Audio on Stormtrooper. - Toyota Camry, 3.0L, 1994
I changed the head unit, installed Alpine CDE-9880R, the old one was also Alpine, put it in Volkswagen.
I wanted to share, and at the same time talk about my audio system installed three years ago.
Mayfun itself =)
A shelf under the head unit from some Mercedes, it seems from the 211 body.
I brought the USB input into the armrest.
I also brought a 12v outlet there.
Acoustics Infinity reference -front 6020cs 6,5 "-component, rear 9623i 6" x 9 "-coaxial.
The whole body is pasted over with vibration-heat and sound insulation.
Example of front doors:
Inside the door, the first layer of vibration isolation is vibroplast.
Then he laid the thermal insulation-splen on it, the third layer was the sound insulation-bitoplast.
The photo partially shows the podium for the front speakers.
The outer part, the inner part of the door (won how it was wrapped)) is also pasted over with vibroplast.
Unfortunately, the entire photo of the podium has not survived, I can only say that it closes a good third of the door, simultaneously strengthening it, because tied to the power frame of the door.
The door trim is pasted over from the inside with Shumka-Bitoplast.
I installed the tweeters (tweeters) in the front corner of the doors, in the original, of course, on some factory trim levels, tweeters are installed in the front door handles, but there was no such factory audio preparation on my camryusha. I had to compose. =)
I bought triangles from the next 20th body, there they are already with a mesh under the tweeters.
I glued them to my own, putty where required and painted them under plastic.
Then I put in a squeaker and voila!
How it looks on the door.
Those who have factory tweeters in the 10th body will understand me what the difference is. =)
The rear acoustics are also installed on the podiums, which, in turn, are tied to the podium from the bottom (covered with a carpet for aesthetics), on which an amplifier, also Infinity 5350a, hangs, these two podiums seem to pull together the shelf itself, preventing it from resonating.
Behind the amp there was a place for a DAXX capacitor.
Interconnect and speaker cables are also DAXX.
It turned out, of course, not Hi-End, but in principle it still suits me, especially in terms of price-sound ratio.
To date, this kit has already been removed, except for the head and the conduit, the new one is here
Respect for the installation) Interested in the question - how did you attach the usb-output to a flat surface?
I would like to be cooler, but deep speakers (landing depth max-65mm) do not fit into the front doors without reworking the skin :(
Oh! It was a long time ago! =)
Mayfun about 8500. Acoustics front, rear and amplifier 10500 for everything. Interconnectors for 2200. Noise, conduit and acoustic wires I do not remember. The work is priceless =)
Hi, can you please tell me the numbers of these triangles with a grid from 20 body ... something I could not find ... thanks in advance