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Reporting live from the White Hell or the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 9

A year ago I was already here. Fabulous, snow-covered gingerbread houses of the town of saariselkä, forgotten by God (but not Santa Claus) somewhere in the low Finnish tundra, three hundred kilometers North of the Arctic circle. Plastered with snow powder supports and chairs the ski lifts. Long eyelashes green needles are drawn to the ground, pinned in neat snow Ottomans and the Northern lights, flowing through the purple sky exactly when you, the Charter to wait, decide to go to sleep. The real miracles always happen in my sleep.

Reporting live from the White Hell or the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 9Full size

However, even if I slept through the aurora borealis, it is for a good reason. Indeed, in Ivalo, I didn't come here for tourist entertainment, and in the case — test hot (although usually prevails in these places, the bitter cold) new from the Finnish tire manufacturers — the "studding" Nokian Hakkapliitta 9. Here in Ivalo, is frozen heart Finnish tire Empire is a test site “White Hell” (similar to “Green Hell” Nordschleife of the nürburgring).

Reporting live from the White Hell or the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 9Full size

What is special about this place? For those who have not read my story about the landfill, I repeat: White Hell — the northernmost, cold and extreme testing ground in the world. From November to end of April here hard at work. Professionals test cars, and of course winter tires. For this snowy tundra and the clear blue ice of frozen lakes are two dozen tracks with a total length of more than one hundred kilometers. Similar polygons in Lapland there are some other tire brands, but they are significantly inferior in terms of area (“White Hell” is a 700 hectares), on equipment. The route then cook snowcat and various special appliances, test hangars, test stands, and even its own gas station.

Reporting live from the White Hell or the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 9Full size

January and February are peak months for testing of winter tires next year, so along with making lights Japanese hotels in Ivalo is easy to meet the journalists and auto engineers from around the world (including Russia). That is why for tests Hakkapeliitta 9 journalists were not offered the usual route of “Hell”, and a new location in the neighborhood. On the ice of lake Passerby created a temporary mini-landfill, including three tracks that can unlock the potential of any car, and tires.

But we will not be dispersed ahead of time and talk a little bit about the most potential. American writer Charles Bukowski wrote: "Potential don't mean shit. You need to do. Any baby in the cradle more potential than me."

What this means in application to tyre? Limiting characteristics may be less important in a real situation, as it seems after reading a lot of tests. Of course, the stopping distance is quite a clear indicator, but it depends on a million different factors. Temperature, surface coating, thickness of coating water film, speed, tyre wear and so on.

But most importantly, even tires with good performance braking distance can dramatically break into a slide on the ice while maneuvering, which in turn can bring the car out of balance. Especially if driving — for inexperienced drivers (under the word inexperienced I mean the lack of defensive driving skills, winter driving, not driving experience). But if the car doesn't have ESP, or is an old version of the system, and before the accident in the neighborhood... And it's all on the tires showing good results in braking or accelerating dynamics!

Important climatic factors. Even if the manufacturer recommends for your car or those other winter tyres, does not mean that this recommendation will work in Russia. With this, I recently faced personally with the Audi Q7 and the regular non-studded tires Continental, apparently, designed for soft European winter. On dry pavement, the car behaved perfectly, but the slush and ice have started to swim during acceleration and braking. It was especially scary in the turns. Even in a harmless icy turns I was on his Santa Fe Classic (no ESP, but with a new nasipova Hakkapeliitta R2 SUV) passed effortlessly Q7 at the same speed strove to slip out of the way, holding within it only thanks to the advanced system of stabilization.

What should be the ideal winter tire? In addition to the efficiency of acceleration and braking, as well as the maximum of a hook in the transverse direction, it is important for me to decrease this hook as you increase speed when the maneuver occurred in a linear, predictable. That's what I like my Hakkapeliitta R2. The car is not broken in the skid of a sudden — the moment of transition to the slide feels great, giving time for adjustment of a steering wheel and pedals. To Hakkapeliitta 8 I had some minor complaints (for example, the drone on the pavement, especially noticeable on the SUV version), but on ice, for me it was almost faultless.

