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The lunar wheel

Not understand with a fright in the head wandered to the idea — but the Americans on the moon were dissected on a wheeled machine.
The lunar wheelFull size

Well this is what technical problems had to be solved to make their tires? It is the same weight for every gram of which have to fight for fuel is limited and highly negative temperature, which means that for the rubber composition and how to create pressure because the air in the vacuum to expand, but will contract from the cold of space, it is necessary to remove the humidity and all here it is all... does it mean that the camera still shot of the moon ride in the pavilion?
Have got to look at the pictures and saw how those wheels were actually designed. In General, failed to use their fantasies in a revelatory way.
The lunar wheel
The lunar wheel
It is clear that no rubber and air, but there is a metallic tape inside and a mesh surface

The lunar wheel
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great-engineer 08.08.19

Can't be!
There are dark!

PiosBarbos 08.08.19


Recently, the Chinese got into the area of "landing" of the Americans and found nothing. Now the Americans ask the tough questions.
This is how to understand?

The Chinese are the first and only primenili probe at (attention) dark side of the moon.

Tuchbora 08.08.19

If you are planting on 3 January this year (and most like they never sat the last time), it is not surprising, because they even side of the moon is messed up (sarcasm). The Americans landed on the visible, and the Chinese landed on the back (not the Chinese themselves, while only the probe). But people like you apparently don't know that the moon has two sides, therefore, firmly believe that the Chinese did not find traces of the Apollo missions ;-)

great-engineer 08.08.19


sawing, as I "like" that the population of truants of the school so great. to falsify can be something that is available to a narrow circle of persons. the Facts remaining the same forever in a prominent place it is impossible to falsify. And all are equal are the pundits who do not believe in gravity, round earth, Americans on the moon and vaccinations. The camera landed on the visible side of the moon, and forever (at least until a precise hit of a meteorite) had left there the lower part of the lunar module, the lunar Rover, flag and much more. Anyone can buy a powerful telescope and see this place. The truth from earth to consider, virtually nothing is impossible, except for some points. But maybe a little to consider the orbit that-e ISS-e periodically successfully did. In addition the Soviet Union (and, more recently, the Chinese here) have launched many artificial satellites and moon Rovers. These had the opportunity to hotpotato "evidence" in all its glory. Anyway, in 100 years it is possible for people to arrive, can you imagine the scandal if there is no will? If it was a falsification, the camera would say that blew up everything that was left. And so they even have soil samples coincided with the Soviet. Naverage that the camera flew there, it's like believing in magic in the ancient world, when the priests just the calendar to know when the Eclipse will happen or river flooding. And for the baboons it was a conspiracy and magic. And galoot for 5 thousand years here nifiga not changed. There is <1% of the population, to move progress is 99% of the population who doesn't know how this progress to even use. The seat belts? Pfff, this is only for cops!

Recently, the Chinese got into the area of "landing" of the Americans and found nothing. Now the Americans ask the tough questions.
This is how to understand?

LeXaN-Br 08.08.19


sawing, as I "like" that the population of truants of the school so great. to falsify can be something that is available to a narrow circle of persons. the Facts remaining the same forever in a prominent place it is impossible to falsify. And all are equal are the pundits who do not believe in gravity, round earth, Americans on the moon and vaccinations. The camera landed on the visible side of the moon, and forever (at least until a precise hit of a meteorite) had left there the lower part of the lunar module, the lunar Rover, flag and much more. Anyone can buy a powerful telescope and see this place. The truth from earth to consider, virtually nothing is impossible, except for some points. But maybe a little to consider the orbit that-e ISS-e periodically successfully did. In addition the Soviet Union (and, more recently, the Chinese here) have launched many artificial satellites and moon Rovers. These had the opportunity to hotpotato "evidence" in all its glory. Anyway, in 100 years it is possible for people to arrive, can you imagine the scandal if there is no will? If it was a falsification, the camera would say that blew up everything that was left. And so they even have soil samples coincided with the Soviet. Naverage that the camera flew there, it's like believing in magic in the ancient world, when the priests just the calendar to know when the Eclipse will happen or river flooding. And for the baboons it was a conspiracy and magic. And galoot for 5 thousand years here nifiga not changed. There is <1% of the population, to move progress is 99% of the population who doesn't know how this progress to even use. The seat belts? Pfff, this is only for cops!

A ray of light in this text.

VladimirVK 08.08.19

First, I am not talking about what I believe or don't believe, I was talking about the realism of finding fraud in the existing conditions. Secondly the question is not that they flew, but the fact that there were real people. Then they collected soil from the moon is not in doubt. Third, to falsify can be anything provided that we will not understand and will not investigate.

