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How to come to terms with winter, what the bus bulb, and the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R3

The Finnish Arctic is such a forced way to come to terms with winter. In the sense that you simply have no other choice, but there is a bonuses are allowed 100 km / h on mirror ice covered country roads, running right up to 9pm the supermarket and the Northern lights, if you don't want to sleep at night... you Can go to work on cross-country skis, snowmobile or dog sled. Another activity available to locals and guests of the capital – industrial espionage, because here are tested all the novelties of the autoindustry.

Minus 15 Celsius. Squally wind outside ruffled the flags on tall flagpoles. Beneath a string of parked the new Mercedes-Benz A-Class in "nechitaeva" camouflage tape, with the sticky tape on the false ribs that are intended to mislead accidentally caught in the Transpolar Finnish journalists that "suddenly" there was a little more than a few. At a little distance, under the cover, also in camouflage, hiding the latest GLB crossover, which is guarded by a couple of guys in blue-black jackets inside the old Vito. Guys drink coffee, pouring it from a silver thermos, after a long night — the romance of industrial espionage then wakes up almost every passer-by...

How to come to terms with winter what the bus bulb and the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R3Full size

Ivalo is a favorite tourist destination to hunt for what in Latin is called aurora borealis, the Northern lights. It is the northernmost airport in Finland and one of the many offices of Santa Claus.

How to come to terms with winter what the bus bulb and the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R3Full size

But for us more importantly — in the vicinity of Ivalo is a number of the test car-polygons, where the vehicles and their components are tested for resistance to the harsh conditions of this winter. In continental Europe such cold weather is not found anywhere else — thank you, global warming.

My goal today is a testing ground White Hell of Nokian Tyres (see my story on polygon: www.drive2.ru/b/2833841/). Task — testing of new winter friction (i.e. non-studded) tires the Finnish mark — R3 and R3 Hakkapeliitta SUV belonging to the same generation as the one presented in last year's "nine" Hakkapeliitta 9 (link to my test of these tires: www.drive2.ru/b/464722334448616101/). Both tires belong to the so-called Nordic type, i.e. designed for Northern Europe and Russia.

How to come to terms with winter what the bus bulb and the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R3Full size

The guys from Nokian report that in the process of developing the new tyre was tested 35 of the drawings of the tread, more than 7,000 tires tested, the testers have driven more than 100,000 kilometers, holds more than 40 000 tests on braking. The tests took place not only in Nokia and Ivalo, but also in Sweden, Russia, Spain, Germany, South Africa and Japan, at different temperatures and road conditions. In was attended by 100 engineers. Priorities for development to improve the operation of the tyres in changeable winter conditions, handling and grip on snow, as well as to achieve the best hook on the ice, and fuel economy.

Not like copy-paste marketing peel from press releases, so here I am not going to pour as sweet as powdered sugar in chocolate, and a mysterious, drunken young teacher of English, phrases like Cryo Crystal 3 or Arctic Grip Sense, will tell us about changes in your own words.
Hakkapeliitta R3 represents a further evolution of the ideas embodied in the predecessor – model of the R2.

Change the pattern and shape of the grooves visible to the naked eye. First of all, significantly increased the number of lamellae, creating additional faces traction on slush and wet roads.

In the new model, the tire manufacturers have taken into account the wishes of customers in a fast and powerful cars, complained of Walcott and insufficiently sharp handling on dry pavement. Actually, for this purpose, the Central rib of the tread now, not in itself, as it was in R2, it is connected with the side "wings" with three types of laminirovanie.

Different fins work in different ways. Lamella pumps, like the pear bilge water from the contact patch, are now located not only in the shoulder area and on the entire surface of the tread (their number increased by 107%).

Central slotted shoulder zone have a design that resembles a comb, with a preprogrammed flexible – too flexible "swaroopini" the protector itself will not work properly, especially on dry pavement. Edge slats, the so – called three-dimensional, trailing each other in the bends, providing the necessary level of rigidity of the tread and, consequently, handling on solid surfaces.

According to product Manager Marco Rantonen, which was introduced to us as "father and mother" R3 tires were finalized in the light of modern algorithms of modern stabilization systems, creating high loads on the tires in General and the tread in particular.

In the rubber mixture of the tread all also apply microscopic crystals ("synthesized from environmentally friendly material," added Rantanen), which provides "roughness" of the top layer of the tire regardless of wear and tear (of course, in the framework of strongly recommended 4 mm remaining depth).