So why do you have to make a new bus — only four years after the launch of the "eight"? The question is rhetorical. Regular updating of the model range is the key to development of any manufacturer. The laws of the market! But since we mentioned marketing, so is it worth to line up for a novelty, or is it enough to take the bus of the previous generation, which will be cheaper? Let's evaluate the essence of the engineers made changes.

Reporting live from the White Hell or the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 9Full size

One of the hallmarks Finnish my always a large number of spikes that grew from model to model. So, in the size 205/55 R16 on the “seven” were the studs 130, on the “eight” — is 190 (the total weight is almost not affected, as the ship weighs 0.9 g in a passenger version, and 1.1 in the SUV). On “nine” in the same size (one of the fifty-two available in the range of 14 to 20 inches) spikes the same, but their location and shape has changed.

Reporting live from the White Hell or the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 9Full size

If we trace the evolution of tires Nokian, it may be noted that with the change of generations was varied and form spikes. Have Hakkapeliitta 2 wear-resistant element (hereinafter IE) was round, like his body and flange. The fourth model of IE was conventionally rectangular in cross-section, with him and the case. Fifth generation — “rectangular” circle. The seventh model was the anchor studs hexagon shape, IE and office, as well as elastic damper under the tongue — so that the ship could “sink” in the tread for straight driving on dry asphalt, reducing wear. The eighth generation of the newly received updates in the form of a thorn, visually easy to mention rectangular, not hex IE. In the Hakkapeliitta 9 is applied from two different types of spikes, which received even more complex polyhedral form. Why such stealth?

net/afca1fes-1920.jpg class=c-lightbox-anchor c-pic-zoom data-action=lightbox.zoom data-size=1200,800 rel=noopener target=_blank>Reporting live from the White Hell or the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 9Full size

Head of technical customer support engineer Matti Morrie gives statistics of fatal accidents that occurred in Finland from 2000 to 2011. More than half of them occurred in winter snow-covered icy or covered with snow porridge the road. That is, the problem did not arise with braking and not acceleration, and lateral grip, causing the car became uncontrollable. That is a matter of lateral grip! Therefore, the development of “nine” Nokia engineers had focused their efforts on it — and that this requires two types of spikes.

The spikes of the first type are located in the shoulder area, the second — in the Central part of the tread. A similar solution is used on production tires for the first time in the world.

The task of the Central spikes the acceleration and braking. When braking, the ship is tilted, so the edge of the hull made beveled — this allows the spike to bite deeper into the ice, reducing the braking distance. The edge of the IE also beveled on one side. Coupled with a damping insert under the tongue, it reduces the rolling resistance (4% compared to the Hakkapeliitta 8) and reduces the wear of the road surface.

The lateral spines are of different form and location. Their task is to provide maximum “hook” in the transverse direction. As a result, according to tire manufacturers, new tire was much more tenacious on the ice and in deep snow.

Due to a new compound consisting of natural and synthetic rubbers, canola oil, and special plasticizer, the protector is more elastic at low temperatures. With its flexibility it retains until it reaches the wear limit of the tread (4 mm for control bus is a proprietary indicator). SUV the version is increased by 1 mm tenon and reinforced with aramid fiber sidewall.

Handling on dry pavement has also been improved. I promise that the novelty will be in this aspect better due to the more stringent of the tyre's carcass with two layers of steel bikerneu tape (similar design as used in high-speed summer tyres Nokian). In addition, 6 dB reduced low-frequency noise — at the expense of damping inserts in the side rim.

To list all the innovations mentioned in the press release makes no sense. Clever phrases about “supporting 3D lamellae, uniting checkers tread, and aggressive amplifiers clutch” you can read in other reviews. In my view, the ordinary reader (not a specialist-Shinnik) all this confuses. But the full-scale test on the prepared ice tracks can clarify.

