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Zero to the staff ?! - Toyota Corolla, 1.8 L, 2003

So this is my problem now ...

Or take: HKS Super Hybrid Filter
Air filter with low resistance and increased air purification characteristics for installation in a regular air filter box.
Thanks to the use of a 3-layer filter, increased air flow characteristics, effective cleaning and long element life are provided.

Zero to the staff   - Toyota Corolla 18 L 2003
Zero to the staff   - Toyota Corolla 18 L 2003

Or: A'PEXi Power Intake Filter
Low resistance air filter installed in the stock box instead of the stock filter. Designed for use on both stock and tuned cars. Provides effective air filtration while reducing its resistance to current.
The service life of the filter is up to 25,000 km without any maintenance (manufacturer's data; depending on the conditions of use, this figure can vary significantly). A contaminated filter can only be blown out with high pressure air, after which it can be used again.

Zero to the staff   - Toyota Corolla 18 L 2003
Zero to the staff   - Toyota Corolla 18 L 2003

The idea is old! And thanks to Yakov;) I decided to do it ... there are suppliers and those who wish!
By the way, the more filters you take at once, the cheaper they are ... I incite people;) The
price for one and the other is about the same. Service life too ...

Who can say what exactly ?! Who tried it ?!

Price tag: 2 000 ₽
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aka-mazai 07.12.20

the first of the paralon ... can be washed lightly! And apexy rag, just blow through

corollaz 07.12.20

first tries
apexia roulette!

aka-mazai 07.12.20

There are different places ... online shopping. There are several in Krasnoyarsk =) under the Corolla club brought

artbelousov 07.12.20

and where can you buy this?

aka-mazai 07.12.20

... I will order through the local office =) look at your Yandex!

maksimm 07.12.20

Red :)

And throw off the link, maybe I'll put this in Ixtrail! :)

aka-mazai 07.12.20

A good increase;) right now I'll go look for a topic from you ...

Terk 07.12.20

the moment increased by 6 Nm ... the forward flow of the machine was ...

aka-mazai 07.12.20

... I personally take it for other alterations =) the release is easier, well, so there is where to blow it in)))
I'm not chasing HP =) the quarter would fly faster next year ...

Terk 07.12.20

On Lancers 2.0, when the first zero is inserted, the "gain" is 2 hp! We measured on the stand on the same machine in one run ... you can of course reflash the mozie and there will be a win, but the HP / RUB ratio is off scale ...

aka-mazai 07.12.20

... yes that's me =) thinking out loud.

Djous 07.12.20

who knows)

aka-mazai 07.12.20

I’m unlikely to find such a thing ... and I already have an order of pieces for 7 =) the
apexis is also a rag, it is blown out, and the xcs understands ...
Yes, cold is already too much for my alterations =)
I'm thinking of some kind of removable dynamic supercharger to put ... a collective farm

Djous 07.12.20

There are also amsoil filters, also dry, just vacuum it or blow it (gently) with air under pressure, according to filtration it is written that they clean it very well.

ZY Why don't you want a cold intake?

aka-mazai 07.12.20

In short, foam rubber is just marketing =) I thought it was some kind of special

Lenich 07.12.20

If we are talking about the filtering ability, then I think yes.

aka-mazai 07.12.20

that is, the apexi for the engine will be safer ?!

Lenich 07.12.20

Definitely Apexi. I have read a lot of Japanese independent filter tests, Power Intake is an unconditional leader (both cone and regular). And HKS foam rubber, sorry, only stones and sparrows do not pass :)

somebody 07.12.20

I am also for apexy;)
maybe we will order it;)
ATP for mentioning;)
if it comes to my head, I will torture everyone :) :) :)

aka-mazai 07.12.20


aka-mazai 07.12.20

I catch on my word;) there is already a proposal in the region of 1500

augmented 07.12.20

Well done Seryoga that raised this question :) I was strongly hooked by the post with 2hp and 6nm increments :))) we will pass the approximate power for 140hp :)) I am also for Arekhi! if within 1500r then include me in the list :)

