Music and Neon - Toyota Carina ED, 2.0L, 1995
I have long wanted normal music. I put a 2DIN device. It plays many formats and media, but the main thing is USB. 2 hectares is enough for the eyes and it is quick and convenient to choose from albums.
I also stuck in a backlight. I was powered from an ashtray, and made connectors under the seats to disconnect each tube separately.
I put the trunk stops from the 180 body, I did not find my relatives. These are normally kept, they are one to one in length, only thinner. Probably, the trunk lid of the previous generation is lighter.
on the remote control, hold down the "square" which still stops the music, the backlight should go out) At least so for me)))
Yes, the Module is named. But it is generally Barnaul, if something is not available in Biysk with a bus on the same day. Even to Biysk, even to Belokurikha, you just have to pay right away.
But these stops were available in Biysk.
The brightness has to be reduced in the settings.
Disassembly stops cost 1000r at that time.