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\\u0026quot;Tire orchestra\\u0026quot; in the Kaluga born bus, and where is the music

Job tire plant — the process is complex and well-coordinated, and the success of this work lies not only in high-tech equipment, but in others, that it is the equipment service and control. Imagine... a Symphony orchestra. It is a single living organism, where each musician has their own role, but listens carefully to the other, not to lose the rhythm and give the audience the most subtle and artful sound of music.

Today I want to talk about the "tire" band on the example of Russian factory Continental that for the fifth year running in Kaluga. In five years, the capacity of the plant increased, and ambitions: he is now at the peak capacity of 3.3 million tires per year (well, if desired, or the urgent need he will be able to issue all 3.5 million), 11 Assembly machines 124 of the mold and about 1000 employees. And it works non-stop – 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

u0026quotTire orchestrau0026quot in the Kaluga born bus and where is the musicFull size

And I suggest you literally step by step to trace the production path of one bus from the formation of rubber compounds to the final product – ready tires. I only wish that was allowed, not all processes...

It all starts with a workshop addition. It here from the warehouse receives all the chemical and organic components of the future rubber compound, pre-approved by the quality control Department. A huge mixer, which occupies 4 floors, thoroughly mix all the downloaded components and outputs at the coil the finished rubber mixture.

u0026quotTire orchestrau0026quot in the Kaluga born bus and where is the musicFull size

Coil pull it in sheets that are stacked in neat piles. Ready for further production stacks hanging special green tag – "Approved for process of production." If this tag is not, then the sheets will move to the next stage.
Of course, for every brand and model of the tire – own blend, created according to special specifications and with its own mixing process, the secrets of which we are unlikely to ever reveal.

u0026quotTire orchestrau0026quot in the Kaluga born bus and where is the musicFull size

So what does consist of these same rubber compound? Briefly, rubber, oils and other additives. The Continental plant uses in the production of both natural (the 4th and 5th, the highest and the most expensive classes) rubbers and synthetic. To them in the process of mixing of the added sulfur, carbon black, silica, wax, and other chemicals required for the "recipe".

u0026quotTire orchestrau0026quot in the Kaluga born bus and where is the musicFull size

In front of us at the plant developed this installation is used in the manufacture of chemicals – the main place in it was occupied, of course, rubber. Natural rubbers two dark and light brown in color, they differ only a large amount of impurities that lower class. Two is "synthetic": a conventional synthetic rubber and butadiene (a type of synthetic rubber, which is different chemical composition and produced in Russia with the use of recycled materials).

Interesting, but synthetic rubber is used in the manufacture of tyres, not only because of lower prices (and, therefore, it would be cheaper and the lid), but also because of its properties. Some procedures and prescriptions cannot be implemented exclusively from natural rubber. And the use of one kind or another is justified not only materially, chemically, from the properties of the materials. However, our tricky question: what, after all, better experts of the plant responded directly: "Better than mother nature still has not come up with anything. Natural rubber has higher viscosity and strength, so the answer is obvious".

u0026quotTire orchestrau0026quot in the Kaluga born bus and where is the musicFull size

By the way, about the material component. Natural rubber in Russia (or neighbouring countries) no. Are now developing the production of its dandelion. It is the next stage of this research, and it all began in 1932 in the Soviet Union, then joined the US, UK, Germany, Sweden and Spain. Factors such as the Second world war and the complication of logistics, spurred by the attempts to find a natural alternative to natural rubber, but greater success in industrial scale was never achieved, so the effective ways in looking for still. Therefore, all natural rubber – imported, and this field of logistics is not to exclude.

But back to our bus, for which you just produced rubber mixture and folded pile. Now it will be loaded on iron pallet the way it will in the shop of the extrusion. It is here that manufactured the tire, projector, sidewall and the inner layer (so for a 12-hour shift here is 20-25 km of the tread).

zoom data-size=1920,1440 rel=noopener target=_blank>u0026quotTire orchestrau0026quot in the Kaluga born bus and where is the musicFull size

u0026quotTire orchestrau0026quot in the Kaluga born bus and where is the musicFull size

u0026quotTire orchestrau0026quot in the Kaluga born bus and where is the musicFull size

So, the blanks are ready. In line – Assembly shop, one of the most advanced at the factory. Here are the 11 Assembly machines very quickly collect a "designer" and turn the workpiece in the so-called "green tyres".

