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Lucky ... - Toyota RAV4, 2.4 L, 2004

Lucky  - Toyota RAV4 24 L 2004

I almost "played in a box" in my own car, or rather did not go under the water ... immediately deep, hung on my belly, and thank God it did not slip. got off with a fright (not weak) and replacing signals.

Lucky  - Toyota RAV4 24 L 2004Lucky  - Toyota RAV4 24 L 2004
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SteelFox 09.12.20

under the snow - ice, slope. I was coasting, starting to slow down a little late in the morning, rolling.

MEHTbI 09.12.20

Whoa! How did it happen?

SteelFox 09.12.20


Detro 09.12.20

Happy Birthday!

stemer 09.12.20

tin, and in general I remembered once again that this jeep is such a machine that will get stuck where others will not reach.

1983-CAHEK 09.12.20

yeah, try not to panic here ...

SteelFox 09.12.20

well, yes ... well, there is also a hatch I have)) you can use it too ... but in this situation, the main thing is to be in adequate consciousness!) and then you may be lucky.

1983-CAHEK 09.12.20

and you don't need to open the doors, you need windows and when the car is full then break the lobovuzh and emerge ...

SteelFox 09.12.20

Yes, not that word is a pity, but I would not have to regret it anymore, when the car goes under water, the possibility of getting out is very small - the doors do not open! only when it sinks to the bottom and the car is filled with water ... but at 0 degrees ... they usually do not survive.

1983-CAHEK 09.12.20

my adrenaline would start to drain into my shoes :) not for myself but for a typewriter, although she is insured ... but it's a pity.

SteelFox 09.12.20

no, I didn't have time ... 3 hours I stayed there ... ran to the holiday village looking for a car, then a cable, a shovel ... well, when they pulled it out, there was a small build-up of ice in the place where the car was in the water.

unusual-suspect 09.12.20

lucky, you can go to light a candle)
and the car also managed to freeze into the ice? o.o


Low beam - automatic?
What pulled out?

SteelFox 09.12.20

not not automatic, here only the PTF shine only with the neighbor, and that's it. on the dimensions, and with the far one they do not work ((((dragged the LK200. on summer tires, and with a jerk.