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Bicycle rack - Toyota Corolla, 1.6L, 2008

Bicycle rack - Toyota Corolla 16L 2008

Before COROLL, there was an AVENSIS station wagon and there were no problems with the transportation of such bulky goods as a bicycle.
For this car, I purchased cross-rails and a trunk for a bicycle.
Assembled and dismantled in 5 minutes. There is no difficulty in installing the bike. High speed up to 150 km / h, but fuel consumption is directly proportional.

Bicycle rack - Toyota Corolla 16L 2008 Price tag: 9,000 ₽ Mileage: 30,000 km
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DPozdnyakov 07.12.20

I picked it up from the store on AVENSE, which was driven from Germany. I made a present for my birthday!

ilya-mark2 07.12.20

Pomoyma you have not yet led.

DPozdnyakov 07.12.20

No, bought in a specialty store

somebody 07.12.20

Great car! Tell me, please, did you purchase a rack and bike rack from a dealer?

DPozdnyakov 07.12.20


AHTIP 07.12.20

It's great to take your bike with you!

Only I was too tall to jump on the roof, I chose another option :)
about the same cost.

Abit1976 07.12.20

As I understand it, this is PZ403-E3616-GA full-time Toyota. Is there a lot of driving noise? And the bike carrier is native or from Thule. I want to get something similar.