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Jokes. - Toyota Corolla, 1.4 L, 2004

Jokes  - Toyota Corolla 14 L 2004

Today I completely toned the car, otherwise it looked wrong with the rear hemisphere. Back - 5, before - 15, forehead-band 5.
Began to look after the options for installing music.
The standard head is already 100% for replacement, so an adapter frame is needed for a 1DIN new radio tape recorder. I got it on "dismantling" Japanese cars, the price is 300 rubles. Stands up perfectly!
At the expense of the cabin, there is an option for pasting with a carbon film. Well, judging by the pictures in the internet, it looks doubtful. The climate block must either be completely pasted over, then at night everything will have to be done by touch, since all the illuminated icons will be under the film, or not to glue this block at all, then it looks like not "native". You can try to cut holes in the area of ​​the pictograms, but for this you need a very "firm" (in the sense of non-trembling) hand and a medical scalpel. I am afraid that my patience will not be enough for this procedure.
Alternatively, you can paste over it with silver, it also looks good in my opinion.

Jokes  - Toyota Corolla 14 L 2004 Price tag: 500 ₽ Mileage: 67,900 km
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fleyta 19.12.20

In my opinion, silver looks better :)