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Purchase of spare parts - Toyota Celica, 2.0 L, 1994

In general, before NG, the diagnosis was made in the service - the oil pump is flowing. It is necessary to change it and the timing belt kit. The prices are scrap ... I found where it was adequate, ordered ... I drove to a friend's garage, looked at the car, said no ... This is an oil seal ... Well, in general, I was waiting for details, stuck at customs. Then it turned out that the guys had a problem (although I bought through them several times, everything was ok), and that I had to order in another place ... I ordered it elsewhere through a bunch of nerves, because nowadays people like to run after them ... Details came. She took it ... Sold says - Light, everything is in a package. (I already bought it from him, so ok) I come home, there is no one video ... Twice I went to the car at 1 am with a flashlight, I was looking for it if it fell out ... It turned out that the sold one forgot the video at home. He gave it to me himself later, apologized ... In general, I also bought candles, liquid for power steering,
And eliminate errors 12 and 54 ...

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C4-SC 11.12.20

You are a direct heroine, you should have been born a boy!

denlive 11.12.20

=) Mdaaa ... The prices for spare parts for our machines are not cheap ... I myself only took my car from the service station today, changed the squeeze (buzzed), and changed the forks of 3-4 gears in one (Po crunched). Together with the work, the truncated came to $ 400 ...

LANOSlet 11.12.20

good luck for that Svetik

IgniTioNe 11.12.20

They said it was necessary to replace) so))) It was not we who did not understand each other, but they explain themselves like that) That's why I say that OUR RUSSIA sometimes brings)

m0dem 11.12.20

apparently at the service station you did not understand each other simply) through what can the oil pump flow? in fact only through the oil seal. if the oil pump cover were cracked, the car would no longer run. so they probably said that it was necessary to change the oil seal, and for the company a timing kit. since oil getting on the timing belt can be fraught with the general health of the drummer)

Gotmituns 11.12.20

Well, it's better not to joke with oil matters. It may come out with a completely different budget. I think you yourself know. If we have already climbed there, then it’s not bad to refresh everything that comes with it.
Well, our hucksters are sold, this is a separate topic. Always a lottery ...

TsuraIchi 11.12.20

do you really have no Exist.ru in Moscow? without problems, everything is overwhelmed! and nena norms! there is even a choice of origenal or not the original! .. + can wait and eat in nalichi!

TsuraIchi 11.12.20

go to post mail! you have a branch of 10,000 percent

vasik86 11.12.20

what is it.

IgniTioNe 11.12.20

I can't drain ... I have no drain pipes ...

THE-DIESEL 11.12.20

Apeksi buy a new one better and just change ... Or put the stock ...

IgniTioNe 11.12.20

We looked at everything in the service, but still a check! I'm waiting for the equipment ...

mixa181283 11.12.20

Error 54, it's easy to fix it, just add some liquid to the cooler? If it doesn't help? then check the intercooler pump for performance. you can check it through the reels! but error 12, this is an ass "Crankshaft position sensor" "torment yourself with this :)) if of course the sensor itself is out of order, then this is good! you will get by with a little blood, replacing it with current :))) but find normal specialists who is well versed in our motor.