Tuchbora 08.08.19

sawing, as I "like" that the population of truants of the school so great. to falsify can be something that is available to a narrow circle of persons. the Facts remaining the same forever in a prominent place it is impossible to falsify. And all are equal are the pundits who do not believe in gravity, round earth, Americans on the moon and vaccinations. The camera landed on the visible side of the moon, and forever (at least until a precise hit of a meteorite) had left there the lower part of the lunar module, the lunar Rover, flag and much more. Anyone can buy a powerful telescope and see this place. The truth from earth to consider, virtually nothing is impossible, except for some points. But maybe a little to consider the orbit that-e ISS-e periodically successfully did. In addition the Soviet Union (and, more recently, the Chinese here) have launched many artificial satellites and moon Rovers. These had the opportunity to hotpotato "evidence" in all its glory. Anyway, in 100 years it is possible for people to arrive, can you imagine the scandal if there is no will? If it was a falsification, the camera would say that blew up everything that was left. And so they even have soil samples coincided with the Soviet. Naverage that the camera flew there, it's like believing in magic in the ancient world, when the priests just the calendar to know when the Eclipse will happen or river flooding. And for the baboons it was a conspiracy and magic. And galoot for 5 thousand years here nifiga not changed. There is <1% of the population, to move progress is 99% of the population who doesn't know how this progress to even use. The seat belts? Pfff, this is only for cops!

VladimirVK 08.08.19

Here it is necessary to separate some different things. The fact that the lunar program of the United States was over it worked tens of thousands of people. They did not prepare the tampering, but actually was preparing to fly to the moon. Therefore, to look for evidence of obvious technical areas — is futile. If the falsification was, her process is separated from the lunar program. Was trained technician. Was the missile launch(where they flew and what they did, successfully/unsuccessfully is another question).
Therefore, even if falsification and was, to seek her will have not here, in General, not the fact that this information is available.

Goshan1522 08.08.19

Here www.drive2.ru/r/chevrolet...hback/502519970798765193/

Liftingforce 08.08.19

This they supposedly the tablet strapped, improvisers Mlyn))))

AntonVolkov 08.08.19

Smile taped to the wing of the "splash guard". ))))

Shumsky90 08.08.19


A few days ago the Chinese landed on the moon and did not find there the traces of the Americans. Now ask them the tough questions.

Riley? And you can links to news on the CNSA?

And Yes: the Chinese probe sat on the side of the moon. This side is on the side opposite to the one that we see (Yes, the moon we always to one side, count the Hochma)

the Americans landed on the face of the moon. This is the side that is opposite the back side.

Now the question is: how the Chinese had to see the bearings?

well, Yes, here is a link to the quoted people like You website:


sudden, huh?

great-engineer 08.08.19

What are you reading, dear pesarbaz? What would you recommend?

Amazed that so accurately figured out my sources! Tell me — how?!

PiosBarbos 08.08.19

I read, and I advise You at least a day to look through something other than such respected sources as the news Agency "One grandma told", news Agency "Experts say", channel "REN-TV" and news Agency "the Panorama".

great-engineer 08.08.19

And why you decided, what I decided?
The Chinese themselves have decided. Read the press, ask.

PiosBarbos 08.08.19

And why did you decide that 🇨🇳 is there something to find?

great-engineer 08.08.19


No one was flying up.
Elementary and there was no planting methods.
Elementary no fuel on landing
Elementary no fuel for takeoff

A few days ago the Chinese landed on the moon and did not find there the traces of the Americans. Now ask them the tough questions.

AlekseiOdessa 08.08.19


No one was flying up.
Elementary and there was no planting methods.
Elementary no fuel on landing
Elementary no fuel for takeoff

Elementary propaganda in the Union works fine. In Russia, I mean...

Dehruale 08.08.19

Take two.

mrROLG 08.08.19

No one was flying up.
Elementary and there was no planting methods.
Elementary no fuel on landing
Elementary no fuel for takeoff

Dehruale 08.08.19

rivershkiper 08.08.19

Hmm...well ... what? Both of our lunar Rover was also on wheels.
"Lunokhod-1" (Apparatus 8ЕЛ No. 203) — he even was the first, before LunaRover

Horoshod 08.08.19

But, he just stayed there ?))

rivershkiper 08.08.19

Here is the second "Lunokhod-2" (8ЕЛ No. 204) (photo already original layout on the surface of the moon remains)

Kitaets 08.08.19


...if there is real knowledge in physics in the school curriculum at least 3 points it will become clear that not only the Chinese, the Americans, but we could not prionitis...(A. tyunyaev-President of the Academy of fundamental Sciences and his videos in YouTube to help those...)

I have 3 in physics and from the school program I only know Newton's law is that the camera won the war and how Kirilko from the box to the sneakers on the filter from a cigarette stick...