Reporting live from the White Hell or the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 9Full size

Plowing ice is melted, the yellow Audi RS4 rushes across the lake, leaving countless white furrows and throwing up fountains of wet snow. The air hangs damp shroud.

Reporting live from the White Hell or the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 9Full size

In countless, as if hovering in the air, droplets of pure water is not polar low warm sun.

Reporting live from the White Hell or the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 9Full size

On wheels — a special version of the Hakkapeliitta 9 with enlarged spines. Fast, exciting, but... no relation to serial buses.

Reporting live from the White Hell or the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 9Full size

Such can neither buy or order — made only 10 sets to be used for entertainment, “White Hell”.

Reporting live from the White Hell or the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 9Full size

Audi cars are traditionally prepared by LMS Racing (among their projects — the 1200-strong Audi RS6, used to establish a speed record on ice, 335.7 km / h). Dopamine is a special power kit that protects the body from damage when hitting the parapets, as well as allowing the use of a powerful tug.

Reporting live from the White Hell or the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 9Full size

To test real tires on ice reporters provided the Audi RS5 and Q5.

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Of the cars equipped with the “nine” part... No, not in “eight”, and in the non-studded R2. Sorry, but the logic of the guys from Nokian can understand — without telemetry to measure the difference between “eight” and “nine” on the ice in the area of acceleration and braking would be difficult, because the difference is a couple of kilometers per hour easily leads to a change in braking distance of five to six meters. Of the measurement accuracy can not speak...

Reporting live from the White Hell or the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 9Full size

But on the flop the snake on the RS5 (Hakkapeliitta 9) and the winding road to Q5 (9 Hakkapeliitta SUV) noticeable difference. Shifting from one curve to another is felt now more accurately, the car behaves more confident.

Reporting live from the White Hell or the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 9Full size

Seems that when the lateral slip of the tire is not slipping on the spikes, and chews, as the braking. Feedback on the wheel is maintained even at the time of “relocation”. To manage shod in “nine” a car is much easier than the same on nasipova. Solid five!

Reporting live from the White Hell or the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 9Full size

Did not disappoint and Hakkapeliitta R2 — the car is understandable and predictable only on the bare ice tire is much inferior to “nine” on the snake, as well as during acceleration and braking. Conclusion — what experts say about the improved grip new tires — that's true.

Reporting live from the White Hell or the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 9Full size

How and what is compared to “eight” verse, the hum of the tires. During the two-hour trip on the roads of General use on the VW Golf and the Audi Q5 it was very noticeable. Verify the improved high speed properties I was nowhere, but not to professionals makes no sense.

Hakkapeliitta 9 already produced at the Nokian Tyres plant in Finland and seven times larger than its production capacity of the enterprise brand in the Russian Vsevolozhsk. Available 52 size (14 to 20 inches). In the line of SUVs are 51 size from 16 to 21 inches. A new tyre is 10-15%
more expensive Hakkapeliitta 8 of the same size.

Reporting live from the White Hell or the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 9Full size

In addition to the Hakkapeliitta 9, the lineup of the Finnish brand is still updating — bus budget line Nordman 7. In design and tread pattern is the same Hakkapeliitta 7, only cheaper due to the less expensive compound. In theory this means higher rolling resistance, worse traction on slippery roads in comparison with the prototype. But the price will be below 10% interest, in addition to it covered by the extended warranty. If the bus will be inadvertently damaged as a result of, say, a cut on a rock or falling into the pit, then buying new tyres you will receive a 50% discount (tires older series mend and change free). The range of sizes is quite wide — 24 variant, from 13 to 17 inches in Nordman 7, and 37 have 7 Nordman SUV (15 to 20 inches).

