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I set myself a balalaika - Toyota Corolla, 1.6 liter, 2007

I set myself a balalaika - Toyota Corolla 16 liter 2007

It is called SUPRA SWM-704B. I bought it over the Internet. I installed it myself, having previously bought the frame through exist. Well, it seems to be working properly. There is a TV set, a GPS, and a USB. It understands almost all formats, there are two consoles included. The only thing that infuriates is that the touchscreen setting is often confused and the interface is not very user-friendly. In the upper glove compartment I brought out video outputs, sometimes I play it on PS2, it's very cool)

Price tag: 15 000 ₽
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tweetysweet 06.12.20

Got it)

Mutofruit 06.12.20

umhu, and just cho, somehow the drive threw itself))))

tweetysweet 06.12.20


Mutofruit 06.12.20

Thank you) I put it in the summer, but I could not boast of something or how to go in)

tweetysweet 06.12.20

Cool stuff! With new clothes!

alex-11 06.12.20

Normal stuff 5! I also want to look for something for myself!

frsg45 06.12.20

coolly seen enough identity only under the native place everything is

somebody 06.12.20

I have the identity, the current Pioneer and without TV. I was looking for a frame for a long time.

somebody 06.12.20

And why does the radio tape recorder stick out a little from outside the frame, you can't make it flush with the frame?