Another change, which affected the tread — the top layer remained soft, approximately as R2, while the base of the "checkers" has become harder to prevent "pontaniana" elements of the tread during active driving.

The increase in rigidity of the tread and widespread use of silica instead of carbon black also resulted in a slightly lower rolling resistance (5%), which should have a positive impact on fuel consumption. How much? By our standards, just not by much. 27 thousand mileage, consumption 6.7 l, saves 35 liters of fuel and emitted less than 80 kg of carbon dioxide.

Chief technical specialist mark, Matti Morry, adds: "the main feature of silica, with all its benefits is quite expensive, but we still use it to improve our tyres." In these words I hear an obvious allusion to the fact that the new tires are significantly more expensive than the R2... But don't be sad about.

In connection with the increase of hardness, have a low profile (with a profile less than 45%) of the models changed the speed now is T, i.e. 190 km / h In "high profile" models, the index remained unchanged — R 170 km / h
External difference of SUV from the normal version — wider center rib, and the "teeth" on the edges of the shoulder that helps in deep snow. Inside – tough rubber compound, dual layer protector, the same aramid sidewall.

There are changes in the dimension line. From R3 — 68 sizes, from 14 to 21 inches, including variations for electric vehicles. Is there a difference between "electric" bus from all others? The main differences in sizes, for example, i3 is 155/70 R 19 88 Q X, but Nokian is an occasion to reiterate its "trend". R3 SUV is available in 63 sizes 16 to 21 inches.
Tire pattern finally patented sly smiles Matti Morry, so copy it "for free" does not work anymore.

What the Finns say about the characteristics of the new tires? According to the presentation shown on the chart, compared to R2, the new tyres have the same level of control on the wet road with the same comfort, slightly better grip and handling on snow and braking on wet surfaces.

Significant advantages of the R3 before R2 in reduced rolling resistance, handling on dry surface and grip on ice. Unnamed "premium competitor" will lose, if you believe the picture, all the parameters of the previous sentence.

In other words, if you believe eloquent Finns, new tires are better in all directions. Whether so it actually? To reach the scientific certainty needed instrumental tests. All that will be described below – this is a personal, subjective feelings of a person, every day in the winter driving in different cars, on different tyres is mostly Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7, 8, 9 on the test car and R2 on their own.

So there you go! Arsenal tactile "measurement" means – has a full skid plate, front bumper and sills of the Audi Q5 and RS5, as well as the standard VW Golf with manual manual transmission.

Public roads

The day started with a convoy of text in the surrounding area A string of cars moving on snowy, icy and cleaned tracks, strictly following traffic rules.

How to come to terms with winter what the bus bulb and the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R3Full size

Given that bare, not even processed by the mill ice under the wheels on the secondary roads, keep allowed 80 or 100 km / h in the profiled turns fun and unusual.

How to come to terms with winter what the bus bulb and the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R3Full size

After a few tens of kilometers to gradually understand the difference between R2 and R3. First of all, with R3, the driver has a little more feedback on the steering wheel, the vehicle trajectory more clearly reacts to the wheel more precisely. A little more hook in turns. And what about the braking?

How to come to terms with winter what the bus bulb and the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R3Full size

Making sure that from behind no one "rolls", check it out. 80 km / h under the wheels of bare ice that might hit the brakes and the car slips under the chatter of the ABS, reducing the progress is slower than we would like. Oh, physics, you heartless bastard...

How to come to terms with winter what the bus bulb and the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R3Full size

Studding on the bare ice will always brake better. Repeat the experiment on the snow – the car slows down steadily and intensively, almost like a summer sprinkled with sand primer.

How to come to terms with winter what the bus bulb and the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R3Full size

Ahead a bunch of turns. Check cross hook! The steeper snow-covered curve, the sharper is activated the ESP, and the car remains on the path, not scaring the driver nothing but the crackling of operation. Vehicle communication is not torn for a moment, and electronics not only insures against mistakes, but really helps.

How to come to terms with winter what the bus bulb and the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R3Full size

Benefit it or harm? In principle, I am inclined to the first answer, but completely erroneous actions of the drivers will not save no bus and no electronics. And if we talk about ice, the studded tyre will obviously give you more headroom.