Reporting live from the White Hell or the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 9Full size

And Finnish tire manufacturers (more precisely, the cargo division of Nokian Heavy Tyres) made of special rubber for his partner, the Icelandic company Arctic Trucks — Hakkapeliitta 44 dimensions LT475/70 R17. Outer diameter of tyre is more than a meter! Wearing them old “Kruzak” like a car for the zombie Apocalypse. Tyres weighing 70 kg and each car can confidently move on any type of road surface. Permeability of this monster changes all of the performances on the roads — drifts, which fall on the belt, “Arctic” overcomes effortlessly. In difficult areas include the back lock, and the most “evil” excesses and front. And going forward, even when in the windshield the sky or snow.

Reporting live from the White Hell or the first test of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 9Full size

Actually this was told during the presentation of the new video of Nokian Tyres. It has no cars. An elderly man sneaks on virgin snow through the forest together with his faithful husky, talking about what he saw in life, I learned how to survive in such conditions, and nothing else is not necessary. “Let there be snow storms, wind and frost. We're ready.”

Perhaps to add to this I have nothing.

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Fetts 08.08.19


Fucking marketing. Constantly releasing new models. Now as opposed to 8 spines new form. That is, in 8 it was not clear that the shape of the spine is not so perfect? Yes, they are a bitch to 30 years painted the entire production program, and 18-20 year it turns out that 9 is shit, but 10 will become more technologically advanced. And technologies it can use of old forgotten by the time of five or three. Because you've got to somehow sell more today that yesterday bought cheaper. And how to do it? To create value added out of the blue, hiring pestabola marketers who will draw each time a new shape protectors at a time when computers, scientists have calculated the shape, which provides perfect grip. Now these are the laws of the market — to create value in a vacuum, holding back progress just because bitch you need to cut the dough, Yes, more, more.

Marketers have at the helm what can I say)

Inspiaro 08.08.19

The whining from the couch. All who wanted already adapted

Shturmannn 08.08.19

And you are much more bias do?

booosh86 08.08.19

On a global scale we have no what can not influence. To learn to influence where you can — that's what I do, and what you suggest

Shturmannn 08.08.19

You know, I know, but what are we going to do?

booosh86 08.08.19

I'm talking about.

Shturmannn 08.08.19

Can not go on, I understand you. This mess not only in Russia, all over the World do this kind of stuff is a problem of development of human society. Capitalism is a dead end development, socialism, capital does not need much... and live.

booosh86 08.08.19

this applies to all sectors of life, the situation with tires is only some echoes of the system that is at the forefront. other examples will lead. Utilities. Plastic pipes invented crappy cloud years ago, but they are now kadut so that every 5 years, repair is necessary. Road. Asphalt was a temporary phenomenon, but Korda realized how much dough you can wash reshili be stuck in the era of the scoop, and yesterday suddenly found that trucks are to blame. Continue?

Shturmannn 08.08.19

So what's the problem then?! Go and buy a new set... Or so you for the people show care?

Upd.: And about Europe — ride tires to a residual tread depth of 4mm or up to 5-6yrs.;)

booosh86 08.08.19

Yes, 95% of the people in our country to lick the plate. Despite this the market is the same BU iPhones are astronomical as well, and tire. Only now driven them out of Europe, where the rules are tougher and people are not ashamed to change tires every 2nd season because you can afford.

Shturmannn 08.08.19


Fucking marketing. Constantly releasing new models. Now as opposed to 8 spines new form. That is, in 8 it was not clear that the shape of the spine is not so perfect? Yes, they are a bitch to 30 years painted the entire production program, and 18-20 year it turns out that 9 is shit, but 10 will become more technologically advanced. And technologies it can use of old forgotten by the time of five or three. Because you've got to somehow sell more today that yesterday bought cheaper. And how to do it? To create value added out of the blue, hiring pestabola marketers who will draw each time a new shape protectors at a time when computers, scientists have calculated the shape, which provides perfect grip. Now these are the laws of the market — to create value in a vacuum, holding back progress just because bitch you need to cut the dough, Yes, more, more.

