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Year 2006 - tuning in full swing - Toyota Land Cruiser, 4.2 L, 1997

2006 began with an absolutely mandatory for all new owners of any used car, but as it turned out later, it was absolutely unnecessary and alien stage.
The entire interior was disassembled, stripped, and again pasted over with a desshumka:

Year 2006 - tuning in full swing - Toyota Land Cruiser 42 L 1997

Upgraded the acoustics

Year 2006 - tuning in full swing - Toyota Land Cruiser 42 L 1997

There is a multiplayer with a TV, a rear view camera, ... in general, everything is like everyone else.

In March, my overseas turbine sailed and, along with the snorkel and the protection of the front fenders, settled in the car. Increased power results were carefully measured on a dynamometer

Year 2006 - tuning in full swing - Toyota Land Cruiser 42 L 1997

I will say right away: then I never regretted this upgrade. Power and dynamics were combined with the high torque and low speed of the 1HZ diesel engine.
In April, my Cruiser started looking like this:

Year 2006 - tuning in full swing - Toyota Land Cruiser 42 L 1997
Year 2006 - tuning in full swing - Toyota Land Cruiser 42 L 1997

No sooner had I rolled over to the new changes, when another device came: the rear bumper. Moreover, it was a new design EPIRB bumper, no one has ever seen this.

Year 2006 - tuning in full swing - Toyota Land Cruiser 42 L 1997
Year 2006 - tuning in full swing - Toyota Land Cruiser 42 L 1997

After his registration in the rear overhang, the car began to slowly and reluctantly twist into a turn, smoothly swim the road dolphins, noticeably lazy when braking and became very much liked by annoying taxi drivers and minibuses.

Year 2006 - tuning in full swing - Toyota Land Cruiser 42 L 1997
Year 2006 - tuning in full swing - Toyota Land Cruiser 42 L 1997

Less than a month was left before meeting a new destiny ...

Year 2006 - tuning in full swing - Toyota Land Cruiser 42 L 1997
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Odissey4x4 08.12.20

About 200 l / s

najk 08.12.20

A fun car! So what is the end result?

Odissey4x4 08.12.20

This is a perfectly fair question. Just the workshop where this operation was done, the European champions in Autosound. Otherwise they do not succeed. Only this became completely unimportant in further operation.

TImmydbdrag 08.12.20

and why such vibration isolation? Are you really going to a car sound competition?

muzolya 08.12.20

:) Wow colleague, you are a maniac ... 12 photos are not enough :)

Well then, let's not rush ... We just wait in silence ...

Odissey4x4 08.12.20

Here the second half of 2006 must be mastered. 12 photos for one entry is not enough.

muzolya 08.12.20

Nothing happens in vain! Everything that is not done is done for the better ...

I follow the BZ! Class ...

Come on 2007 ... 2008 ... Well, 2009, we see it like that :)

kornil-off 08.12.20


Safari turbo kit was installed.

Is the capital shining on the noise?

kornil-off 08.12.20

And so I want)) But thanks for the hint.

Odissey4x4 08.12.20

But on such a run, can he put a turbine on figs?
And if you put it, then already with complete disassembly and at the same time you can look at the CPG.

kornil-off 08.12.20

Connoisseurs! Attention question!))))) I have a mileage of 600,000+, the engine is like a watch. Will it be necessary to change the pistons or unclench the engine to lower the compression ratio for the turbine.

Odissey4x4 08.12.20

I did not understand the question

kornil-off 08.12.20

what changes were there in the motor?

Odissey4x4 08.12.20

Safari turbo kit was installed.

kornil-off 08.12.20

Could you tell us more about turbocharging? what and how?

Odissey4x4 08.12.20

What I remember now: 11 liters at 100 km / h, and 13 liters at 130 km / h

DosPrados 08.12.20

200 horses is certainly very good, but how much has the fuel consumption increased?