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Brake light with accelerometer for BMW E36

Continuation of the history of LED-tuning:
Peugeot 307 CC, LED Madness part 2 — Night road test
Peugeot 307 CC, LED Madness

In General, the turn signals on your Pasik I'm in a phase of "crisis genre": incorrect soldering technology, incorrect calculation of distribution of heat and poor power supply has led to the fact that the turn signals didn't even test. And the controller I chose is very comfortable. The idea went on the shelf in search of fixes for these hiccups. But something to take...

Brake light with accelerometer for BMW E36Full size

And since I know how in LEDs — why not experiment on other machines? As we needed turned up a free test on another E36 coupe, so as a gift to a friend decided to raise him with the Central brake light with accelerometer.

Common sense ideas to monitor negative acceleration and flashing different frequencies (from 2 to 8 Hz) refer to the current braking force of the vehicle. Overall looks like "slowing down smoothly — steady on, slowing down a sneaker in a half — blink forest disco."

Brake light with accelerometer for BMW E36Full size
Brake light with accelerometer for BMW E36Full size

No sooner said than done. Found in Ukraine, in some Belovskom the parts store this Central stop Segal the code that was sent to me by a friend, figured out with the connection disassembled (good deal they are quick), pulled the bulb, divided the entire work into 3 major parts — the control module and alarm module (roughly speaking — the management circuit and led indication).

First decided to the indication module and to run it. Measured internal niche brake, decided on the size and ryasnenko sketched 27 RGB LEDs. Of course it would be better to take a normal white, but these were right here at hand and they didn't need to go to the other end of the city. Prepared cost and then did the first post — decided to zaludit it with a hair dryer and slightly overheated. With one of the edges of the Board formed swollen mound, as if something there was trying to burn. Thank the higher powers — to the metallization is not affected, and I decided to burn on, not to make new ones.

Brake light with accelerometer for BMW E36Full size
Brake light with accelerometer for BMW E36Full size

Also decided to change the technology of SMD soldering on this Board — the LEDs I pre-tinned, apply a small drop of tin on each leg. The droplet formed at the contact of a kind of ball that gently lay on the contacts designed for LEDs. Capacitors soldered a simple soldering iron, but the LEDs are laid out with tweezers and heated from below with a Hairdryer. In the end, the whole module was lit at the first attempt without any problems

Next gathered on the breadboard Arduino Pro Mini, accelerometer module, MPU6050 module LM2596 power on, sketched out a test firmware to check and do charge for the placement of all this stuff. The accelerometer decided to place between the power module and the main Board, and the rest was Nepal on besplatnih connectors. There's also modified the very Arduino to display I2C on analog pins A2-A3, simultaneously cutting them off from the microcontroller. In General, frankenputer to manage pretty quickly.

Brake light with accelerometer for BMW E36Full size
Brake light with accelerometer for BMW E36Full size

The evening was spent on the first test firmware, the results of which we are at 5 am I have tested it on the road. Well, pierced Arduino using USBasp programmer via ICSP, drank it from the bootloader. This allowed to get rid of the delay 0.5-1s at boot, which is very critical if you hang the controller on the brake pedal :).

How it works: every 100-500ms, the controller polls the accelerometer 4 times with a difference of 10ms, receiving the average acceleration along the three axes. Further, depending on the selected test values of the result vector (the value along the three axes) is selected from 4 modes of operation — fire panel LEDs with a frequency of 1, 2, 4, 8 Hz for 50-100ms. I.e. at the maximum clamped the pedal to the floor you will see 8 blinks per second, at a minimum — will be lit. And all this almost immediately begins to operate after power to the controller from the brake pedal.

Further all is simple — the Manager has collected a sandwich and put it on bonacca in itself stop sign, taped Mylar stand for panel LEDs, punched holes for the wires and called a friend in the morning to ride to test. Since I was puzzled by the quick flashing — for each change to the code had to disassemble everything, get Arduino, sew it separately and reassembled. Very soon I got it and I soldered 6 wires extra long to display the programming interface from the housing through the hole under the lamp.

Well, the tests showed that the idea it is working, but requires a software revision. You need to quickly project the acceleration vector on the plane of movement of the car and more not to consider acceleration along the axis Z. In the video, by the way, seen a funny bug, when the Passat bounces over bumps and the brake light starts to flicker wildly ) It's Z axis...

The weekend will put it all good friend and we will be working on the road further. Stay tuned!

PS. Firmware code, circuit Board layouts for print templates and schemas, freely available on github'e (github.com/elhsmart/CLA). You are welcome )
PS.S. I apologize for the vertical video, fixed.