After your comment gave the impression that you REQUIRED to buy a new set of winter tires =). I have winter tires "lives" for five years — I wash it to state "in the trash", and then going to the store and buy a new one. In two years I'll try some Hakkapeliitta 12 or er 5.

booosh86 08.08.19

If I see improvement — I implemented it immediately to ensure maximum customer satisfaction and product quality. Gillette 10 years, added the blade, while the number not rested in the figure, bordering with common sense and safety issues.

artemspec 08.08.19

I think it's name calling, even in the truth. But all can say (including the author of this review) that he is not committed to creating added value?

booosh86 08.08.19

Fucking marketing. Constantly releasing new models. Now as opposed to 8 spines new form. That is, in 8 it was not clear that the shape of the spine is not so perfect? Yes, they are a bitch to 30 years painted the entire production program, and 18-20 year it turns out that 9 is shit, but 10 will become more technologically advanced. And technologies it can use of old forgotten by the time of five or three. Because you've got to somehow sell more today that yesterday bought cheaper. And how to do it? To create value added out of the blue, hiring pestabola marketers who will draw each time a new shape protectors at a time when computers, scientists have calculated the shape, which provides perfect grip. Now these are the laws of the market — to create value in a vacuum, holding back progress just because bitch you need to cut the dough, Yes, more, more.

StPaul13 08.08.19


Well, for an SUV, for example, in Murmansk or Arkhangelsk in the winter will go, and in the average winter in the Baltic States, most of Russia, it nafig not surrendered. 70% of the mandatory time riding on winter tires have stupidly driving on dry asphalt and on the dirt and slush. There is more need mud Shine but with a softer rubber compound to -20 was not as glass. The Maxim that fits in my plan is the Michelin I-ICE North 3. And if you drive aggressively but with the disconnect|the best kanikama the spikes flying to left and right the only way. And with all nanotechnological spikes and blades, it all stops working because the sharp edges of the spikes on the asphalt have become not sharp, face of the slats, too, have become just podseleniem protector all in 5-8 thousand miles.

Ride safely and will be nothing before. And spikes will fly left and right. Checked

Gorbanev7 08.08.19

Hakka R2,please!

Rexcor 08.08.19

Lamely is not it. That would have made as soft as the sticky rubber, but with a pattern like rain

X-MaldeR 08.08.19

That's why I refused from the spikes and moved on to the Velcro and am pleased 100. Because of my boot at the end of the season is farshmak, part thorns stupid crashes iskorezhennogo the rest of the form and it turns out that you have not Velcro soft gentle and not studding and some crap. Asphalt rumble and no braking, and when the street and the rain is generally atas. About the route St. Petersburg-Moscow on thorns do not say anything. For Peter and Moscow the spikes is clearly not an option.

Rexcor 08.08.19

Well, for an SUV, for example, in Murmansk or Arkhangelsk in the winter will go, and in the average winter in the Baltic States, most of Russia, it nafig not surrendered. 70% of the mandatory time riding on winter tires have stupidly driving on dry asphalt and on the dirt and slush. There is more need mud Shine but with a softer rubber compound to -20 was not as glass. The Maxim that fits in my plan is the Michelin I-ICE North 3. And if you drive aggressively but with the disconnect|the best kanikama the spikes flying to left and right the only way. And with all nanotechnological spikes and blades, it all stops working because the sharp edges of the spikes on the asphalt have become not sharp, face of the slats, too, have become just podseleniem protector all in 5-8 thousand miles.