DemoSL 07.12.20

And I am for Ashks =)

aka-mazai 07.12.20

apexy is not a miss either ... so far I'm leaning towards him

ankind 07.12.20

ACHKO`S put :)
Ftopka nuts

aka-mazai 07.12.20

honestly ?! =)

somebody 07.12.20

HKS clearly

aka-mazai 07.12.20

... I can immediately order the Apeksi nameplate for everyone;) RUB 70

augmented 07.12.20

At least Arekhi is written on Arekha :))) and nothing is written on Achkaes :) I'm for PAPHOS%))

somebody 07.12.20

You can't wash the mushroom, but the one that is in the drain can be washed without any problems

aka-mazai 07.12.20

I heard from two people who used it ... =) I washed it from dirt and it is like new

Abe 07.12.20

I get lost in the answer ...
But it is inappropriate to wash it, you can still blow it! Although if the water is distilled, then you can try it.

aka-mazai 07.12.20


Ha, good dilemma! We will not declare which filter to give preference to, I think you already know which manufacturer our preference is given to 8)
But with practical financial costs, you should choose.
HKS - lives no more than 10,000 km (6-12 getsu), depending on how and where you drive. A'Pexi conventional woven long-lived filter. HKS has the best bandwidth, but as I wrote earlier, it does not live long. In general, if you are ready to drain 1300 rubles every 5000-6000 km, then take HKS, and if the goal is saving, then the choice is in favor of A'Pexi!

a sensible answer ... why did one hardened driver assure me that he drove 25,000 on it =) this paralon is pulled out and washed quietly ... under the tap

Abe 07.12.20

We have a three-layer, per hemisphere (mushroom in the people)

aka-mazai 07.12.20

Have you tried it yourself?

Abe 07.12.20

Nominal filter life ... O_o

somebody 07.12.20


Abe 07.12.20

Ha, good dilemma! We will not declare which filter to give preference to, I think you already know which manufacturer our preference is given to 8)
But with practical financial costs, you should choose.
HKS - lives no more than 10,000 km (6-12 getsu), depending on how and where you drive. A'Pexi conventional woven long-lived filter. HKS has the best bandwidth, but as I wrote earlier, it does not live long. In general, if you are ready to drain 1300 rubles every 5000-6000 km, then take HKS, and if the goal is saving, then the choice is in favor of A'Pexi!

aka-mazai 07.12.20

What's there to watch ?! Photo and description here ... price varies!

axel59 07.12.20

can you throw off the link to arenas?

aka-mazai 07.12.20


It seems that I did not miss anything, I received the package with brand new HKS M45 candles, a can of synthetic gasoline HKS Drag Gas and an envelope with a fee ... ^ _ ^

yo;) was it sent to you for intelligence ?!

aka-mazai 07.12.20

2zz is another story;) I am considering further ... fielder with 2zz! Something already embedded in Japan!

Lenich 07.12.20

Nothing special without 2ZZ :)

aka-mazai 07.12.20

this is the same as toyota honda oil // everything is poured from one barrel!
Denso I think is preferable!
And what will happen if you pour pure 98 into my trough? )

Lenich 07.12.20

Basically, there are only 2 candle manufacturers - Denso and NGK. They buy Greddy, HKS, and turbojet engines ... :)

And what is the octane number? Not 106? :) :) :)

Abe 07.12.20


Uuuuuuu ... Guys, let's stop at Greddy 7s and go our separate ways. AND! 98th Forev! :)

It seems that I did not miss anything, I received the package with brand new HKS M45 candles, a can of synthetic gasoline HKS Drag Gas and an envelope with a fee ... ^ _ ^

aka-mazai 07.12.20

Additive =) from the pan! Badiazhu the gasoline that they pump us in ...

Lenich 07.12.20


… =) Heh)) Denso rules! 92 + TBE))

Sorry, what is TBE? Additive?

aka-mazai 07.12.20


ankind 07.12.20

TRD… 98 + TBE + kit Apexi (cold intake)

aka-mazai 07.12.20

… =) Heh)) Denso rules! 92 + TBE))

Lenich 07.12.20


This is bullshit, I think it's worth raising the issue of spark plugs and the type of fuel used! :)))

Uuuuuuu ... Guys, let's stop at Greddy 7s and go our separate ways. AND! 98th Forev! :)

aka-mazai 07.12.20

I'm just thinking about putting in iridium candles ... simple or sport ?! =)

Abe 07.12.20

This is bullshit, I think it's worth raising the issue of spark plugs and the type of fuel used! :)))

aka-mazai 07.12.20


Note's that there is a comparison of HKS, the so-called wet type. They, in turn, are not filters for civilian use and are mainly used for various sports-related events. Even in the manufacturer's recommendations, the replacement period is from 1 to 3 months or 2000-4000 km. So the test is very biased!

yes, there is a whole polemic ... it's not for nothing that I raised this question =)

Abe 07.12.20


I do not pretend to be the final authority and will not argue. And based on various data, I have already made my choice. When the engine begins to grow rich due to the fact that the oil impregnation, absorbing the dirt, clogs the air passage, I already felt it. Did you breathe in a gas mask? That's about the same :) You are also right, and I am pleased to communicate with a competent person.

