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Enlightenment :-) - Toyota Corolla, 1.6 liter, 2003

Enlightenment - - Toyota Corolla 16 liter 2003

Subtracted on the Toyota forums that the glass washer nozzles for the KorollKI fit from the Camry. I decided to try it. They fit like family. I am delighted. The quality of WASHING on UrA, and the liquid consumption has become less. I advise.
The pictures are not very good, sorry, but you can see it.
The myth is confirmed!

Enlightenment - - Toyota Corolla 16 liter 2003 Price tag: 500 ₽
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lex8972 25.12.20

The thing is cool, you also need to buy))

Mister150 25.12.20

Yes, you will not regret buying, I only regret that I did not put it before.

Mister150 25.12.20

Well, you know, compared to the fact that it was just BEST. And they watered them on the roof no matter how much I set them up.

XeoN76R 25.12.20

Are they pouring on your roof too? they wet well, only the whole roof is splashed and drips on the hood :( I put myself and two friends on Avensis 2006