Discs for my friends mircavadov from eagle.
The topic is old, already about a year ago or even more. But for some reason I found it in your blog, it was inexplicably removed. Here I want to return it to your blog. I was prepared and sent two sets of interesting drive in the town of eagle Is a compound forging Oltega 8.5/9.5 R18. For a Novel, he would take them on my Mercedes W124. And the second part kovka - Manaray - 8/9J R18 for Alexander at Mercedes W201-190.
By the way, both of these legendary Mercedes diesel engine Om 606 turbo. And both charged, and the guys themselves are professionally engaged in the swap diesel engines, etc. and constantly strive to come up with something to increase the power of their diesel cars, and in different ways)))
Yes, of course, buy a pasta - Autosol ! The skins need to take based on the state of the surface, sinks, etc
And you can cap the valves to a high luster Polish manually? What kind of pasta it is necessary for that and skins?
not necessarily! Polish is generally on the motor off, the skins of Yes to running!
I just thought you had a frequency Converter is that change momentum ED. Here and wanted to ask about it:)) got it, thanks:)
Hi. And how many revs you have on ED, which causes the rotation of the disc when polished and than adjust the speed?