Brake light with accelerometer for BMW E36Full size

UPD. The continuation of the story here: www.drive2.ru/b/501592807618641963/

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Steel07 05.08.19


You are welcome to pay me personally. You do not have the reflex of "DANGER" when something is often a red flashing? No? And if it is quickly decelerating to smoke rubber car?

To get the hazard lights blinking under hard braking, it will be clearer! When I brake sharply, too, include it, and many machines fashioned in the mode of emergency braking, it also turns on and the stop signal Ala formula one is like the xenon in protivotumanki

Steel07 05.08.19

Yes, I read) damn XS well, I'm actually a supporter of what is izlechilo! Here the hazard lights on emergency braking to power-TOPIC! So will you have food for thought)

MisterXx1 05.08.19

Well, it's only during emergency tormozhenii, but not on a regular basis...I'm kind of in the settings of your car also saw this item...

Steel07 05.08.19

I'm excited then, where the world is heading, although they(gremanii) is a topic likely effective! We have the same as Dolby*aebu attitude as most people on the čepyrka his hrenachit to directly blinking and infuriated those who goes back!

MisterXx1 05.08.19

A couple of days ago, he saw the BMW GT in emergency braking blinked stopsignal!

Steel07 05.08.19


On many modern cars, the flashing of the brake lights during emergency braking has long been realized by the manufacturers and made it, by the way, for the sake of safety.

They hazard during emergency braking flashing emergency lights, and not a Central stop.

Vasylka 05.08.19

Somewhere there is no contact when blinking. Dampness and cotnact of NYM))

Steady extra stop misled as well as flashing.
The use of a linear regulator is not the best option.
The circuit can be simplified and cheap to order while maintaining all current functionality.

MAXON485111 05.08.19


Take off, don't be an idiot!
Drivers unconsciously used exactly lights up the stop signal and the brain at the level of reflex responds to the lighting of the foot. And when the brake light starts working outside the box (blinking), the brain is distracted by something that would compare the singularity stops working normal. It will take can be a tenth of a second, which in an emergency may not be enough!
The average person from the beginning of the situation before the reaction takes about 0.22 seconds, which is so often lacking. And then there's the addition to the situation (blinking)! Then there is 0,22 seconds to awareness and comparing that is the same brake light. 0,22+0,22=0.4 seconds... six SECONDS!
Try the other just to count looking at the clock face. Only each second will say two numbers, and you times per second. You will understand how much.
Even extra blinking brake light very distracting, and when it is the main...
Do you like it, and others will see your feet as riders at the beginning of the summer season, when they appear EN masse only — very strange. And you.

Although if the ass of the car not the road, then put...

In Moscow taxi drivers not Russian took fashion in normal stops this crap gash! And I want the odds rasfigachit ! In the dark the eyes peel be healthy!

yesplease 05.08.19


Take off, don't be an idiot!
Drivers unconsciously used exactly lights up the stop signal and the brain at the level of reflex responds to the lighting of the foot. And when the brake light starts working outside the box (blinking), the brain is distracted by something that would compare the singularity stops working normal. It will take can be a tenth of a second, which in an emergency may not be enough!
The average person from the beginning of the situation before the reaction takes about 0.22 seconds, which is so often lacking. And then there's the addition to the situation (blinking)! Then there is 0,22 seconds to awareness and comparing that is the same brake light. 0,22+0,22=0.4 seconds... six SECONDS!
Try the other just to count looking at the clock face. Only each second will say two numbers, and you times per second. You will understand how much.
Even extra blinking brake light very distracting, and when it is the main...
Do you like it, and others will see your feet as riders at the beginning of the summer season, when they appear EN masse only — very strange. And you.

Although if the ass of the car not the road, then put...

Reasonable review, the case when "Wanted as better, but it turned out...". Although on the Mersey new shnyaga put everywhere.

Sergejj29 05.08.19


:) personally, I have triggered the ABS once or twice a year to any start braking with engine braking and so for the past 5-7 years or more. Take the amendments into classes and types of Cars, different braking systems disc, drum. Different amount of auxiliary braking systems. To convey the essence of it. When certain road conditions to your "professional" braking start to connect the electronic system, and they begin to help you, here is the information message and displayed on the rear stopari, which will indicate that the inhibition involved not only the driver. And for all traffic participants (especially those who are behind hindering) this will indicate that braking is prohibitive (read: emergency). And you need to be careful. :)

Well said. And then half the commentators hike just do not understand about what speech.

kibizoidus 05.08.19

Thank you, your comment is very important for us, stay on the line...

sergeirip 05.08.19


You are welcome to pay me personally. You do not have the reflex of "DANGER" when something is often a red flashing? No? And if it is quickly decelerating to smoke rubber car?