How to come to terms with winter what the bus bulb and the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R3Full size

All this is very clearly demonstrated one of my colleague with ESP partially disabled to tumble in a 90-degree turn on the ice at the Q5 crossover with recessed in the floor the gas pedal and at a good speed (about 50 km / h). The car predictable for me and totally unexpected for the driver flew right into the parapet at the outer radius... Thanks to the guys from LMS Racing, set on car good protection – as a result all was limited to the damage to the bumper and fixing the most protection.

Finally – test the ice ring, demonstrating that the combination of tyres and stabilization system allows for R3 to go on the ice very, very confident.

How to come to terms with winter what the bus bulb and the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R3Full size

Field tests

The second part of the test clearer and more interesting. In one of the lakes at the landfill site White Hell cleared a wide strip with a length of about a mile.

How to come to terms with winter what the bus bulb and the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R3Full size

Landmarks placed three wide snake with corridors for dispersal and braking Each of the snakes has the same configuration, but coverage varies.

How to come to terms with winter what the bus bulb and the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R3Full size

The first snake on the polished mirror of ice. The second on the rough ice. Third on the ice, covered with snow. Three identical VW Golf with a disabled traction control (ESP active), with three different sets of tires: studded Hakkapeliitta 9, friction Hakkapeliitta R3, and "Central European winter tyre", turned out to be the latest Nokian WR D4.

How to come to terms with winter what the bus bulb and the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R3Full size

The test result of the – partly expected, partly surprising.

On the car with Nokian WR D4 to budge on the mirror of ice is not easy. Tires just grind in place. To go with the accelerator must be handled carefully. Similarly – the response to the steering wheel the car tries to drive past landmarks, sliding sideways anywhere, but only not there where it is necessary. The hook is very small and in the longitudinal and in the transverse direction, so that the operation of the ESP system is totally seamless – the good of her little, except that "prithee" engine and the car slows down. You can go only a "whisper". On acceleration on the straight Golf easily tighten up to 170 km / h – despite the fact that the actual speed does not exceed 80 kilometres... same thing with the braking, the braking distance is dangerously high.

How to come to terms with winter what the bus bulb and the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R3Full size

On the rough ice, the situation is better – hook still not enough, that on acceleration that the braking, but ESP is better able to help to refuel the car in the turns. Dusted with snow on ice ESP working sharper and the car confidently and accurately follows the trajectory. So it is already possible to drive, but it becomes clear why non-studded winter tyres are divided into Alpine (Central European winters) and Nordic (for this winter).

How to come to terms with winter what the bus bulb and the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R3Full size

After that transplanted on the same Golf Hakkapeliitta 9 – and begin to enjoy how electronics helps me to pass a wide snake with good speed and without mistakes. Of course, the "mirror" of the braking distance is longer and the ESP works quite often, but even so the coating doesn't scare me. What is there to speak on the rough ice, where I'm going even faster. A covering of snow the car runs a little better, all this time on the wheel everything is simple and clear even for an inexperienced driver.

How to come to terms with winter what the bus bulb and the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R3Full size

What Hakkapeliitta R3? On sheet ice the car on these tires is noticeably more confident than at WR D4, but up to nine far. In other words, you can go, but slowly and gently (as shown by the reported experience a light accident on a public road). The rough ice, the car goes much better, but the stabilization system operates continuously and mega-active -- loud cracking noise and vibration from the wheels say that the hook here is achieved through a combination of tread design and electronics work. At braking on rough ice R3 plays "nine" several of the buildings, although the acceleration here is quite good.

How to come to terms with winter what the bus bulb and the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R3Full size

But the behavior of the R3 on the snow-covered ice surprised me – on this surface the car rides just fine, fits into the trajectory without triggering the ESP, or with minimal participation with increasing velocity. That is a solid snow-cover new friction tire rides better than the Hakkapeliitta 9!

Instead of an epilogue

That new tire will be slightly better than the previous model, it was possible to guess, without reading the text. It is the General rule in the modern world that manufacturers always add performance little by little, leaving a reserve for the future.

What's next? Marco Rantanen says technology is integrated in the tire sensors, analyzing the hook on the fly. Will be more widely used environmentally friendly, renewable materials. On the roads will increasingly meet electric cars, autopilots. Private cars give place to karteninhaber.

How to come to terms with winter what the bus bulb and the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R3Full sizeOn the example of the tyre Hakkapeliitta 9 lights instead of spikes demonstrates a double-studding. Central spines work during acceleration and braking, and lateral — turning

"Five years ago, at the presentation of "eight" we showed to journalists avtotrassy car. Now you can be sure that our assumptions about the direction of the development vector of the automotive industry proved to be correct.", says Rantanen.