Is "green" bus in several stages. The first — frame Assembly: hermosas (camera replacement tire), side ring (metal, created exactly according to the diameter of the tyre to enhance its strength) and a rubber apex (for better response in the turns). Then these components are superimposed textile layers (to form support frame under positive pressure, e.g., during inflation), the reinforcing tapes (to enhance the on-Board part) and side panel (to protect the tyre from external cuts and road conditions).

u0026quotTire orchestrau0026quot in the Kaluga born bus and where is the musicFull sizeAll the machines are identical in their design and can produce any tyre from 13 - to 21-inch. This wide range of possibilities there are only two plants of the brand in Germany and in Kaluga

The second stage – Assembly pekarnogo bracelet. It consists of two steel cords in superposed crosswise on one another: this creates a more sturdy structure and protects the tyre from puncture. Then on the bus applied a bandage that compresses breakers between itself and increases speed performance of the tire. Well, the final touch – the protector, is still unfamiliar to us – smooth, not affected by the curing process. Before us is a "green" tire.

u0026quotTire orchestrau0026quot in the Kaluga born bus and where is the musicFull size

Everything I described above with the help of so many words, Assembly machine makes the... 10-15 seconds in fully automatic mode. The operator, who is with her, only checks and adjusts as needed the machines work. Remember, we talked about the orchestra and the human factor? So, the factory Continental sure where the process controls the people, less scrap and other negative factors affecting the work of the whole factory of the body. And they are definitely right: it was the plant in 2017 won the first place among all plants of the brand in terms of quality.

u0026quotTire orchestrau0026quot in the Kaluga born bus and where is the musicFull sizeSteel cord for tires produced in Belarus and the Russian Lipetsk, and textile plant in the Volgograd region of Russia

And the way the "green" tire, meanwhile, stands the shop of vulcanization, where it falls on the conveyor belt. Here are 124 continuously press to turn the workpiece in the finished tyre. This also occurs several stages. The tires are opremanje from the inside, so you can easily get into the press and out of it. Then a special aperture under a pressure of 16 atmospheres inflates the tyre so that it took the form of a press where it is situated.

The tread of each tyre – design your own mold, and each green tire is marked with a QR-code by reading which the system itself determines which press it to detach. Errors are virtually eliminated – no when checking a QR code, the system will not allow to load the tire in the mold. But here, just in case the worth of a man, one for each of the long rows of presses.

u0026quotTire orchestrau0026quot in the Kaluga born bus and where is the musicFull size

After all these "manipulation" of the mold is compressed and heated, and after 12-13 minutes it comes ready with tire tread. And falls on the cooling conveyor (too high temperature for instant transportation) and from there further into the shop final inspection and studing.

Past this shop can not physically walk or one bus. Inspection start with visual examination by the inspectors – they are looking for all kinds of visible defects on tires: cracks, inconsistencies and even stamped the numbers on the sidewalls and tD. Upon detection of any of the possible "malfunction" of the tire is sent for repair, if possible, or rejected, after which it is cut and throw (by the way, the scrap rate at the plant is 1.3% of the total).

u0026quotTire orchestrau0026quot in the Kaluga born bus and where is the musicFull size

After visual inspection the tire is loaded in a special machine to check the geometry and balance, there is and 3D scanning. Then, if required by the model, bus are sent to the studding, of which there can talk long and hard. It all began with tires Continental Ice Contact and its vulcanized cleat.

u0026quotTire orchestrau0026quot in the Kaluga born bus and where is the musicFull sizethe spike was 25% lighter, which is two times increased the number of studs in the tyre (according to the standards of the Scandinavian countries, which also comes Continental

About him, certainly, many people know, but I'll remind you. On the basis of spikes smeared with a special glue, then spikes are inserted into the tire by the robotic machine, and the next stage of the production process has already spiked the tire is placed in an autoclave where a pressure of 6 atmospheres and at 170-degree temperature occurs in a special chemical process between rubber and metal spikes, securely kleevage tongue in the body of the protector. This, according to technicians, 4 times increases the strength of the mounting studs in the tyre — each of them can withstand a load of 500 N (50 kg) without any traces of separation from the tread.