You just do Nehru, sculpt a farm. What child would not teshilos...

kibizoidus 05.08.19

Thank you )

AlexCarrera 05.08.19

brake light F1 — ahrenenno

little-nik 05.08.19


Forbody often use such reception, however in the manual. Still in the walkie-talkie to report: "I rise to a complete (stop)"

forbody generally I do not slow down. They are more like Bochin to rebuild, you'll have time to shift.

little-nik 05.08.19


Duck if the rotten district, where the foot should not flash, they suddenly begin to blink, I think that there is a wiring short and not the driver brakes, that's the whole difference.

I think you do not consider that this is the 3rd designal... 2 StopKa zahariuta as expected, additional in case of a planned braking just lights up when braking sharp flashes. An excellent system for fufel sitting picking his nose and not see of the foot burning.

little-nik 05.08.19


The essence of stop loss in any of the types like: flickering or steady light, one! Keep your distance and start to slow down. You hear so the impression that you are in your car nothing new is added (probably even the incense of the cabin even the factory), if people have the desire to keep up with the times so why not because it is good and right, this way is not the xenon to halogen headlights, but really useful thing. Just if someone is difficult to accept something new or don't have it, then that's another story.

Yes there is a clinic down the road...

little-nik 05.08.19

Cool stuff! I have a Board somewhere that braking force into account. Does not connect to additional sepaku.

Mikhail-Utrish 05.08.19

Should I have dated both... ;((

MrPlyuh 05.08.19


Forbody often use such reception, however in the manual. Still in the walkie-talkie to report: "I rise to a complete (stop)"

You are, apparently, known for "Horovod"... So the brake only on ancient machines during the ice when the ABS too! This technique is called intermittent braking, about it even in driving schools say. On all modern vehicles, including trucks during emergency braking, the hazard lights turn on!

Mikhail-Utrish 05.08.19

Yes, it is better not to go. ;))

little-nik 05.08.19


So flashing stopari forbidden, sort of.
In my opinion, vaschsche not a healthy idea.

And to press on the brake pedal intermittently also prohibited?))

Mikhail-Utrish 05.08.19

Well, Hello then your cops.

ArchiSESH 05.08.19

we have half the town, including the route of the vehicle, such drive...

Mikhail-Utrish 05.08.19

So flashing stopari forbidden, sort of.
In my opinion, vaschsche not a healthy idea.



Read the entire list please... models, where the flow stops blink when braking?

I kitaiskii F1 on VAZ 2109

SVB-43rus 05.08.19


Volvo xc70 2010 for sure flash the main of the foot during emergency braking, convinced himself, in the afternoon went for him, my personal attention is great drew (monotonic riding relaxes). The entire list will not be able to announce, here is the link to their forum on this subject:
I should add that this feature is not only Volvo, in many cars it is in some versions just software disabled

Opel Astra N. Programmatically activate the "flashing stop" signal only when working ABS. (Just for knowledge))

MrPlyuh 05.08.19

That's just clever sitting on the sofa — you can! And I, unlike you, cut people out of cars pokorezhennaya sitting on the couch can't. 0.22 seconds for a response I came up with. The profession requires you to study human physiology. As the profession requires study and psychology, including and behavior on the road. Just so You know — the third (Central) stopsignal in Europe (and us including) were introduced not to have purchased the rights of girls, as you say (the phrase is idiotic) and for a better visibility, because it is above the main stops. And therefore increase security.
I respect clever, clever I can't stand!

PS: And not in one post here, I did not Express their assumptions (IHMO), and only the facts, do not slander! Sofa expert )))

artdixi 05.08.19


Hazard lights, it's not the foot. Once again — a perception of time moving into the category of reflexes. If you remember from school such concept, as congenital and acquired reflexes. It's like Pavlov's dogs )))
Reframing stereotypes in the human brain takes more time than the perception of even a few of the familiar perceptions.
I'll try to explain the algorithm:
during normal operation of the lamps, the algorithm will approximately be: in front of the lit up stop need to slow down and me on top was blinking hazard lights — there is something serious.
And stop blinking when the brain fails to give the signal for action, and first begins to analyze, compare, and then gives the command to proceed:
blinked red signal — why blink? brakes or not? a car is approaching, so it is necessary to brake, brake...
Well, or something similar.
In short — Ponty is, for good do not result. It's like tinted lights — Yes, sometimes it looks great. But sometimes the sun is brighter these lights and...