But if nesipbek will replace the studding? Rantanen shakes her head: "We work hard to constantly develop our friction tyres, but on the ice, especially at temperatures near zero, the level of grip from studded tyres is much higher, anyway."


Text and photo: Artem Achkasov

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Karmes 07.08.19


I rode on Contiicecontact BD and HD at the moment is tyres Gislaved nord frost 200 (by the way Gislaved is a subsidiary of Continental when Continental takes off with the production of one of the models on their releases Gislaved) quite noisy rubber although other characteristics of a good middle, nothing special is not allocated, unless the car was a Toyota Camry XV40 car company, had to travel a lot on business, money firm on the car are not spared. About the other factors, not who not when did not forget, in this way, I have personally expressed my personal opinion about what I feel is a smart car and Gislaved and riding on different tires had separated in the middle, by the way, according to European tests gislaved always closer to the leaders, but that's the price category is quite different. But to be honest out of all the tires I liked in all its characteristics were Michelin X-ICE NORTH first, I just really enjoyed those tires, sorry that they are now discontinued, but what has traded in the market are all junk.

Milleny the second one is good too

karvik1974 07.08.19

at the competitions we eat on a civilian bus for public roads and the spikes are there on Euro standards ... and sat down so the tires on the competition win on the road they behave appropriately ...

Kuzmich177 07.08.19

And we in competition?) Or still use the tires for civilian purposes?) The competition use the bus for the competition, which made for quite other purposes and other loads, again under different cover, this is not to continue to debate on this topic.

karvik1974 07.08.19


I rode on Contiicecontact BD and HD at the moment is tyres Gislaved nord frost 200 (by the way Gislaved is a subsidiary of Continental when Continental takes off with the production of one of the models on their releases Gislaved) quite noisy rubber although other characteristics of a good middle, nothing special is not allocated, unless the car was a Toyota Camry XV40 car company, had to travel a lot on business, money firm on the car are not spared. About the other factors, not who not when did not forget, in this way, I have personally expressed my personal opinion about what I feel is a smart car and Gislaved and riding on different tires had separated in the middle, by the way, according to European tests gislaved always closer to the leaders, but that's the price category is quite different. But to be honest out of all the tires I liked in all its characteristics were Michelin X-ICE NORTH first, I just really enjoyed those tires, sorry that they are now discontinued, but what has traded in the market are all junk.

once again go to the competition and posmotrite than the people edit, you there, no Gislaved, not Michelin will not see ...
Cheap and hack all ... everything else at times loses ...

270683 07.08.19

Photo of a Car tire Continental IceContact 2?

dimanya-84 07.08.19

So he was lucky. My brother's Civica-9 this story as I have. Will soon go on Osipovka front tyres.
Photos before the new year. Ran in properly.now all the sadder

Kuzmich177 07.08.19

I got the CEO took Gislaved 200 bmw 530 for last season and about 20000 km a couple of spikes flew out, I watched specifically because they were interested in this model, and it does not spare tyre and a car, constantly chasing. By the way now Gislaved produced in the factory of Continental AG as they bought the 1992 year.

dimanya-84 07.08.19

Gislaved is not a continental database and ASD. And not Conti-2. Now is 200y, spikes nichrome do not hold! Winter is not over, and the front pieces 20 spikes there already, and I don't rape her, in the drift do not ride.
But Conti-2--- it's a really cool rubber!the previous car was.

Kuzmich177 07.08.19

I rode on Contiicecontact BD and HD at the moment is tyres Gislaved nord frost 200 (by the way Gislaved is a subsidiary of Continental when Continental takes off with the production of one of the models on their releases Gislaved) quite noisy rubber although other characteristics of a good middle, nothing special is not allocated, unless the car was a Toyota Camry XV40 car company, had to travel a lot on business, money firm on the car are not spared. About the other factors, not who not when did not forget, in this way, I have personally expressed my personal opinion about what I feel is a smart car and Gislaved and riding on different tires had separated in the middle, by the way, according to European tests gislaved always closer to the leaders, but that's the price category is quite different. But to be honest out of all the tires I liked in all its characteristics were Michelin X-ICE NORTH first, I just really enjoyed those tires, sorry that they are now discontinued, but what has traded in the market are all junk.

karvik1974 07.08.19


Tests well, well, purely to read and no more. Tyres in the modern world began as a fashion of clothes every year for new stuff that is coming up, although that is the question! And for what? After all, the main factor is the driver! And whatever modern tires without the right approach driving the sense in this. And I myself ride on one of the machines on the tire Gislaved nord frost 100, to be honest price-quality, a pity that was taken out of production in 2017.