But now in the process of entering the pipeline is a new generation of spikes for the same Ice Contact with a mysterious name "rubber". Of course, the fully rubber spike not talking. Rather, technological innovation: a core made of hard alloy incorporated into rubber housing. As a result – the low wear of asphalt (which is good for passing certification and tolerances to the European asphalt) and unusual for a studded tire acoustic comfort. Promise that a new generation of Ice Contact with such a spike will appear very soon, maybe even the upcoming winter.

u0026quotTire orchestrau0026quot in the Kaluga born bus and where is the musicFull size

And now, all manipulations with the tire produced, the production waste is not revealed and she is sent to the warehouse, from either the leaves or at the local car factories for the original equipment of new vehicles, either on the shelves (and not only in Russia or Kazakhstan, but also the countries of Europe and even the Middle East and Africa) – for consumers.

u0026quotTire orchestrau0026quot in the Kaluga born bus and where is the musicFull size

u0026quotTire orchestrau0026quot in the Kaluga born bus and where is the musicFull size

P. S. This spring, five years after the opening of the company, the plant Continental in Kaluga, rolled off the 10-millionth tire. She got Continental Cross Contact with memorable historical inscriptions on the side. This tire is not going to "flow", and will be installed in the Museum of the plant.

u0026quotTire orchestrau0026quot in the Kaluga born bus and where is the musicFull sizeplans and 100-millionth tire — even after 30 years, if all goes according to plan.

And so it comes tire: a tire sheets, workpieces and the green tyre to the finished product, which we are accustomed to seeing on their cars.

u0026quotTire orchestrau0026quot in the Kaluga born bus and where is the musicFull size

I hope you found it interesting. If you have any questions on production or other technological process in a tire plant, ask them in the comments — experts ready to answer all that in their jurisdiction (though not the online answers will have to wait a bit).

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Ellennka 08.08.19

Press tour for journalists and bloggers

ssb1911 08.08.19

How did you get here?

OVERKILL 08.08.19

where Moscow tire, where Chekhov?

almadriver 08.08.19

I have a cousin brother working. It was interesting to read the article. ;)

Max697708 08.08.19

Nogtiki would podstrek not interfere

pokatusher 08.08.19

Oh, if only the quality of the rubber was to the tyre like...

Renegate 08.08.19

Do not break your head Lord, I live across the river from the China border, you know, so today the rubber Rola triangle. In all modifications. Can the far East to ask any tyre, rubber shoes to the disk, as is balanced, how many weights out to disk. Price and quality perfect. Despite the fact that can afford the same Dunlop, exogamy, brigeston. The past 6 years, ride in SUVs, 5-6 thousand miles a month...comes with the job.

sancho-nb 08.08.19


I will send them, give me your contacts in PM

If you don't mind — tell them what Gislaved they have fallen below Chinese, spikes evaporate in two years, a quiet ride, Kama is longer. It's certainly not Konti, but like classmates, but here is a disgrace. The tread is like new, and the spikes disappeared.

rogez 08.08.19

wrote in the profile...

Ellennka 08.08.19

I will send them, give me your contacts in PM

rogez 08.08.19

If you have any questions on production or other technological process in a tire plant — there was a question as to the Continental ContiPremiumContact 5 is made in the period 4917 (week 49 2017).
How can I contact the factory?

dolgik 08.08.19

Comment has been deleted

Yes, we know Another thing, LUKOIL sells oil viscosity 5в20 in Russia, and in Ukraine they are.Them in Romania produce for Europe, and in Russia can not be sold...nonsense

dolgik 08.08.19


And I'm the new winter tires I bought, and Russian, all winter spat.Noisy, slow, bad brakes and accelerates.