Shumsky90 08.08.19


...if there is real knowledge in physics in the school curriculum at least 3 points it will become clear that not only the Chinese, the Americans, but we could not prionitis...(A. tyunyaev-President of the Academy of fundamental Sciences and his videos in YouTube to help those...)

this academia something to do with the Russian Academy of Sciences Heretical? Chi is a branch of idiots?

SkylinedRu 08.08.19


...if there is real knowledge in physics in the school curriculum at least 3 points it will become clear that not only the Chinese, the Americans, but we could not prionitis...(A. tyunyaev-President of the Academy of fundamental Sciences and his videos in YouTube to help those...)

Who is the writer and poet, and founder of non-profit society", the Academy of fundamental Sciences "of organizmica"? Indisputable authority. For fuck-TV.

PiosBarbos 08.08.19


...if there is real knowledge in physics in the school curriculum at least 3 points it will become clear that not only the Chinese, the Americans, but we could not prionitis...(A. tyunyaev-President of the Academy of fundamental Sciences and his videos in YouTube to help those...)

Andrey tyunyaev — Russian writer, poet and journalist. The chief editor of public-political newspaper "President". Are informed quoting someone 😂

Detochkinn 08.08.19

...sorry...wanted to clarify the growth of animated wheels...

Gutorm 08.08.19

Oh, teachers otkrovennosti tightened. I drank with you? Or maybe what is required? What the fuck is instructive tone and other familiarity? ;))))
Go ahead.

Detochkinn 08.08.19

...if there is real knowledge in physics in the school curriculum at least 3 points it will become clear that not only the Chinese, the Americans, but we could not prionitis...(A. tyunyaev-President of the Academy of fundamental Sciences and his videos in YouTube to help those...)

antgame72 08.08.19


Well damn 🥞 at all. What is the moon? Who flew? A niche 🌎 that the earth is flat, the sky 🌌 it's just a big cap? If you go up 👆 rocket 🚀 just russiasia on the sky. 🌕 The moon is a big piece of cheese 🧀. Don't believe? It is constantly someone out there eats 🌙, but once a month someone puts a new piece.

Forgot about the pyramids built by aliens

vikkers75 08.08.19


I stood with a candle?

A censer waved ?

EvgenSib 08.08.19

It was enough to put to proof, RenTV and other bad pseudo-scientific channels from YouTube does not count, I watch them just for shits and giggles.

IGO1972 08.08.19

So I come to You in devletli and entertaining like not hired.

EvgenSib 08.08.19

Well You are so predictable answer...

IGO1972 08.08.19

And You, as I understand it, the flight was involved...

EvgenSib 08.08.19


So they are in the pavilion and removed.

I stood with a candle?

Horoshod 08.08.19

Who sets ?

great-engineer 08.08.19


The easiest way to ask the Chinese to stop the Rover at the landing site. They just now there is a track cut.

American tracks there are and ask them tough questions on the subject.

vulcan161 08.08.19

well, except that .and a rabbit's foot for good luck )

great-engineer 08.08.19


I'm more interested in how they radiation won their windbreakers?))))

Grueling workouts and iron willpower).

Liftingforce 08.08.19

Here you are, and telling the approximate logic of this Scam of the century. Most people really do not care were on the moon people or not. Kinoko showed officially announced medals presented and turned off. And so turned that as they say will have basically all over the new to develop, that's all straight all. Coincidence? I do not think))))

Dinamitov24 08.08.19

The concept of the lunar conspiracy to explain is quite simple. For example: here we all have smartphones, tablets, computers. How many people can at least explain the working principle of these devices? With the lunar programs in the same way. In order to articulate their personal views in such a complex technical issue like flying to the moon, the person should have extensive knowledge in the fields of chemistry, physics, astronomy, mathematics, computer science, etc. Given the fact that many do not even know the school curriculum... so that there is about ordinary people, when my brother K. H. B. has superficial knowledge in other areas, and my brother the programmer — very superficially knows the computer device. I, as a Builder, in devices of the smartphone do not understand at all. This is for me, the magic and color pictures. Hence a situation arises where the same is not knowledgeable people can compile from the fragmentary judgments some kind of pseudo-knowledge and to give to the masses. And the masses are not interested to understand the technical aspects of the issue, when there are intrigues, secrets, investigation and all that. So here we sit on the couch, watching REN-TV. "Enlightened".

JimmyBonobo 08.08.19

There is nothing to do, so do not fly.The money was found, because it was necessary to show its superiority in space.Why fork out billions to walk down on space dust, if all have been already proved?With this perfectly cope probe that does not need food, place to sleep, shower, suit, etc!Analyze soil, rock and home of his return is not necessary)And landing Americans on the moon, unconditional victory in the space race, because even today in the CIS POPs up a question lunar rigging...long Ago it's proven and when you consider that scientists from the USSR participated in the processing of all flights of Apollo, then all becomes clear, where did the concept of the lunar conspiracy...

