3 years. Never any problems.

Freddy018 28.07.19


The style is)

Or is it now write down the price of gasoline! And rack up a thousand comments)))))

Limbo-O 28.07.19

He has a lot 9апесей about anything. The question you will not understand, but the post is written...

Freddy018 28.07.19

Just don't understand why people are so actively commented because the entry niochem

Limbo-O 28.07.19

The style is)

Freddy018 28.07.19

Not really written anything

sancho-nb 28.07.19

Another attempt to justify WAGоводов albeit sometimes in their own eyes))) . The author goes on DSG, preparing the ground for the sale of their bucket... "Ah Ah Ah DSG honey, take it boldly" ))) just forgot that the part visible))) and healthy self-criticism is helpful — I have an American and have the courage to objat box Americans! I do not care! ))) Yes, you can drag crawler tractor, motorhome, boat, but the box sucks! )))

Santik1988 28.07.19

On the Camry every Blocher burning .
How much shit do not advertise, it is from DSG will not become better :)

IridiumWorld 28.07.19

I read the comments, shot)))
Until diesel went to the Ford Fusion. Robotic box was. The same DSG is essentially. Changed his grip on 80 thousand that's it. After replacement drove another 60 thousand No problem.
But there is one thing! I don't have a cat in the ass like most commenting, and hands from the shoulder joints, and not from the hip. So I tried to do a three-liter BMW supercharged at the traffic light, but not perdel as pension in the stream. Got a diagnostic utility on the forum, searched the box, I read how it works and how best to handle it all. All!
I agree with the author that the robots of the mother because of fear, and afraid because I don't know how it works internally. And of course you need to understand that equipment breaks down always! So if you want to take the car and that her grandchildren went without problems then it is better to buy designer for even a Bicycle would be a problem.

Tanya59 28.07.19

I have a DSG 6 marking hxs is possible to put a DSG 6 other labeling DSG 6 but not marking hxs,