listen to what the great physiologist? write everywhere in the end of the phrase IMHO because you are 100% wrong. when a person was momentarily distracted and ahead of the cars lit up the brake lights then turning face he doesn't even realize that they are burning if there is no Central and Sunny day. Especially with this stupid rut for the last time to connect the envelope with the main stop at cheap cars. so the strobe really works your assumptions 0.22+0.22 is fundamentally not true. and it's not like tinting of lights. and no wonder the taxi drivers that hang especially non-Russians because it is at the level of instincts driving per day at 300 km they are aware of more cushion experts and know what is behind the girl from the capital bought the rights to their face half the reason the iPhone sits and monotonically burning stop for her about. by the way the 3rd brake light have appeared in new York on a car with taxi drivers.

Yanch-D 05.08.19


Okay, without sarcasm, just reasoning on personal experience (don't forget about the precious fractions of a second) for example a Sunny day, routine hours of riding, the sun illuminates the lights in front the car stop is easy to miss, but minus the turn signals in my opinion is that going back does not know where to turn to avoid collision. What about tinting the lights completely agree

keep your distance

MrPlyuh 05.08.19


EvgVZ 05.08.19

Okay, without sarcasm, just reasoning on personal experience (don't forget about the precious fractions of a second) for example a Sunny day, routine hours of riding, the sun illuminates the lights in front the car stop is easy to miss, but minus the turn signals in my opinion is that going back does not know where to turn to avoid collision. What about tinting the lights completely agree

MrPlyuh 05.08.19

Hazard lights, it's not the foot. Once again — a perception of time moving into the category of reflexes. If you remember from school such concept, as congenital and acquired reflexes. It's like Pavlov's dogs )))
Reframing stereotypes in the human brain takes more time than the perception of even a few of the familiar perceptions.
I'll try to explain the algorithm:
during normal operation of the lamps, the algorithm will approximately be: in front of the lit up stop need to slow down and me on top was blinking hazard lights — there is something serious.
And stop blinking when the brain fails to give the signal for action, and first begins to analyze, compare, and then gives the command to proceed:
blinked red signal — why blink? brakes or not? a car is approaching, so it is necessary to brake, brake...
Well, or something similar.
In short — Ponty is, for good do not result. It's like tinted lights — Yes, sometimes it looks great. But sometimes the sun is brighter these lights and...

EvgVZ 05.08.19

And how in Europe, hazard lights under emergency braking (on the same forum says) also didn't go into details, but I know that VAG is very even practicing.

MrPlyuh 05.08.19

For Your reference, neither of which the track is not written, except that it's possible for two versions to America (the last post on Your link). Pindos all kind of guys.
I have a Volvo and I'm too lazy to go into details, but a cursory review of the Internet found that some models for the American market has the ability to activate the flashing stops, but only when the ABS is activated for more than 0.5 seconds and at a speed over 50 km/h.
Note — not emergency braking, namely, when the ABS operation.And the ABS works when just quickly pressing the pedal.

And according to the rules of the customs Union in Europe flashing brake lights are non-standard work lights.
In Russia it is punishable from a fine to the impound yard.
On the road is punishable by the installation of a new device in the trunk! And it's not just — I argued this above.

EvgVZ 05.08.19

Volvo xc70 2010 for sure flash the main of the foot during emergency braking, convinced himself, in the afternoon went for him, my personal attention is great drew (monotonic riding relaxes). The entire list will not be able to announce, here is the link to their forum on this subject:
I should add that this feature is not only Volvo, in many cars it is in some versions just software disabled

MrPlyuh 05.08.19

Read the entire list please... models, where the flow stops blink when braking?

EvgVZ 05.08.19


Take off, don't be an idiot!
Drivers unconsciously used exactly lights up the stop signal and the brain at the level of reflex responds to the lighting of the foot. And when the brake light starts working outside the box (blinking), the brain is distracted by something that would compare the singularity stops working normal. It will take can be a tenth of a second, which in an emergency may not be enough!
The average person from the beginning of the situation before the reaction takes about 0.22 seconds, which is so often lacking. And then there's the addition to the situation (blinking)! Then there is 0,22 seconds to awareness and comparing that is the same brake light. 0,22+0,22=0.4 seconds... six SECONDS!
Try the other just to count looking at the clock face. Only each second will say two numbers, and you times per second. You will understand how much.
Even extra blinking brake light very distracting, and when it is the main...
Do you like it, and others will see your feet as riders at the beginning of the summer season, when they appear EN masse only — very strange. And you.