I am very glad that in our discussion we managed to come to a consensus and each made a choice that he considers correct.

aka-mazai 07.12.20

What choice is that ?! I'm already confused ... we choose from dry

Lenich 07.12.20

I do not pretend to be the final authority and will not argue. And based on various data, I have already made my choice. When the engine begins to grow rich due to the fact that the oil impregnation, absorbing the dirt, clogs the air passage, I already felt it. Did you breathe in a gas mask? That's about the same :) You are also right, and I am pleased to communicate with a competent person.

Abe 07.12.20

Naturally, no one will write this (cars drive without a filter at all)) And then to the point, just for a racing or semi-sports car!
Oil ... as you know, any liquid-oil tends to dry out under certain conditions! This device operates on the principle of a drive cartridge, unlike cardboard counterparts in which most of the dirt sticks on top.
And, in order not to be too unfounded, I'll get better, the manufacturer recommends replacing the wet element every 3-6 thousand km. Dry type, much more practical, since there is a layer that retains fine particles. But do not forget that it tends to fill up and at one fine moment, the engine starts to eat the mud-air mixture!
The fact that I am citing the figures is a little underestimated, it is quite understandable, there are so-called ideal conditions in which tests are often carried out, and there are real ones, in different parameters departing from ideal calculations and conditions!

Lenich 07.12.20

I was waiting for this, about the fact that the filter is wet type, etc. Only alas, neither on the official website nor in the instructions for the filter, the fact that it is supposedly intended for cars and is not used for everyday life, not a word about this. If we talk this way, then in fact the Federal Tax Service as such is a part for a racing car.
Quote "These filters use a special oil to prevent dirt particles from entering the multi-layer polyurethane filter ... The filter element is changed every 10,000 miles." I have not met a recommendation about 2-4 thousand ...

Abe 07.12.20

Note's that there is a comparison of HKS, the so-called wet type. They, in turn, are not filters for civilian use and are mainly used for various sports-related events. Even in the manufacturer's recommendations, the replacement period is from 1 to 3 months or 2000-4000 km. So the test is very biased!

Lenich 07.12.20

Guys, read at your leisure, I, too, will not argue unfounded. Into the furnace, not into the furnace ... Take a look at the cleansing abilities of Arechs and the same HKS. Comments are superfluous. www.mkiv.com/techarticles/filters_test/2/

PS By the way, the materials are the same as for filters in a regular place.

ankind 07.12.20

against Apexi, of course, I have nothing, since it is he himself, but in this case I think it is worth installing HKS, since I had experience with both companies

Lenich 07.12.20

And here's another question, who said that HSC was in the furnace of Arekha. What do you base your position on?

aka-mazai 07.12.20


augmented 07.12.20

Interesting discussion! after all, it is in the discussion that the truth is born :) I would like to say something, but there is no experience in using such devices. I will wait for the truth :)

aka-mazai 07.12.20

by the amount of money ... and these filters are better =)

augmented 07.12.20

Seryoga, if you find where the "cold inlet" for 1zz is on sale, let me know. :) let's think about it. ;) maybe not 2 hp, but as much as 3 hp :)))

yakov 07.12.20

here I am back :) :)
thanks for mentioning me;)
for some reason I tend to apex ...

aka-mazai 07.12.20

k KN I feel good… only we are from Siberia =) Japan is closer to us… that's why we prefer Japanese tuning to a Japanese car! A cold intake is probably too much for me… at the moment! I will not modify the engine first of all ...
TRD is expensive, difficult to get, but bitch works =)

Getfox 07.12.20

K&N or TRD. Knes are used by friends JDR (Mazda3), Xima (Eclipse), Ytka (Levin), Rakish (Camry) and quite a few people. They are all on Drive. We even buy rinsing for the crowd;) No one has ever presented any claims for 2 years of use.