Demetrio1 08.08.19

Eugene everyone has their own riding style. Can you drive calmly and smoothly. And the one who wrote that he spikes povyletali, aggressive moves off sharply perestraivaya of lanes, well at least travels to the city in the left lane, not less than 70 km/h. Here and judges that the tire is not so hot. I would too in his place would not be glad to pay for the tire 9 thousand rubles. And she is not better Kama Euro for 2 thousand

EvgenEvgenevich 08.08.19

Ride on the Hakka 8 САV 4th season, haven't flown a single ship

D0R0FEY 08.08.19

)))You, of course, took authoritative, there is no market, smoothly driven. But hare Finn rockalbum hole to lick! I mlyayaya not a rogue what is katusa on razine khaki 8 and of course super brand and expensive stuff, but pulled up to lose spikes and howl at all speeds, like a cheap bitch)))

ZanudaBatkovich 08.08.19

Sho mulberries truncated whine absara new product from Nokian?! Don't like(although rather basicapp not hvatat) — Amreli Nergy mastery waiting for you.
Lifted, obseratory hrenovy!
"I mlyayaya katusa on Raine and it is a hundred times better washy khaki".
Yes its cloacal hole you shove your nikabadze rassuzhdalki. Can't afford an expensive thing(apart from Haqq, but all the other luxury brands in other areas), don't knock! Income and expenses!

Partyzan517 08.08.19


r 2 hat, expensive and stupid, droning. good year ultra grip ice 2 quiet, comfortable, hook, braking, handling = 5 , and the price is tasty.) nokian is not justified, plus, as always a well-known disease of studded tyres... And since when Hakkapeliitta R2 was studded? No one gets that )))

I do not agree. we have rally sprints on the ice Hakka 8 inspects all...

Dima-Syltan 08.08.19

probably soon will be Hakka 11

Jagernaut8 08.08.19

to do in eight spike with a flaw then to show that in the nine it better... brilliant!
I believe that the only test of the purchased tires at retail will show what these rubber capable of

Brick-rs 08.08.19


Yes it is written — it was quieter, but at high speed is not checked

Probably someone just flipped through the pictures :)

Gorbanev7 08.08.19


for the money, thank you, 9, 10, 11... and chipy the European small and that their darkness there, why then kumho for ten years does not change his kw22 with simple spikes, because it's better not to do 100-200 miles per hour in the summer no noise in contrast to the khaki and about rowing properties in the snow new hack behind.
for the money I have in 3-4 years I'll buy a new kumho sold the old taxi drivers, and fanatics of the hacks will be 10 years on their brilliantine ride)))
and comparing Haku 9 on special spikes with Bassiouni r2 is the same as studded Amtel on special studs and summer tires the difference is obvious at a normal hack with 9 simple spines you would be caught in drifts in every turn on the test.
If the attendants of the sea already mentioned here that the continental ice contact better, there spikes on the glue, you can go as you want.

I saw the Kia on the studded tires Kumho))) EPT through the hour threw! more gamna not met!
do not bring bullshit!

artemspec 08.08.19

Hakka smoother and not willingly breaks into a slide. That is, for civilian drive it a little better. For racing cat but it feels a little better in the drift

Ha1lihom-kone 08.08.19

Hakka 9 and IceContact 2 KD, the difference on public roads much? or better at times? or Vice versa in the nuances?

ArioluSs 08.08.19

Do you think fake are these tires? If so, how to distinguish a fake?

Fil84cross 08.08.19

Good review! Ordered one of these days these wheels, the price seems adequate nokian-spb.ru/catalog/fil...-hakkapeliitta%2B9/apply/ in the winter you go to the parents to Irkutsk, at the same time and potesta)

Anton801 08.08.19

Just like toothpaste or razors ))

Alex-0109 08.08.19

I read almost all the comments, people are trying to compare different tires on different drives, different class, make, model vehicles, according to various heated, different pressure, different width acceptable for one brand cars, different conditions of the roadway and decided to share their observations.
Nothing is perfect, even in the same studded hakkapelitta depending on the model there is a different behavior of the car on snow, ice, asphalt. 1,4,7 more balanced model, the 2.5 had a horse in the snow, but lost on the asphalt and ice. 8 is primarily braking and acceleration on ice (number of spikes), snow (figure), but apparently due to the rubber compound quite well behaved on the pavement.
And now the personal numbers use .

