Diagnostics, oil, anthers. - Toyota Allex, 1.5 L, 2002
Price tag: 3 600 ₽ Mileage: 107 500 km
It is necessary to look in the manual, I had 30-40 t km on the Impreza.
But you also need to look at the oil itself, if it has turned black, for replacement
Yes, I saw the book, studied it, even saved it, thanks :) Thank you very much
for the advice!
The hub must be replaced unconditionally in the assembly.
Everyone advises changing the oil in the box according to its condition, it should retain its color, transparency and not smell like fumes, but no more than the scheduled time.
There is a good book on the Internet for use, if you need to give a link.
ooo, when I just bought it, about 16 liters was gone! (((it was expensive! The
second replacement is 10 liters.
After 10 thousand, change again ... FIG knows how much it will take this time.
Hello! Spa thank you great for the info! Have you completely changed the oil? - how much oil did it take?
Racks can be taken at a cheaper price, it depends on the company, it seems to me there is no big difference what to kill on our roads ... it is better to change the oil in the automatic transmission with the removal of the pallet in order to wash it 100% well, and rinse the injector in the mind, decoking can still be done if the oil eats ...
in short, a lot of interesting things can be done and done in different ways, so it's correct that you
collect information ) if there are discounts in some shops and service stations ...