Not the right approach ...
Swept you would but kontinetal BD and realized what kioslave sucks ...
You forgot about one factor that the road is other drivers, you can cut it to pop up with an adjacent road in front of you etc and good to have a good margin of handling and braking distance as itsn and zdorovbe more ...

VIP08rus 07.08.19

I have the same tires, I love it)

Kuzmich177 07.08.19

Tests well, well, purely to read and no more. Tyres in the modern world began as a fashion of clothes every year for new stuff that is coming up, although that is the question! And for what? After all, the main factor is the driver! And whatever modern tires without the right approach driving the sense in this. And I myself ride on one of the machines on the tire Gislaved nord frost 100, to be honest price-quality, a pity that was taken out of production in 2017.

zhenk11 07.08.19

I wonder how the rubber will handle it on our industry without a lot of electronics

FINN2108 07.08.19

Database of the end of the release, summer 2012. Hcpl two in the spring of 2013, two 2014. But Yes, it takes a toll. We have a local ride, on the 9th with nobody. Last season not bad for Pirelli ice zero a few cars drove there spike even more Kontika got out!

karvik1974 07.08.19

Database already of old tyres may have already due to the fact that the rubber is old so vyletayut if the hack 8 was the same age I think she would spikes much faster lost .
Right now I'm on the hack 9 chase kapets floor racing season is already flying spikes people have a set of clocked, they all say that the spikes sypyatsya in the path way

FINN2108 07.08.19


Here I read comments who only and what the tires are not praises )))
The guys take a trip to sorevnovanija ice racing, look at a civil bus ride there, that will get you the answer to the question what tyre is the best ...
But dramatically this year, the situation began to change, began to move to 9 Haqq , finally they managed to make a good tire ...
But she has one drawback, the Nokian is not when it is not known for how she has to hold the spikes, and aggressive driving style, you can one day of training 50% of the spikes to lose piece of cake ... especially if you have a full drive or a bunch of horses under the hood ...but if you consider that hack 9 the my studded tire that is not cheap so ...
If you need a bus which spike keeps well kontika no better in this respect, it idinstvennaya tyre where the ship uklein ...

personally, I have on civilian cars hkpl 8 none of the spike has not lost, and kontik dB 5-7 on the cylinder, with the last run at 10-15ткм less in the end.

karvik1974 07.08.19

Yes continental

Tigrnanervah 07.08.19

I have Pirelli 5 year...spikes is not those that stick is broken, not dropped...

karvik1974 07.08.19

Here I read comments who only and what the tires are not praises )))
The guys take a trip to sorevnovanija ice racing, look at a civil bus ride there, that will get you the answer to the question what tyre is the best ...
But dramatically this year, the situation began to change, began to move to 9 Haqq , finally they managed to make a good tire ...
But she has one drawback, the Nokian is not when it is not known for how she has to hold the spikes, and aggressive driving style, you can one day of training 50% of the spikes to lose piece of cake ... especially if you have a full drive or a bunch of horses under the hood ...but if you consider that hack 9 the my studded tire that is not cheap so ...
If you need a bus which spike keeps well kontika no better in this respect, it idinstvennaya tyre where the ship uklein ...

Yrlan 07.08.19


Velcro from the Nokian is the second time in my life when an overpayment for a brand is not felt as a divorce on the headstock. She's really good...

I agree...ride the R1 more, happy as an elephant...I'll take the trail P3

RomanMak 07.08.19

You don't mind...

Grinch8001 07.08.19


They're good while new, but if the protector will RUB off on 4 mm to drive on icy roads is dangerous...

In fact, 4mm to throw it is necessary

RomanMak 07.08.19

In my case this means, each season a new set. Rubber is soft and wears well even with a quiet ride... I got 80% on the highway St. Petersburg->Gdov. However, the road is worse than Peter<->Pskov

Gorbanev7 07.08.19


They're good while new, but if the protector will RUB off on 4 mm to drive on icy roads is dangerous...