Although if the ass of the car not the road, then put...

On many Volvo's are the foot in the drain, I guess the engineers have it all figured out

NAVY-42 05.08.19

Yes, what is the saddle! Laughter, and only!

subzlo 05.08.19

The old donkey, the saddle just will not pull XD

NAVY-42 05.08.19

Some "mutually exclusive paragraphs": sports/extra tormozhenie/stop-strobe lights/traffic jams. Is this not a holiday in our house analising?!

RaraAvis 05.08.19

Great art project! Dopstop flashing during heavy braking, this is what you need.

zf210 05.08.19

Vaschet there conditions: the speed more than 60 or 80 kmh, operation at these speeds and higher, otherwise the abs will not strobili.

impera 05.08.19

generally speaking, BFD-Brake Force Display, is used on more recent BMW staff, though there is blink all the stops, not only the Central.

crk 05.08.19

what you do not like this logical farm. I repeat I have the usual Chinese F1 stop. and he never once saved from arrivals in the ass! I mostly faster the weight stops therefore at braking always look in the mirror. but people sometimes don't watch the road...

dontsov-an 05.08.19

Xenon in halogen optics - definitely needs to be punished. But we do that does not need kolhozah do with the exterior lights. Because of Yapi and the Americans somehow pass it, you need to ask those behind this grandmother takes.

crk 05.08.19

by your logic, should all right-handed the auto industry to deprive the rights! as the xenon in the halogen headlight is the same article that right-handed optics which STG in the other direction. it is also not too rehearsed middle deprivation for half a year. just as "American" which type someone is in the way, and in fact specify the edges of the car better than the same dimensions from grants like those inside the body.

dontsov-an 05.08.19

There are traffic rules and requirements of technical regulations and Standards. Is idle speculation the farm - tunimanov. Easy for any judge to render the decision within the legal field, without going into the empty demagogy.

crk 05.08.19

seriously) jurisprudence is this? I think it is not since on the contrary it warns that the accident was not

dontsov-an 05.08.19

Here the key point is that some such lamps specified by the manufacturer, while others do not. This is a violation and a reason to blame You in case of an accident.

crk 05.08.19


Key words : "not provided for in the design of the vehicle". And then the knowledge of the policeman decides. Just do not need then to lament that the affair bastards on level ground bent. People give themselves the affair in the hands of the tool against itself. Stupid.

and do not bother that such stop signals are on the Germans from the factory. and gaetz will not say anything about this stop. me personally, he was rescued from me-in the ass.

subzlo 05.08.19

I wrote that if the hand catch

dontsov-an 05.08.19

Key words : "not provided for in the design of the vehicle". And then the knowledge of the policeman decides. Just do not need then to lament that the affair bastards on level ground bent. People give themselves the affair in the hands of the tool against itself. Stupid.

subzlo 05.08.19


From the point of view of koapp is a serious violation. Gaians usually such things do not pay attention, but if for some reason you snack - ready purse) It's like that rear fog on stop to connect - you stop to check documents, you press on the brake, when gaetz behind you, and here's the bonus he has in his pocket.
3. Management of the vehicle, on the front of which is installed light devices with lights of red color or reflective devices in red color, and equally light devices, colour of fires and which do not meet the requirements of the Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and duties of officials on safety of traffic, —
(as amended by Federal law of 24.07.2007 N 210-FZ)
(see the text in the previous edition)
attracts deprivation of the right of management by vehicles for the term from six months till one year with confiscation of the specified devices and adaptations.
(part 3 is introduced by Federal law of 22.07.2005 N 120-FZ)
Basic provisions:3. Exterior lights
3.1. The number, type, color, location, and operation mode of external light devices do not meet the requirements of the vehicle structure.

Well, it is necessary for the hand to catch, because it is already equipped with such F1 the footsteps of many brands.

dontsov-an 05.08.19

Sorry. Not taken into account. I do not know where in Kharkov.

stillua 05.08.19


Your problem. I warned you. When in court the cops it will go - will there seek truth. Only chance is 0.

Why quote Russian code of administrative offences? The author is not in Kharkov goes?

Tosha161rus 05.08.19

Don't need empty words to lose, if there is no justification. On the account become not a single question asked. Good luck.

dontsov-an 05.08.19

Your problem. I warned you. When in court the cops it will go - will there seek truth. Only chance is 0.

