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3G lenses installed - Toyota Corona, 2.0L, 1994

I ordered 3 lenses. Why? They are larger than 1g, the larger the lens, the more light. Although, in fact, beauty still won, the large lens in the crown headlamp looks delightful)

3G lenses installed - Toyota Corona 20L 1994
The box is full of atstoy, the HID packer makes it from recycled waste, probably, it already crumbles in hands. The first lenses I had were from Ollo, nicely packaged, but not so cost-effective ... for example, it is known for certain that both HID and Ollo are located in the same area of ​​a little-known Chinese province, and delivery to the transport company from Ollo is almost 2 times more expensive ... Something tells the box has a direct meaning for this)
Let's go back to the lenses themselves.
3G lenses installed - Toyota Corona 20L 1994
Below are the exact sizes of 1g and 3g lenses.
Whether they stand up to you or not, I don't know in my heart, measure it yourself)
3G lenses installed - Toyota Corona 20L 1994


3G lenses installed - Toyota Corona 20L 1994

They removed 1g, put it next to 3g. Here's what happened:

3G lenses installed - Toyota Corona 20L 1994
They started to play.
Immediately faced with a problem - it is necessary to somehow push the wires of the seven-color backlight on the outer side of the lens. We decided to tear apart the dimensions. One quickly turned out, but the second ... 40 minutes were killed on him, proving once again that strength is not necessary)
3G lenses installed - Toyota Corona 20L 1994
Subsequently, it turned out that in the size it was possible to jerk only one hole, the second was not useful ...
Then we solder the contacts from the backlight ring itself in order to stick it into the headlight and then solder it again.
3G lenses installed - Toyota Corona 20L 1994
And then it turns out that this fucking ring is scratching the reflector a lot. We did not have time to scribble a lot, noticing this moment in time. I had to solder holding everything in my hands and not breathing. As a result, the hemorrhage itself ended.
3G lenses installed - Toyota Corona 20L 1994
Next, we fix the lens, put the glass, connect it and bring home to sleep, because the assembly process ended at 3 am, at 8 I had to go to work, so there were no further photos.
The same lenses, but without illumination, were put by the Omsk teammate, honestly I steal a couple of photos of ready-made headlights from him.
3G lenses installed - Toyota Corona 20L 1994
3G lenses installed - Toyota Corona 20L 1994
Was it worth switching from 1g to 3g?
For me, yes. The contrast is higher, the curb and the appearance are better seen. The far one is still not the best, although in general it is very good.
I will add photos later.

PS: thank you owl and kasper for your help)

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TemaNsk 09.12.20

well done, in detail and intelligibly))

nickonov 09.12.20

with 3G lenses and the Internet should work faster ...)

Missory 09.12.20

Oh thank you. Are they very different from the standard ones?

Uber-teen 09.12.20

No, lenses need an airtight housing.
But you can put tumanki hella micro de and not steam)

Missory 09.12.20

listen, is it worth putting such things instead of tumanoks?

Missory 09.12.20

I haven't gone yet. I have tilt adjustment.
I will set up before leaving.

Uber-teen 09.12.20

Does the oncoming lane move to the side of the road?)

Missory 09.12.20


In fact, the main thing is that it has a guarantee)
If it works for six months, then it will continue to work, otherwise I had the very first xenon on the way from Krasnoyarsk and I was driving along the highway on tumanki)

Well, I installed xenon))
We will test

Missory 09.12.20

Agreed with our Mr. Killer that I will buy from him)

Uber-teen 09.12.20

In fact, the main thing is that it has a guarantee)
If it works for six months, then it will continue to work, otherwise I had the very first xenon on the way from Krasnoyarsk and I was driving along the highway on tumanki)

Missory 09.12.20

What xenon can you advise in tumanki?
Firm, manufacturer and where to buy in NSK?

Uber-teen 09.12.20

Fogs should be close to the ground to illuminate the near and side areas.
Then the headlights come into play.

Missory 09.12.20

Seryoga, on the same Jew, put himself xenon in tumanki, but I still can't see how they compare. I thought about this, but it seems to me that the road will be illuminated badly, i.e. the light source is positioned low to the ground.

Uber-teen 09.12.20

From my staff, yes, from yours, not very)
They are also lens and you can stick xenon in there, you will see everything and not blind the oncoming lane.

Uber-teen 09.12.20

There is a very complicated counting system, in general, they say 7500)

PiT-VL 09.12.20

How much money did you give?

Uber-teen 09.12.20

The headlight in the photo is crystal. If there is a reflector, it must be removed by polishing.
There is no proofreader yet, I'm looking.

Romzez 09.12.20

Well done. It was nice to read! And the headlight itself with a reflector? Is it possible to control the position of the headlights from the cabin?))

Romzez 09.12.20

I'm just wildly interested in how the presence of a corrector complicates the installation of the lens)))

SCORPION86 09.12.20

Gorgeous photo report! I would also like to compare in practice 3G. Since I now have 1G, but I heard about the 3rd generation, but I have not seen, there is a photo of light and dimensions ?!

imba 09.12.20

And please tell me how much money it costs and where to order, so that there are fewer intermediaries ... Thank you in advance.

Mazdatiy 09.12.20

looks great! I ordered myself a 5G generation with a demon eye

BlackBaller 09.12.20

Ahh! Finally cool!

Uber-teen 09.12.20

From xenon? To melt? I strongly doubt it.

Tima59 09.12.20

They say that their reflector can melt over time. Wasn't it?

Uber-teen 09.12.20

All the buzz, 1 tighten the current it is necessary more feasibly, for a bit loose.
Overall, I am very satisfied.

skalnik 09.12.20

Well, how do lenses behave this time? jambs were not found?

ra0cfm 09.12.20

Hi, the last two pictures are mine -)) oh, how long has it been! The lenses were fire! The car is really sold long ago, has already changed a couple of owners! Good luck!