And I cross the climate like Michelin, others tried from Michelin.

FoX-Serpukhov 08.08.19

Sport can be a little, but the physics of the processes is the same, Riccione urgent for Moscow, where he lived before and the roads where 90% of the time clean but wet or Stavropol, where I live now, because here winter is only three days a week, and for example, in the Vologda region, Kostroma region, where often there are no studs very uncomfortable

AndyAstra 08.08.19

In sport and the wheels especially have. But on public roads little sport )

FoX-Serpukhov 08.08.19


Spikes — a throwback to the time. Works fine right frictiony winter and in the snow and on ice, just need a bit to learn how to ride, then the pavement will cease to go in the spring with the snow...

Yes, Yes, atavism, because the sport used 4.5 mm and 1.5 mm ship training ship


In our village the snow along the road:)

DIMSk8771 08.08.19

"the asphalt will cease to go in the spring with the snow...

"if they keep technology, and not to lay down it in puddles and in the snow.

AndyAstra 08.08.19


It is clear that no "one size fits all". But in Moscow?! Other cities-a separate issue. I worked in Tyumen, here there Yes, spikes do not hurt, they're really on the ice to work because of chemistry there in such quantities is not! Very little roll in! Although I have friends in Novosibirsk and even there, some go without pain and feel good. People just do not include the brain when buying spikes. Don't understand why they do it. Just stupid for many "winter=spikes" a priori.And to think why are you doing this? Pros-cons estimate. My 26 winters in GMT and sometimes visits to the area-never on the spikes, just good winter tires and never had no problems! "Spikes" should be primarily in the driver's head! And worst of all-from year to year more and more IDIOTS riding on spikes all year round! And not on the cheapest cars! Fines there really of 20 thousand should be! Some stupid save, others believe that the spikes on the pavement, better brakes (hand-face).

Spikes — a throwback to the time. Works fine right frictiony winter and in the snow and on ice, just need a bit to learn how to ride, then the pavement will cease to go in the spring with the snow...

DIMSk8771 08.08.19

it wasn't about "faster ride" and "not normal situation" ...
every Smith...well, know shorter.))

AndyAstra 08.08.19


Imagine... the track I'm familiar with...19 Jan...2 weeks without rain...what force majeure except holes? speed is not prohibitive...there are faster plays the emotional impact from the loss of control and the trajectory of how people fly?..
I'm not saying that spike is the panacea for all...but the asphalt is not spikes kill and banal non-compliance with the standards of workmanship of pavement, overloads and chemistry...
None of the Velcro will not hold where the hold of ship.
But in this case I think personal.

This eternal quest to be better tires so I can here a little faster and more confident to go, and the trouble is that necessarily because going. And then the rubber will be even better, it's great same and even faster I can go. and then. oops no luck... So it doesn't matter what tires, it's important how we travel on it... the Main course is not summer to winter )

ADS2010 08.08.19

Such articles of production Michelin in Russia it is planned? Have questions about the quality of their products.

T2GOLF 08.08.19

they came to us already...

DIMSk8771 08.08.19

everyone thinks — will carry...

UdavKaa 08.08.19

Fools do not understand that they will also fly

DIMSk8771 08.08.19

these are the "responsible" citizens... few people now sign carries with him...

UdavKaa 08.08.19


spike is not "2-3 days"... it justifies itself "2-3 seconds".and it's everything You ever...night at -5 on the road without snow in a closed corner on the descent, never had to see senecaville broken truck that poured the water, and she was stretched meters on 50-70...tonerkit sneaky layer of ice... so, at the end...3 cars in a ditch, and on thorns I passed on its trajectory with minimal deviations.2 seconds...a lot less than 2 seconds...and it worked...after that, only SPIKE!
It is not in the head. The case.