aka-mazai 07.12.20

with a volume of 1.8 =) there are the same 190 forces from 1.8 ... about 7 seconds to 100

lyaline 07.12.20

not bad, not bad =)

aka-mazai 07.12.20

140 hp 1140kg

lyaline 07.12.20

how much power is it now? and what is the weight of the car?

aka-mazai 07.12.20

Atmospheric Toyota! Is the supply of fuel with air only on the turbo regulated ?! =)
Toyota strangled the engine from the factory to the "maximum" resource. This collar has been removed ...
In general, the engine power is still sufficient, so the main emphasis is on other parts, brakes, handling

lyaline 07.12.20

the effect is verified, I do not argue, of course! how do you plan to change the engine program? you have aspirated?

aka-mazai 07.12.20

I need a filter for other alterations! after all, on exhalation in the ending, relief ... + changed engine program! And for this business I need a normal "breath"
And the effect has already been tested on other machines!

lyaline 07.12.20

I, of course, apologize, but why do you need a filter? all the same will not give a tangible difference!

aka-mazai 07.12.20

Moscow was not built in a day…

lyaline 07.12.20

I, of course, apologize, but why do you need a filter? all the same will not give a tangible difference!

aka-mazai 07.12.20

the manufacturer promised it =) not me.
It is clear that the issue is still being resolved on zero, otherwise something is not going to be bought cheap yet.
YES, I’m unlikely to be permanently =) I’m going to race and so… I plan to use it on the track. It is clear that there will not be much growth. It just spins better at high revs

Yes, I know that real racers don’t drive in vain ... I haven’t quite grown up yet =) I was driving today and enjoyed a leisurely ride ...

Zonda93RUS 07.12.20

because of one can +3 hp - doubtful.
Anyone, even the best nudevik (the same Apexi Power Intake or K&N cleans significantly worse) Is ready to sacrifice a resource for half HP ?! especially on such a motor ...

Real city racers drive by the rules ... almost

I even decided to leave the regular filter on Cleo.

aka-mazai 07.12.20

that's the point ... The brains of the kid were straightened for a faster ride, and the muffler seemed to be sporty (+ 3 HP promised by the manufacturer)! The catalyst can be gutted according to the competent ...
I also don’t like zeroes. BUT the fungi just suck from the entire engine compartment, they suck the dirt ... and these from the regular fence from under the headlights (cool enough clean air)
Burnt racers for the city and then choose the regular one, it loses to fungi quite a bit. Reviews on my engines are positive at high speeds

Zonda93RUS 07.12.20

My personal opinion ... Nulevik is a harmful and useless thing. He cleans worse than a regular one, and the increase is doubtful, especially "in a regular place."

If we put it, then we need to do other "breathing" exercises - release, head, etc.

yakov 07.12.20

if you haven't bought it yet, take the Apexi better ... or even better cone type :) ~ 2500r + make an adapter.
but in winter, and even more so in spring, it is not needed nafig)

I've already tried to explain it to you on VK :) :)

aka-mazai 07.12.20

in the standard it loses quite a bit to the cone ... but there is no need to be wise (heat screen and everything else) I
am inclined towards the apex

somebody 07.12.20

if you haven't bought it yet, take the Apexi better ... or even better cone type :) ~ 2500r + make an adapter.
but in winter, and even more so in spring, it is not needed nafig)

aka-mazai 07.12.20

thanks! We decided that we will take the apexi ... 1900 piece will turn out!
Ashks, then this one is also dry, it can be washed in water ... Apexi is blown through with a compressor ?! Once every five thousand ?!

rav4eg 07.12.20

I have not mastered reading the posts, but I will say that you should not take ASHKoES in any case! they have shitty indicators themselves. they put all the shit in the motor.
Apexi is the best of its kind, plus it's dry. blew it all.
my advice to you. take apexy

rav4eg 07.12.20

blown as it gets dirty :)
and ashks parolonovy he seems to have his own grease.
in short apexy and that's it :)

aka-mazai 07.12.20

hmm = (I’m then measured and there is an increase at the stand ... the more unoriginal. If I had said the original (at 1800 apiece), I would still believe that there would be no difference ... although this has a longer service life! TRD by the way are considered the best filters to a regular place, but because of the price I don't even think about it

