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Lighting of the bottom! AT LAST! - Toyota Cresta, 2.5 L, 1997

Lighting of the bottom  AT LAST  - Toyota Cresta 25 L 1997

Finally, I fulfilled a very long-standing desire and still put on the backlight. Thanks to the person under the nickname AVP-Ufa from this site, for saying where it was fashionable to buy this backlight. I searched the Internet for a very long time, but either the size did not fit, or the price did not suit ... in general, after periodic searches, this miracle was found. In general what was ordered: RTW-5000P 12V RGB tape (5060, 150 LED), 5 meters long, and ARF16B color controller (12 / 24V, 180 / 360W, RF-DU 16kn). all this cost 3800. plus delivery from Moscow 300 rubles. further on were purchased wires, corrugations, fastening clamps, a corner from the Armstrong ceilings and other small things. the installation was not as easy as I thought. and it was all about the wires. bought a telephone wire for 4 wires. the problem was that the wires are quite fragile, and after wrapping them with isolate and installing them in a corner, after a lot of bending back and forth, one of the wires could break off at the place of the solder. in the end, after 3-4 times of soldering, reworking, which took a lot of time, because after installation, already thinking that everything was done normally, already leaving the garage, you notice, FUCK, again one color does not burn. in the end I decided to give up on the whole thing, and look for new, more durable wires, so that at the same time they could easily fit into the corrugation. in the end it was decided to take a cable similar to the one that connects to a hard drive or sd-rom in a computer. this time I made the right decision, but a new problem appeared. the wires were poorly soldered to the diode tape. for this I used acid for the solder. everything was well soldered. only this acid turned out to be a conductor and staying between the contacts, closed them. by the end, all the wires were soldered into place, each contact was isolated separately from each other, everything was wrapped with electrical tape, shrinked and everything was set in place. there are no pictures of the last, finishing installation, since there was no time for this and there was a desire to put everything in place. it was all powered by a cigarette lighter, and a color control unit was placed under the passenger seat.

Lighting of the bottom  AT LAST  - Toyota Cresta 25 L 1997Lighting of the bottom  AT LAST  - Toyota Cresta 25 L 1997Lighting of the bottom  AT LAST  - Toyota Cresta 25 L 1997Lighting of the bottom  AT LAST  - Toyota Cresta 25 L 1997Lighting of the bottom  AT LAST  - Toyota Cresta 25 L 1997Lighting of the bottom  AT LAST  - Toyota Cresta 25 L 1997Lighting of the bottom  AT LAST  - Toyota Cresta 25 L 1997Lighting of the bottom  AT LAST  - Toyota Cresta 25 L 1997Lighting of the bottom  AT LAST  - Toyota Cresta 25 L 1997Lighting of the bottom  AT LAST  - Toyota Cresta 25 L 1997Lighting of the bottom  AT LAST  - Toyota Cresta 25 L 1997Lighting of the bottom  AT LAST  - Toyota Cresta 25 L 1997Lighting of the bottom  AT LAST  - Toyota Cresta 25 L 1997Lighting of the bottom  AT LAST  - Toyota Cresta 25 L 1997Lighting of the bottom  AT LAST  - Toyota Cresta 25 L 1997Lighting of the bottom  AT LAST  - Toyota Cresta 25 L 1997Lighting of the bottom  AT LAST  - Toyota Cresta 25 L 1997 Price tag: 5,000 ₽ Mileage: 148,800 km
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Petya-LancerX 08.12.20

Keep five. It turned out beautifully.
Unbelievable that only five meters of LEDs were needed to shine amazingly.

JohnniConnor 08.12.20

Well done! Looks good! five!

romank26 08.12.20

thanks. I'm glad myself :)

crestofor 08.12.20

Even I also fired up to do so. can you help if I decide?

123m321 08.12.20

indescribable beauty ... =)
how many colors? eight?
Pyatak definitely)))

123m321 08.12.20

Thank you for the detailed story =) I read carefully and thoughtfully, remembering ... =) hehe)) I laugh at myself ... very beautiful, there will be extra pennies, I also want ... but I can't myself, an electrician is not mine at all (I can poke around in the motor , but everything related to the current ... (

romank26 08.12.20

thanks :) yes, 8 colors, plus a blinking mode, and buttons for controlling the brightness and blinking intensity.

sap596s 08.12.20

Awesome, superb, great.

sap596s 08.12.20

And in the spring, when there will be dirt, how will you wash the tape? In the summer? It's raining, it's dirty.

romank26 08.12.20

thanks :) the tape itself is packed in a sealed rubber tube and it is not a problem to wipe it. if it becomes very dirty, you will have to wipe it off with a cloth. spend half a minute a day on this :) but in general, time will tell :)

Mihey 08.12.20

Well done!
It turned out inexpensively in principle! And how beautiful it became!
Good luck!

romank26 08.12.20

thanks. right, really came out inexpensively. long wanted to highlight the bottom, but did not think it would come out so cheaply and effectively.

antonio-banderes 08.12.20

Cool ... I also have such a block ... it was burned out due to the fault of my brother ... only the radio remote control was effective for 15 meters ... and you already had a tape in the shell?

romank26 08.12.20

how did it burn out? the tape was originally in a transparent plastic tube.

sidok34kss 08.12.20

dude, just super! I'm in shock! handsome

Skared 08.12.20


krrrrrrrrrrrrux 08.12.20

traffic police do not bother?

somebody 08.12.20

Hello! Tell me where you ordered the tape and the controller? So for the general development ... By the way it looks cool ...

PorscheMD 08.12.20

on the snow SPIRL how it looks! even on a smooth wet asvalt try to take a picture so it will be EFFECTIVE! )

romank26 08.12.20

Comment has been deleted

do you call this affordable prices? 650r for RGB? Well, how would I go today to pick up a waterproof tape RGB, 60 pcs / m for 340 rubles / m. to her control unit for 200r, which you have worth 500. how do you like these prices?

Barzak 08.12.20

Looks cool! respect!