P21W5 08.08.19

In my opinion it is from the Chicken or the egg came first) Who says was.and there's a photo of the telescope .seen that car where it is and who says there is nothing.And garlic) well right now no one can fly?)) then the money was and right now, no? Anyway something was askew.

SkylinedRu 08.08.19

fly fly... the Soviet Union for all movements followed )

Liftingforce 08.08.19


SkylinedRu 08.08.19


DeNS55 08.08.19

So whether summer or not?))))

NIKITOS-M 08.08.19

Morons everywhere suffice.

sergey4narod 08.08.19


By the way, Armstrong my legendary phrase said what? Small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. He didn't say "a big step for America." A condom 50 years later, the top of his Gauvin raised and conspiracy theories began to invent, Yes, ancient as the world Protons to brag about) Oh, can't you. You're pathetic.

Zmagar did not know that the first of the lunar conspiracy talking just Americans?

Badbadman 08.08.19

British scientists, by the way, proved that hamsters thrive without the participation of British scientists...

Kitaets 08.08.19

And there is no Santa Claus, no, Santa Claus is...scientists are also kind of proved that are not, or were not scientists at all...

Badbadman 08.08.19


the author has hypnol, everyone knows that the moon is divorce for suckers, its not like the other "space"

All right! And scientists have already proved, hundred the Earth is flat, and we live in the matrix and in fact we do not!😁

vikkers75 08.08.19


seriously?:) That is, the gps\GLONASS in each kettle operates through a very powerful mojo, right?)

Great God of Plague and the priests with tassels

Shumsky90 08.08.19

I didn't bother, alas :)

IGO1972 08.08.19

Ahh, that is definitely a must see?!))) The map study did not try?)))

Shumsky90 08.08.19

I from Dnepropetrovsk is not much visible difference ;-)

IGO1972 08.08.19


what is "stirred up"? sorry, I do not speak of the TRANS

You'd better geography were taught in school, man...))) Kazan at his Ural... Mdaaaa...

DmitriiNoax 08.08.19

this is when the sarcasm from olana comes out through the mouth, and the man calls it a proof, instead of the RAM

Shumsky90 08.08.19

what is "stirred up"? sorry, I do not speak of the TRANS

DmitriiNoax 08.08.19

great proof from mutil

Shumsky90 08.08.19

seriously?:) That is, the gps\GLONASS in each kettle operates through a very powerful mojo, right?)

DmitriiNoax 08.08.19

the author has hypnol, everyone knows that the moon is divorce for suckers, its not like the other "space"

jurik1984 08.08.19

This theory is fucked...

Kitaets 08.08.19

Came to the comments to read and laugh...will Contribute...so my knowledge: Amer traveled to the moon, because the whole world followed the broadcast signal came from the side of the moon is indisputable; Ren-TV PI*Dabolim, because they said that Matt from Rancho Devastating shot and Elon Musk asshole because I don't like him, and he also PI*Dabolim as Ren TV, I got it all...who does not agree that Elon Musk...

Battleclown 08.08.19

Comment has been deleted

not a telescope can not see them...

3178 08.08.19

Comment has been deleted

In a telescope you can see the Rover ?😂😂😂😂😂😂
Have you seen it ?

vggpp 08.08.19

they're on the pictures, then drew a grid on wheels)))

RISOVOD 08.08.19

Yes, they were not there. If it were, it would have long ago swept the entire moon. Just need not to fall face in the dirt in front of the whole world, because the Russians conquered space first. They have a flag set, and the different traces left. None of the apparatus of the traces of their stay and is not fixed.

Newsander 08.08.19

Because it is cheaper, just business.

1kos-ru 08.08.19

My opinion. If they flew to the moon, so why are the engines we buy? Where they moon the engines then?)))

cat-dog 08.08.19


So they are in the pavilion and removed.

the Soviet Union recognized that they were there, I think they wouldn't lie to...

BiW 08.08.19

In the comments — just the census technically illiterate morons.

DzenPainter 08.08.19

The fact that they were there too they said on TV)))))Circle ))))

Newsander 08.08.19

That you said on TV? Where information?


The USSR was in space, first man, first satellite. Even the satellite was on Venus and the signal had time to send before got corrupted because Venus is a lot of sulfuric acid vapor.
But the Pindos at the moon alas it was not. They are masters of deceit and conman.

SergeyMatveev 08.08.19

They can not be seen... Any photographer will confirm this...

ProfInAll 08.08.19

The Lord - where the hell are the Stars?)))

Newsander 08.08.19

Our Rovers like the wheels were

NMQXA33 08.08.19

have ornul with mudguards, mud flaps on the Rover Carl.

NMQXA33 08.08.19

Dagestanis would have lowered it before sending

NMQXA33 08.08.19

no moon landing, no

pby5 08.08.19

Well Done Americans! Hats off 👍🤗