Konstantinov 07.12.20

I had zero TRD, the price was 4500,
I did not feel the difference with the usual non-original ... I
cut off the acceleration to 100, the best time was not with TRD ...

aka-mazai 07.12.20

I also promised to bring some for 1500 ... from the auction =) but then Che was blown away! so here is a proven supplier 1900 (for reliability it is worth reloading)

tim-38 07.12.20

we have a good store :) and at the bottom of the store - roughly speaking, a workshop :) generally well done guys.

aka-mazai 07.12.20

Clear! Thank you for finding out ...
but what kind of office is this ?!

tim-38 07.12.20


interesting =) and how much does it cost ?! otherwise we will order from japan

not available. to order three weeks and one and a half thousand rubles :)

tim-38 07.12.20

aaa, well, I will find out today :) and is there

aka-mazai 07.12.20

interesting =) and how much does it cost ?! otherwise we will order from japan

tim-38 07.12.20

and we have such on free sale :) nuts :)

aka-mazai 07.12.20

well, it's tempting;)

tim-38 07.12.20

perhaps, but we have it here for us too :)

aka-mazai 07.12.20

nada to watch! injapan.ru

Pancher 07.12.20

And on Mazda there are similar filters;)

aka-mazai 07.12.20

information accepted =)

ssemikhov 07.12.20

Advertising is prohibited here;))

aka-mazai 07.12.20

yes it is understandable =) such a colossus ...
I've already brought in 20 thousand from there, not only my own, mostly supposedly original Toyota parts =) actually the emirates, but the quality suits me, we have spare parts in bulk in the city ... it's more convenient through them, I choose only proven ones from analogues!
I didn't pick it up from the documents!
And what kind of company you have ?!

ssemikhov 07.12.20

Exist from our warehouse buys some filters (and not only), current tsssssssss;) With Exist, be careful; they have a lot of jambs (in terms of selecting spare parts according to documents) + a lot of lies, for example Nipparts / Jakoparts - written as Germany - although clean water China)) Ashika (pads) were written as Japan, natural (wildly smelly) China))

PS I have no idea what Nipparts is, it is the same thing as Nipparts / Jakoparts. The first is a packer, the second is stamping, it is not clear in which Chinese gateway.

PPS From my experience I will say: I had my first MOT on a Land Rover, and I decided to see what kind of oil there was. the filter is worth it. I decided to order the cheapest one on Exist and pick up a similar one among the Japanese in our warehouse. Mr. MANN came and that was not the same (I don’t know how they looked). I had to take it from the officials for 900r. insert.

PPPS Unfortunately, Land Rover filters do not overlap with Japanese filters.

aka-mazai 07.12.20

I am aware of the filters;)
I sold the spare parts myself ... I take 200 rubles inexpensive from existential, I tried all sorts of different =) I just change them often.
And I already took Apexi! In the summer we will check the bullshit or not ... on the existential basis the original filter costs 1600

ssemikhov 07.12.20

If you want a good filter, take Vic, as well as the Singaporean Shinko - in principle, it will do for the air, the only density of the filter element is slightly less. If you need infa on filters, write in a personal. Initially, you had 99.9% Vic, as well as oil, 99.9% Vic, Toyota itself does not produce filters, but buys Vic and puts it in its packaging. 2000 RUR - for the HKS filter - this is nonsense, so much a KOYO / NSK or MRK wheel bearing on your car is not worth it. Even a charcoal salon does not cost more than 2000 rubles. The Japanese clearly regulate the replacement of air filters: every 15000 km. - How long is the HKS service life? I am sure that the same 15000 km. - the dirt will also fly on it and it must also be saturated with oil so that all the g is collected in kamki and this g is an additional filter.

aka-mazai 07.12.20

then I made the right choice;) let's try ...

somebody 07.12.20

A'PEXi drives, nKs vacuum cleaner, paralon fungi - the least resistance to air, respectively, more air is supplied, but how rightly someone noticed with the air only sparrows and stones do not fly ... Motor will not start up, let it be hammered.
In general, in a regular place I think the right decision, due to the bends and the design of the filter box, not a little "G" settles before reaching the filter, unlike straight zeros ...
I have also been thinking in this right direction for a long time, in the summer I will also buy, with elements of homemade cold combined inlet, and enough dough, then additional heat sink and carbon hood :)
Respect for the raised topic!