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Suspension start - Toyota Caldina, 2.0L, 1996

Looking for the pace. sensor still found a rear stabilizer, in the evening I tried on everything ok.

Suspension start - Toyota Caldina 20L 1996
On the trail. day I bought stabilizer struts + rubber bands.
Suspension start - Toyota Caldina 20L 1996
Suspension start - Toyota Caldina 20L 1996
it was more difficult with cranes, I found it only on the trail. day.
Suspension start - Toyota Caldina 20L 1996
I cleaned and painted the cranes together with the stabilizer.
Suspension start - Toyota Caldina 20L 1996
Suspension start - Toyota Caldina 20L 1996
On the trail. day put all these pieces of iron)
Suspension start - Toyota Caldina 20L 1996

Price issue:
Contract stabilizer 350
Stabilizer rubber bands 200 × 2 = 400
Eggs 420 × 2 = 840
Cranes 100 × 2 = 200
total: 1790 re

Price tag: 1 790 ₽
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7en 25.12.20


PIONEER22 25.12.20

Question price?

7en 25.12.20

caliper in purple, and this aunt (.uka) gave it is not clear what color (

Reeinvader 25.12.20

Now you will fill them with all the pieces of iron))) And fill in the suport))))

7en 25.12.20

as the saleswoman gave the wrong color, since then it has been)
in the pictures it seems somehow blue, but he knows what the hell is the color)

Reeinvader 25.12.20

Did you deliberately choose the color of the paint or paint it in what it was?

7en 25.12.20

stock. tyunenh fuck you will find (

GT-Four205 25.12.20

stock stub or what kind of tyunenh?

7en 25.12.20

was not) the equipment is probably this, because in the body where there is a thread, there were rubber plugs, and there are no traces.

Paramon 25.12.20

And before that, in general, there was no stub or what?