Tosha161rus 05.08.19

Are you talking about the lights mounted in the front of the car. Where the article says one word about the front part? it is possible a reference to the administrative code, which States on the back of the car? And if the car is out of production and factory details not found?Lens-a separate conversation. I have installed the lenses in the factory xenon headlight, xenon is designed for the under, with a body appropriate factory markings. Is a farm?)

dontsov-an 05.08.19

Once again: read carefully. It's not about all BMW or any other. And lighting devices, location, and color mode which does not correspond to the design of the vehicle, that is how it came from the factory. Colosing is voluntary, if others like Chinese xenon, does not interfere with the flag in his hands. Only then to gaytsy not complaining, with the exterior lights expensive games cost.

Tosha161rus 05.08.19

I'm not defending the author and do not protect You, so to speak from the opposite shore=) Devices with Ali-Express do not approve of, but if the thing the author is working properly, why not? By Your logic, every driver of a BMW and other cars equipped with such a system it is necessary to attract liability?

dontsov-an 05.08.19

There is no difference . Read the full article. I, however, still warned, precedents with similar devices from friends. Then think for yourself.

Tosha161rus 05.08.19


From the point of view of koapp is a serious violation. Gaians usually such things do not pay attention, but if for some reason you snack - ready purse) It's like that rear fog on stop to connect - you stop to check documents, you press on the brake, when gaetz behind you, and here's the bonus he has in his pocket.
3. Management of the vehicle, on the front of which is installed light devices with lights of red color or reflective devices in red color, and equally light devices, colour of fires and which do not meet the requirements of the Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and duties of officials on safety of traffic, —
(as amended by Federal law of 24.07.2007 N 210-FZ)
(see the text in the previous edition)
attracts deprivation of the right of management by vehicles for the term from six months till one year with confiscation of the specified devices and adaptations.
(part 3 is introduced by Federal law of 22.07.2005 N 120-FZ)
Basic provisions:3. Exterior lights
3.1. The number, type, color, location, and operation mode of external light devices do not meet the requirements of the vehicle structure.

And what You quoted this paragraph of article of the administrative code? this device is installed in the rear, not the front.

dontsov-an 05.08.19

Sad will be, when without a license for six months will remain. Or anyone out there on this machine will go. But that's not my sadness.

kibizoidus 05.08.19

If you are able to read and understand — you would have read that as usual, this stop light is no different from the normal third foot. But you can't read and understand what they read, and it's very sad...

dontsov-an 05.08.19

From the point of view of koapp is a serious violation. Gaians usually such things do not pay attention, but if for some reason you snack - ready purse) It's like that rear fog on stop to connect - you stop to check documents, you press on the brake, when gaetz behind you, and here's the bonus he has in his pocket.
3. Management of the vehicle, on the front of which is installed light devices with lights of red color or reflective devices in red color, and equally light devices, colour of fires and which do not meet the requirements of the Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and duties of officials on safety of traffic, —
(as amended by Federal law of 24.07.2007 N 210-FZ)
(see the text in the previous edition)
attracts deprivation of the right of management by vehicles for the term from six months till one year with confiscation of the specified devices and adaptations.
(part 3 is introduced by Federal law of 22.07.2005 N 120-FZ)
Basic provisions:3. Exterior lights
3.1. The number, type, color, location, and operation mode of external light devices do not meet the requirements of the vehicle structure.

kibizoidus 05.08.19

Is working, no one has complained)

dontsov-an 05.08.19

It's all great. Respect the author for his work and report. The only BUT - don't put IT on the car.

subzlo 05.08.19

And if you agree on the current speed and level of pressing the brake?

Yanch-D 05.08.19


You are welcome to pay me personally. You do not have the reflex of "DANGER" when something is often a red flashing? No? And if it is quickly decelerating to smoke rubber car?

when I first saw this disco is called "MISUNDERSTANDING" of what is happening! What a game going on there? Maybe the driver is convulsing or malfunction of the electrical or braking system, short of some sort of chaos, which only distracts and misleads! It is clearly an unhealthy decision!
PS. no offense to the author of the article, with the technical part, Assembly and all, is certainly well done, but to put on your car I do not recommend!

Yanch-D 05.08.19


You are welcome to pay me personally. You do not have the reflex of "DANGER" when something is often a red flashing? No? And if it is quickly decelerating to smoke rubber car?

"And if it is quickly decelerating to smoke rubber car?" then flashes the brake or burn doesn't matter if you keep your distance and watch the road and not stick to the sides))

Yanch-D 05.08.19


I see there are problems with thinking, but don't worry someone from the village and many

and your farm different?

