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The first minus the reliability of the Corolla - Toyota Corolla, 1.6 liter, 2008

The first minus the reliability of the Corolla - Toyota Corolla 16 liter 2008

The temperature overboard is -3, sleet, there is terrible slush on the road, and the headlight washer turned out to be working flatly, one washer simply left and did not return to its original place, and the second did not deign to fulfill its task at all ...
Although high-quality liquid calculated at -20, and the dealer tells me that this is not a breakdown, but we have to wait for it to get warmer = /
Here I wonder if the Corolla's proven reliability and reliability, in particular its options, are not designed to work at sub-zero temperatures ?!

Mileage: 15 260 km
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Autopolicemen 09.12.20

Well, yes, a nuisance, after all!

denis300 09.12.20

Yes, an unpleasant thing happened, the liquid froze, this is nonsense, but that the nozzle did not return to its original state, it is already mechanical and electrical glitches

Autopolicemen 09.12.20

well, yes, reassuring yourself that there is an option, but it does not work, is also not an option)

alhazzz 09.12.20


I read somewhere that it is better not to use headlight washers on the new Camry, otherwise they will break down very quickly, and regardless of the temperature. Apparently this is the weak point of some Toyota =) The design is flimsy, so it could not withstand a slight frost)

and if you do not use it, then rejoice that it works but can not be turned on? idiocy turns out

Autopolicemen 09.12.20

I would like to)

gt-r13 09.12.20

Most likely it will warm up and return to its place)

Autopolicemen 09.12.20

Thank you for the feedback, well, since it breaks down, the dealer will have to replace or repair under warranty)

gt-r13 09.12.20

I read somewhere that it is better not to use headlight washers on the new Camry, otherwise they will break down very quickly, and regardless of the temperature. Apparently this is the weak point of some Toyota =) The design is flimsy, so it could not withstand a slight frost)

bikosan 09.12.20

should in principle change the OD

Autopolicemen 09.12.20

WD tried to fix it, nothing happened (

bikosan 09.12.20

I had such a jamb, the right actuator broke ... OD-ry changed ... now the same problem with the left one ... I'll go to the next MOT and see what they say ... for many it breaks (try to spray with a VD-shkoy)

Autopolicemen 09.12.20

Thank you, Roman, for the advice

RomanSochi 09.12.20

Even as far as I've heard these things are reclined not by electronics, but by the pressure of the water created by the pump. I haven’t jammed anything yet, but I’ve come across the fact that when the liquid level is low, the pump works, but the liquid apparently doesn’t draw well, so it dripped under the bumper and this crap didn’t lean back. Kirdyk thought, but he added water and it all worked. Perhaps some springs are outlived so they don't come back. I pulled this curtain with my hand, after which it would fold back itself.

G3K 09.12.20

OD had the same garbage ... they said for a replacement, that's all to call in to change there is no time

Autopolicemen 09.12.20

So I, too, do not find time yet to call in to the OD and issue a warranty replacement

Dimon121 09.12.20

There was such a machine, too, on the right side of the washer seized in winter! I came to the dealers, as luck would have it!

Autopolicemen 09.12.20

it happens, apparently in Japan they don't think that there are real frosts in Russia)

Darius-ptz 09.12.20

it was like that too ... then they don't open and do not splash ... then they don't go back ... and then they froze on the front nozzle ... I had to wipe it off by hand

Autopolicemen 09.12.20

Already thawed out, stood in the garage and worked as it should)

Lennon 09.12.20

I often saw such "unclosed" ones)) It's hard for cars in our conditions (
Nothing, it will thaw;)

Autopolicemen 09.12.20

Well, this must be fought, since a new car has been purchased, let the dealer fix it)

JonWhite 09.12.20

I almost always have a washer on the right side in any weather, either winter or summer.

Autopolicemen 09.12.20

Thank you for the advice and for your own comfort)

alkatras 09.12.20

Don't be alarmed! In frost -27 omyvayki tried to leave but failed! I drove to the sink to wash and after a few minutes they left and began to work as it should + lobovuhi washers began to work! So take into account the fact that any non-freezing even on which it says "-30" (I had one that was flooded) turns into jelly and then you really want it or not, but it will not splash either on the windshield or on the headlights!

Zhdan 09.12.20

malalalade ...

Autopolicemen 09.12.20

Yes, yes, yes, I already understood that)

Zhdan 09.12.20

Well, this is a known problem for all models, even for the LC 200

Autopolicemen 09.12.20

Also an option)

alkatras 09.12.20

There is only one way out! put a heated washer reservoir!

somebody 09.12.20

yes well, should be calculated. in japan colder -3 happens. there are, of course, machines designed for operation in northern Japan, they are more stable in the factory. not personally verified information, but heard from several. And so, in principle, this is a trifle, the reliability of the JDM king (right-hand drive, made in Japan) is beyond praise.

Autopolicemen 09.12.20

That's for sure! =)

starikos 09.12.20

This method often helps. Moreover, after assembly, they often cannot say what the reason was.

Autopolicemen 09.12.20

It's good that they replaced you, but I just developed everything and everything fell into place)

starikos 09.12.20

It's much simpler. I had the same with the right washer. This is a warranty case (at least in Kazan). Replaced. The broken one was taken apart. It turned out that sand, dust, dirt were clogged into the guide and he stopped walking. It was possible to clean it all. But they replaced it. They just bent the side bumper and unscrewed two screws. Replaced and back.

Autopolicemen 09.12.20

Probably sprayed WD), tk. I did the same procedure)

iljab 09.12.20

I also had such a case! I came to the officials - they sprinkled it with some kind of crap, and everything fell into place. Further, I did not observe any failures in work!

iggga 09.12.20

Aha! It was the same))) I cured it just like you)))

Autopolicemen 09.12.20

Yes, absolutely right, the more often you use them, the faster they fail, the Toyota headlight washer system is not thought out ...

somebody 09.12.20

I heard that many have come across this, especially who often use them

Autopolicemen 09.12.20

And I use it periodically, in bad and rainy weather they help)

somebody 09.12.20

I only cut them in once when I bought a car to see how they work, we don't drive on highways almost and we don't drive much =)

rorr 09.12.20

I, too, did not want to work at all! hike at all so! this was the first minus, by the way, they still do not close well (((

Blizzard84 09.12.20

Hello, yes, these are not glitches, just when driving there, dirt gets in and the stock slows down, there is not enough water pressure to go out and there is not enough spring force to return back, just purely practical advice, when you wash the car with a Karcher back in there, field under pressure and you will be happy.

Blizzard84 09.12.20

In general, once a year (after winter) I take off the bumper, remove this mechanism and rinse it in a basin with plain water.

Blizzard84 09.12.20

And it is not necessary to splash VDeshkoy there, only collects more dirt, it is not necessary to use that liquid that is not designed for the use of plastic joints.