Most in this situation is sad, that no twit on a truck or three poor fellows in the ditch couldn't be bothered to put any sign on the road to warn other traveling.

DIHALT 08.08.19


Ahahaha! Produce resources — a country gas station, manufactured goods — all this dirty industry!

I understand to you preferably that in the country there are some pros and managers, and the factories all closed?

Well, like pros now make the most profit. The same Apple, for example, even their plants has not, and from all over the world money as a cleaner in the us rowing. Or Google, for example.

filipsergey 08.08.19


On the contrary. To open the factories which produce high quality technological products that were in demand in the world. That is, to recycle resources within the country, not to sell raw materials, and it should not be someone else's production. What would our people have developed and created, rather than the Western engineers in our hands.

So here we are talking about high-tech factory, a not our resources, recycling we have in Kaluga.
I was at the plant of continental in Portugal, I'll tell you, even in this small photo shows the plant in Kaluga for a lot more modern and more technologically advanced!

pokatusher 08.08.19

But Sacher did you write in the post about such a plant in Russia?


On the contrary. To open the factories which produce high quality technological products that were in demand in the world. That is, to recycle resources within the country, not to sell raw materials, and it should not be someone else's production. What would our people have developed and created, rather than the Western engineers in our hands.

pokatusher 08.08.19

Ahahaha! Produce resources — a country gas station, manufactured goods — all this dirty industry!

I understand to you preferably that in the country there are some pros and managers, and the factories all closed?


Russia — the country of the 3rd world, which has become a raw materials appendage and a base of cheap labor and dirty production removed from economically developed countries. And with their own resources, even do not need to import.



Kaluga beer sucks.Tires probably too.Try no desire.

Omsk beer rules!

filipsergey 08.08.19


Yes, I understand that; Just for myself(!) — I have long thought if for the same amount I can buy "made-in-aliens" — that's what I'll do; let them spend a little more time — but the purchase is imported products.
No one to anything not called upon to Express his personal opinion.

If everyone understands why ask the question?
It will cost the same, for the end user!, for the manufacturer of course somewhere less, somewhere more.
And, unfortunately, not always the case that we have to produce something cheaper, to give...to give...that's an additional charge for the end customer.

Tomak 08.08.19

I prefer experiments )) to buy this and that ))

Lostd48 08.08.19

Yes, I understand that; Just for myself(!) — I have long thought if for the same amount I can buy "made-in-aliens" — that's what I'll do; let them spend a little more time — but the purchase is imported products.
No one to anything not called upon to Express his personal opinion.

Tomak 08.08.19


Question 🙋 :
— why is the tire "made in Russia" is exactly the same as the bus "made-in-the Germans"?
— the question is essentially rhetorical, and I myself personally, the tires do Not buy Russian nor when ; but still — Why?

The materials are all or many of the imported and purchased for $ ! + all our levies, taxes and other props ...

MaksimHS 08.08.19


Ummm. Why should it be different? The price is cheaper? Well ? This is the joy of the producer and its profit. No more. And the bus is like a bus, no matter where it is made.

Because Russia is consumer doing shit.
For EU consumers to do the shit — there is a big risk to fly.

DIHALT 08.08.19

Well, nice. It all goes into the pocket as additional profit. Why would he sell cheaper? The price of the products from below is limited by cost, and on top of market conditions. And once the conditions are that the competitive situation allows you to sell more — will sell more.

a-smola 08.08.19


Ummm. Why should it be different? The price is cheaper? Well ? This is the joy of the producer and its profit. No more. And the bus is like a bus, no matter where it is made.

Price rabotyagova cheaper commercials in just seven. Logistics cheaper. All leshelle

MaksimHS 08.08.19

On the "market" where real plants can be counted on one hand, you pay only as needed. From the willingness or unwillingness does not depend on anything. )

DIHALT 08.08.19

Isho times. The bus is exactly how much ready to pay for it. No more, no less. Once bought, it is so worth it.