Yanch-D 05.08.19

To each his own, I think people understand that any irregular behavior of lighting, signage and stop signals, distracting on a subconscious level by stealing precious fractions of a second, thereby increasing the time of reaction, because all the attention to the "enchanting music" in the background which the main foot already in eyes do not rush! And to think better at home in an armchair with a Cup of tea, and not driving

shimur 05.08.19

When I see a nonstandard situation on the road, immediately slow down. This is a normal reaction of thinking man. And for those who do not include turn signals, not looking in the mirror, does not comply with the banding movement, and so basic safety rules/decency did not help either flashing or non-flashing stop.
In any case, burning extra stop — stimulus inhibition, not thinking about relay operation. Especially since he just a supporting element for the main stops. Truck no.

Yanch-D 05.08.19


I don't think. I instinctively know that if you have a front-running car suddenly turns red — you have to brake. Already then it will be time to reflect on the philosophical problem of faulty wiring. When I safely motormouse, and won't stay in the ass of another car.

just the same, when the "lights" all clear! But the disco makes us wonder: foot is it? braking, or a relay closed? so when the situation is clear, the driver takes 0.22 seconds for a reaction, and when he sees non-standard work lights, this situation is complicated by the processing of unnecessary information (which is flashing so if I see it for the first time?) and accordingly it will not be 0.22 seconds and more!

Kraev 05.08.19


Skapunk81 05.08.19

For example, on the Astra H, the plant he blinks when abs is active. And at a speed of 40km/h.

Negdan4iks 05.08.19

good, and how to upload firmware prompt? ATP

PRoFDriveR 05.08.19

Class! I did such at the beginning a little dull, made piaskach fucking hammer )) www.drive2.ru/l/7428901/
Vidosik work: www.drive2.ru/l/466193755884487025/

ZiperRZN2 05.08.19

So did...
Your stop signal, F1.

anton8207 05.08.19


The implementation may, but when you see this monstrosity on the road, I want to get the bat out of the trunk and post Kher those feet, and along with the tower owner. Only stops the criminal code. I think not at all.

I once almost in an accident don't hit the guy both stop flashing, I thought the turn signal as one stop tsagaraeva the opposite, very disturbing,

alexmusin 05.08.19


The implementation may, but when you see this monstrosity on the road, I want to get the bat out of the trunk and post Kher those feet, and along with the tower owner. Only stops the criminal code. I think not at all.

this technology is already implemented in production cars — it helps to avoid emergency! Because stops are triggered automatically if the cars drastically reduces speed when the driver steps on the brakes! For example, when jamming of the wheels or engine braking

suvorovsurov 05.08.19


Well test) But so far I'm on the road I see idiocy I described in the first message.

what you see on the roads are terribly annoying. but then, as I understand made on the accelerometer. so in traffic this will not happen

suvorovsurov 05.08.19


I am proud that I live away from such cattle as you. That's really true Rossiyanin))) udachki in your wretched existence bydlyatskom)))

ahaha, that's you bent. you direct yourself right now cultural man exhibited. yeah. and certainly not cattle.

Roman-Kuchinskij 05.08.19

Yes, make yourself smaller you have mold Rossiyanka)))

jeepirate 05.08.19

Tin what are you poor fellow, let you live with it, good luck to you wretched creature) please do not write more, write well, or I will not respond, Nada finish) good luck

Roman-Kuchinskij 05.08.19

I am proud that I live away from such cattle as you. That's really true Rossiyanin))) udachki in your wretched existence bydlyatskom)))

jeepirate 05.08.19

You are proud that they live closer to Moscow ? and all of the rest of Russia is a dump ? . what to take with wretched clown, write on, garbage

Roman-Kuchinskij 05.08.19

Sit in your zazhopinsk daunenok)) you're boring, not mind or imagination)))

jeepirate 05.08.19

Again you write something poor clown))

Roman-Kuchinskij 05.08.19

You wretched clown in the mirror every day to see if a redneck washes do, or how you got there, got up, ate shit and went))) Why so angry, probably still small and bold))

jeepirate 05.08.19

What you can write, poor clown

Roman-Kuchinskij 05.08.19

Forgot to ask the opinion of gounou from what to do))) But believe me, what I write is more interesting than the top brainless shit that you write)))

jeepirate 05.08.19

And you're not an expert, che stink here, who cares what you write, go and eat cakes)

Roman-Kuchinskij 05.08.19

We have a lot of that is not fine, but we should. Ie you're not an expert, so your opinion is worth nothing.

jeepirate 05.08.19

If the driver violates — his fine the relevant authorities, if not fine — then everything is okay, go cake chew, Orthodox, holiday

