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The beginning of the second life - Toyota Land Cruiser, 3.0L, 1978

When we first met, he looked like this:

The beginning of the second life - Toyota Land Cruiser 30L 1978
The beginning of the second life - Toyota Land Cruiser 30L 1978
The beginning of the second life - Toyota Land Cruiser 30L 1978

Outwardly excellent condition, equipment… in the sense that the staffing is almost complete, batteries were inserted and… from the first try the diesel came to life and charmed me, probably forever with its peaceful rumble. However, it was not possible to ride: there were discs, which were rubbed over the fingers of the steering rods. But even without that I have matured. We drank tea with the owner, shook hands, and I left. An hour later, if not for the photo on my phone, I probably would not have believed in my luck.

The first trip was like this:

The beginning of the second life - Toyota Land Cruiser 30L 1978

Land Cruiser climbed onto the platform of the evacuator himself, it seemed he could have done the whole journey himself, but he did not decide not to risk it: first, inspection and replacement of fluids, and then ...

The beginning of the second life - Toyota Land Cruiser 30L 1978

Actually, the inspection confirmed what I expected: perennial rust was hidden behind the outer pre-sale gloss.

The beginning of the second life - Toyota Land Cruiser 30L 1978
The beginning of the second life - Toyota Land Cruiser 30L 1978

At the same time, looking at the body from below, one readily believed in the pre-sale legend, according to which, on a distant Japanese island, this Land Cruiser had been working as a tractor in the port for the last twenty years.

And after driving a few laps on the surrounding gullies, I surpassed my happiness to body restoration work.

The beginning of the second life - Toyota Land Cruiser 30L 1978

I must say that the service did not share my excitement from the car. For them, it was a strange cramps, for which this strange dude wants to dump an insane amount, well, if he wants, let him do it.
The agonizing months of body repair dragged on ...

Stage one: disassembly.
Start: February 2007
End: Not known yet

The beginning of the second life - Toyota Land Cruiser 30L 1978The beginning of the second life - Toyota Land Cruiser 30L 1978The beginning of the second life - Toyota Land Cruiser 30L 1978The beginning of the second life - Toyota Land Cruiser 30L 1978
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vnedorog 11.12.20


The chain of luck and bad luck is long: at first it was lucky that he just survived, then that someone wanted to make money on it by transporting it across the Sea of ​​Japan to Russia, then further, further ... Finally, the previous owner kept him in this garage for more than a year without daring to drastic changes in his life ...
I was lucky that I have friends who found information for me about the likely sale of some rare Land Cruiser ...
And then everything went on as usual.

And in the end he is just handsome :)
Shvaboda all-wheel drive

Odissey4x4 11.12.20

Thanks! I will try!

Katala 11.12.20

Well, then I wish you strength to bring everything as you want,
do not leave your friend now :)

Odissey4x4 11.12.20

Yes, that was lucky. Others went under pressure.

Katala 11.12.20

in any case, you revived him, and did not let him go somewhere in the port!

Odissey4x4 11.12.20

The chain of luck and bad luck is long: at first it was lucky that he just survived, then that someone wanted to make money on it by transporting it across the Sea of ​​Japan to Russia, then further, further ... Finally, the previous owner kept him in this garage for more than a year without daring to drastic changes in his life ...
I was lucky that I have friends who found information for me about the likely sale of some rare Land Cruiser ...
And then everything went on as usual.

Katala 11.12.20

he was just lucky that he fell into your hands!

vnedorog 11.12.20

My safar is also 24. You don't need to carry welding with you. Derzhak, mask, electrodes and more. :)

Woo 11.12.20


vnedorog 11.12.20

It is 24th century.

Woo 11.12.20

Wow, two ukkumulators wah!

otmorozen 11.12.20

We wait!

Odissey4x4 11.12.20

This will be the next story.

otmorozen 11.12.20

Did you get the hard top later? Or was it made?

konokrad 11.12.20

Let's see what happens next =)

BornSlippy 11.12.20

incredible luck that such a handsome man would gather dust in the Ukrainian garage. We look forward to continuing!