1996 hakkapelitta Q (195/70/14) front axle Volga, mileage 60000 km hard use even at a temperature of 30 degrees, the spikes are all rounded, the rest of the rubber is not more than 1.5 mm, on one endovascular treatment is missing two spikes on the other three. By the way in the summer heat, the rain slowed summer better of Matador (another Slovenian)

2001 hakkapelitta 1 (195/65/15), Audi 100 44 body, then A6 45 body, both four-wheel drive vehicles, braking in a skid on ice, with the subsequent departure on the asphalt..., Okatana also close to zero, with spikes of round, not enough for one wheel the five, on the remaining 2-3.
2004 change hackability in the middle of winter on Goodyear ultra flu 500, on the advice of a friend, said rubber chic, but this "smart rubber", was worse erased almost zero hackability 1, and in all the indicators stick, and in addition wear one and a half times faster, and fuel consumption after 120 km/h were doubled, all the thorns have been lost over 30000 km.

2006 hakkapelitta 4 A6 C5 (195/65/15) all-wheel drive, mileage is about 40,000 km wear on the gauge foursome, spikes all over the place, driving style has not changed. Cars sold in the rubber, prior to the sale over the summer after about 5000 km.

2007 hakkapelitta 5 (205/60/16) Mercedes four-wheel drive, 30,000 km spikes all over the place, wear 6

2008 Michelin Alpin Velcro BMW 7 (E66) rear-wheel drive, while turning the understeer on ice, slush, March 2014 braking on ice a little better summer michelina,
December 2015 hakkapelitta 8, the car was normally driven, mileage about 15,000 is not enough of a thorn, was a joint during braking., spike then found))). Wear 8.

2011 hakkapelitta 4 A6 S6 (225/50/17) on the auto tires since December 2008, mileage 60,000 km, spring 2017, two cylinders inside burst court, hernia at the protector (the reason I drew attention to this article), in the field of hernia is not enough for the three thorns, the other two cylinders all the thorns in place, wear 6 (I had the shock of so little wear). Grip for eight years, has not changed.

2015 hakkapelitta 7 Solaris, spun the wheel on the ice from the right seat, gas and brake sting's daughter. Solaris did what I wanted.

In 2017, hakkapelitta 8 swing seven. Rubber insulated glazing did not hear., X-drive compared to Quattro sucks.

And in my life was the first Gislaved, breaking away into a skid on ice at 140 km/h and the pavement at 80 km/h when driving straight, when under the hood of Volvo was 190 horsepower, right then and deducing of a skid, without much effort.
Continental non-studded, non-studded winter better Michelino will be, but the first, the second will love better studded Goodyear ultra грип500 and studless sample 2008 my sister do not ride able, but before that, already behind the wheel skated six winters.
Niishp rally 2000 that were noisy, so noisy, right on snow salted the tires was much better hackability 1, but after 40 km/h and 10 km/h she never shook off and the management were like summer (about 30000 drove 3110 and about three on the weaving, noisy)), still four bottles are in the garage).
Was Cooper's, slightly lowered (0,2-0,3 from the norm) and warmed on the rear axle of the Volga just worked perfectly on the ice, but the Niners complained about him. Spikes of it, flying faster than Goodyear...

P. S. I have been driving, drove a lot, quickly passed, only I will say one thing, the spikes saved me from an accident a total of three times, and that's not what my posts were. And so your Volga, Audi I mainly pereboeva after a couple of days zhestyannikov.)))

Safe driving is more dependent on driver skills than on rubber, from rubber depends on the comfort control.

Mrdobriy 08.08.19

In Moscow for the first time in a few months the weather is about -7 on the road snow, but ice. Riding on public roads realized that the Hakka 9 does not justify its novelty and value. Up to this temperature, it was thought that the hack 9 the standard ! On front-wheel drive to start not really skid much if you go without the electronic helpers. Save only they are not rubber.