If my R2 will be erased 2-3 mm I just throw it in))

Nikola802 07.08.19

Do not argue, though I have to this deterioration, have not yet arrived. But the studding with such wear, with worn and dropped out spikes, too, will be much worse herself new...

RomanMak 07.08.19

They're good while new, but if the protector will RUB off on 4 mm to drive on icy roads is dangerous...

Nikola802 07.08.19

Velcro from the Nokian is the second time in my life when an overpayment for a brand is not felt as a divorce on the headstock. She's really good...

Eggplant 07.08.19


"wet asphalt and a small plus Celsius." sounds like a description of spring/autumn in St. Petersburg)

You exactly with Peter. We have six months.

Eggplant 07.08.19


My opinion — if big live, Nechiporuk if in the area and a lot of ice regularly then the spikes.

Stereotypical thinking. Peter little city?! For example, now in the city on the road the ice and snow. Temperature from +4 to -5 most of the winter. This means only studding.

TpaBkaTpaBka 07.08.19

I said go with the 2nd with the 3rd, 5th at last)

NightRider77 07.08.19

Confirm. Largus at work yesterday and today went to move without slipping is not realistic, even honking from behind...

arhitrav4x4 07.08.19

Not necessarily the one who is slipping, the tire wants to look "cool". For example I have a front-wheel drive. And when I stand on the slope of "the hill", on wet pavement I have is wheel spin when pulling away from traffic lights. The weight of the front end is not enough for the front wheels. In summer and winter. However the car is 220 HP, but the slip not from a desire to brag. This is a standard situation.

Eggplant 07.08.19


and in a small town where work and back on asphalt, but every weekend on the snow rolling forward or pure ice...
Start on the pavement and hear the spikes are erased, and without them outside the city to do nothing...
And ride the third set, or second car!

Why do you start with slip on the pavement?! With nerves bad?!(= Always fascinated by the characters taking a spin Ala "I'm cool gonsev" I have 85-100 stunted mares under the hood.

stillett 07.08.19


Here comes the idea that the Central Russian winter it is necessary to have two sets of winter)))) and one for leaving the city!

and for those who are not friends with the head at every-5 degree new kit!the rich have their quirks!

stillett 07.08.19


Is there a chance with no electronics to go faster than it or exercise is constructed so that it is impossible?

the question is how to go?! as the pension or the money?

Mikhail-Utrish 07.08.19

And today I again to make sure. Moscow stands, and Skoda is coming ;}}

POKATILI 07.08.19


I have my own experience. Winter — spikes.

18 years of automotive life, I was also, then the experience of others have reviewed, tried, and realized that not all and not always so clear

Tigrnanervah 07.08.19

MOSCOW is NOT RUSSIA...it is VERY different living standards.

artemspec 07.08.19

In Moscow, Lada will not find...

alexandrlobos 07.08.19

Let's take the fucking awduche or some cool cars with lots of systems and will test tires. That's nonsense. More than 70% of Russia ride on the buckets, where the benefits only the handbrake and something similar to ABS. Do a normal test on "normal" cars, and it is all in my opinion is not objective.

MadSaray 07.08.19

no bulbs in the tires, but it's better to reduce prices for their mediocre products!

325TDS 07.08.19

Cool probably to test the tires on a AWD car

aglai 07.08.19

Good article, thank You!

JohnEm 07.08.19

How much water.

Prishelec28 07.08.19

CORDIANT SNOW MAX-5 seasons active civic drive, two tops came off one broke on the wheel.Snow 5,ice asphalt 4 with a+ version. So, for "water")))wrote

Bator79 07.08.19

Chelyabinsk.Harsh winters (and men).5 winter ride hack R2.I will take the R3

morisrus 07.08.19

Hi all. Go for the Hakkapeliitta R, start her 7th season.
The spikes did not go. I can not compare. Drive around the city and on the highway. On the whole good, but on the ice carefully, sometimes annoying side skid, the car pulls when making sharp turns. Appeared side cracks on two wheels (as cuts). Before that was a Bridge — they are cracked all to the 4th season (the small "cuts) at the sides.

ShulzGans 07.08.19

While Lapland taxi drivers prefer nastarenkaat with the so-called "Scandinavian" tread pattern ( at Nokian it is not) and kitka they are not transplanted.

brit2007 07.08.19

Is this some kind of mantra! ! More SILICA instead of soot! Some ахренненоофегительныесупернасосные slats. All of this is a shitty marketing. Want to puke!