Roman-Kuchinskij 05.08.19

Are you an expert in Ethernet, and you have proof? Or are you an engineer and work in a factory? On what basis is your Not an expert opinion can be correct?

jeepirate 05.08.19

I watched the video and it is set perfectly

Roman-Kuchinskij 05.08.19

The accelerometer can be configured as you like.

jeepirate 05.08.19

The topic is written about the accelerometer, which a priori can not flash by pressing lightly

Roman-Kuchinskij 05.08.19

And I see you already fucked shit, already hanging from the ears)) you read the comments Cerezo n on the diagonal? Or are you in their ignorance they do read are not able? I wrote about those hysterically marcautii each time you press, not about the factory implementation as normal brands, like BMW or Mercedes.

jeepirate 05.08.19

The car came with this option, the machine was bought from a dealer, has all the certificates, so go eat shit please, you Russian wrote above algorithm, and on the next page there is a video job, it does not stop the flickering which always flickers when the pedal is depressed, read it again, fear God which is not and eat cake

Roman-Kuchinskij 05.08.19

This is for you and for everyone else there are problems. Well, for the most part people only think about yourself, what you have proved) and if you read the comments here, these Fuckers dislike not only me)))

jeepirate 05.08.19

Could not pass by, see you clown on the whole драйв2 put simply neighing sensitive, the Opel Astra was from the factory flashing stop, there were no problems

Roman-Kuchinskij 05.08.19

What are you to me for you to contact? If you're from ebony to with flashing footsteps, then it is not treated)))

jeepirate 05.08.19

Rules you fool

Roman-Kuchinskij 05.08.19

And do not chase for a felony))))

kibizoidus 05.08.19

So already tested. View the following notes in a personal blog. On my car for a year costs us an update and works successfully. At least with the bat for me, no one chased.

Roman-Kuchinskij 05.08.19

Well test) But so far I'm on the road I see idiocy I described in the first message.

kibizoidus 05.08.19

This means that the force constantly acting on the car from the brakes on the period of time is sufficiently large and permanent to be regarded as "emergency braking". If you hit the pedal in traffic, it will be only a few tens of milliseconds, a large negative force, and then — no. The algorithm processing the acceleration sensor is determined not by instantaneous power and its average values on test intervals, and it draws conclusions about the nature of the vehicle. It's simple, and that it is not from the automaker doesn't make it worse or less reliable.

Roman-Kuchinskij 05.08.19

What is emergency brake? The Germans I know it is tied to speed and the pedal force, because they have an electric brake booster and all this talking on kantine. In the same old bucket is all solid mechanics. Read the article, you get the idea. But the algorithm is not at the level of brands, if I am not right — correct. In the tube a sharp tap on the brake will be treated as an emergency. And we have 95% of the people going and blunt in phones --> proj*yaut traveling ahead of the car --> Bach on the pedal in hysterics. Here behind it and see the comparison. At the speed of 20 km/h.

kibizoidus 05.08.19

Have you read and watched what the article describes, or "the topic is not read — right answer"? Without emergency braking, this scheme will work the SAME way as the REGULAR third brake. ie just Shine continuously when the brake pedal is applied.

Roman-Kuchinskij 05.08.19

It never blinks continuously but only in certain situations that I've observed a lot of conditions. In General, they have this farm only works in certain case. And we have Imbeciles smear it on all the time and in traffic just unending desire this to come down in the ass is not much to come out and say — not working your stool.
And believe me, people who hate it incredibly much. Perhaps all those who it is intended)

kibizoidus 05.08.19

The BMW and Audi out of the cabin too, their heads split going?

Roman-Kuchinskij 05.08.19

The implementation may, but when you see this monstrosity on the road, I want to get the bat out of the trunk and post Kher those feet, and along with the tower owner. Only stops the criminal code. I think not at all.

Alex-Chief 05.08.19

Handsome, too, want to with electronics for you.

Everygirls 05.08.19

ebay, ali

wazzap 05.08.19

Such a control module can be separately razdobit? I would brake on the boot lid screwed him.

electroliz 05.08.19


You Russian know how to read? If Yes, then re-read p 5.9 again and not suck the thumb of what is interesting for you. If it says that discontinuous mode is invalid, then it is invalid. Point.
It is not the law, and the rules of certification. If a new car didn't fit in, so will not receive a certificate and will be banned for sale in the EEC.

totally agree with You, the blinking stops complete nonsense. Irritation of the eyes. Don't care for certificates. I would bet that the author napal to his car and made a day ride for me until his brain will not crack or eyes, will not emerge from blink/flicker