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rear brake pads replacement - Toyota Celica, 2.0 L, 1996

rear brake pads replacement - Toyota Celica 20 L 1996

in 205 brakes, everything is done for the sake of simplicity of replacing these very wearing gaskets)
replacement should be done in 10-15 minutes, because this process consists of.
1. Remove the wheel
2. Remove the travel stop and remove the 2 pins
3. remove the pads by pushing cylinders and replace the pads

there is a story about this - when I was just starting the practice of communicating with self-propelled wheelchairs (vaz2108)
, a friend came to me with the intention of changing these very brake pads.
it was in the summer and it was decided to replace it right next to the house, and since it was getting dark, we stood under the light near the house and started.
I don't remember what they smoked then, but my friend refused to remove the wheel.

that is, he unscrewed the studs and the wheel continues to hang. black magic and nothing more. it turned out that not all the pins were unscrewed.

replacing the pads, it was decided to grind them in and for this to take a ride with repeated braking.

but something did not like the behavior of the car.
- does not grasp - comrade complains.
- have not got used to it yet - I declare authoritatively.

15 minutes later they began to repeat the operation - they removed the wheel and passers-by heard laughter.

I do not know what kind of sawdust then thought for us in the head. - but the pads stood with their backs to the discs (clutches to the pistons). and we tried unsuccessfully to grind them to the disks. (this story always pops up when a friend starts to get smart)

so -
4. put on the wheel and a couple of times pressing the brake pedal to leave happy.
I replaced the front pads on my own in the summer at the dacha., the rear ones said that they could not do without a lift.

and then came deep autumn and it's time to replace the rear brakes.
there was a hitch at point 2. hairpins rested and resisted -3 hours. they were only drilled out.
these little infections refused to come out differently.
now I have new stainless steel studs - hand made by turner Vasya.

Thanks for attention .

rear brake pads replacement - Toyota Celica 20 L 1996 Price tag: 1 ₽ Mileage: 166 696 km
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