Dima-DV 08.08.19

At least there are no customs duties because the Tire is produced in Russia.
Therefore, support the previous question and again asks why the bus prozvedennye in Russia costs the same as imported bus because of the border with customs charges paid?

DIHALT 08.08.19

Ummm. Why should it be different? The price is cheaper? Well ? This is the joy of the producer and its profit. No more. And the bus is like a bus, no matter where it is made.

Lostd48 08.08.19

Question 🙋 :
— why is the tire "made in Russia" is exactly the same as the bus "made-in-the Germans"?
— the question is essentially rhetorical, and I myself personally, the tires do Not buy Russian nor when ; but still — Why?

filipsergey 08.08.19

Of course they are not thrown into a landfill, they re-processed, a large part goes to dust, less to recycle.

Tomak 08.08.19

49 000 tyres a year they cut the throw is ... not reassuring at all once! It is better to be recycled and not thrown away, soon the entire planet will litter ... the era of petroplasma in all its glory !

LeXaN-Br 08.08.19

Very interested.
Give and Michelin

sancho-nb 08.08.19


26 winters (and years too) without studs MSK and the region. KBM, with a maximum discount of 50%. Maybe it's in "strips"? This winter was in Moscow? Today -10-12C, so brush off, all filled and covered with chemicals, all dirty as hell ride((((( but snow the day before yesterday and it was not, but Lew parasites and necessary and not necessary! Why pour a dry road at -10? What were the spikes?! Snow is not seen on the roads, not that much ice. From other cities of Russia photo spread, white snow, chilly, frosty, clean car. Already envy takes! And then 5 months a year in a GOV.sche float((

EKB, also floating in this black cream. The mayor said at the briefing — "in a shower you filth! "... The curtain

MaksimHS 08.08.19

No, but you have something just all right.
We've got a lot of transitions through zero, when and how, and where the snow will melt and the slush will freeze to predict in advance is impossible.
By the way, just yesterday I had to Dodge on probation samouchitelya the street from prune thieves on the premium. If in this case the spines helped to keep the car, they paid for itself.

lightninq 08.08.19

26 winters (and years too) without studs MSK and the region. KBM, with a maximum discount of 50%. Maybe it's in "strips"? This winter was in Moscow? Today -10-12C, so brush off, all filled and covered with chemicals, all dirty as hell ride((((( but snow the day before yesterday and it was not, but Lew parasites and necessary and not necessary! Why pour a dry road at -10? What were the spikes?! Snow is not seen on the roads, not that much ice. From other cities of Russia photo spread, white snow, chilly, frosty, clean car. Already envy takes! And then 5 months a year in a GOV.sche float((

MaksimHS 08.08.19


We also time what limitations to impose. Yesterday I walked along the highway in the MSC so the noise from the spikes so even lays the ears! The "health" of the pavement these spikes is also not added. I do not understand how the drivers themselves are not contrary to this grinding for months to listen to? And, most importantly, for what? For a maximum of 2-3 days in winter when it is slippery and sometimes you just have to use your brains and drive especially carefully observing the speed and distance? The rest of the time it's a mess of chemicals, water and mud(( month 3-4 of these "winter" 6 so even on dry asphalt to crunch(like now((

In order to KBM for CTP have not gone into space, and my car not be repaired for their.

lightninq 08.08.19

All right! The calculation is always "the fool" is needed! Therefore, I say that the head needs to be in place and constant assessment of the situation and not mobile face and race in winter, type "I am on thorns, I figure!"(( by the way you this winter lots of ice saw? I had never seen, only wet chemistry asphalt and shit((( sailed all winter(( earlier at least -15-20 on dry road went, and now in the frost poured and poured all!😡 my friends write that Peter fray very little, practically do not use chemicals. and that's okay! People's heads turned and goes, but on clean machines with clean windshields. So not only in St. Petersburg, in other cities, too, and very zealously GMT master budget((

ilya-1977 08.08.19

Therefore, the spike, if it was useful once, so it paid off and need. And trouble-free riding will be when we will be able to think for myself and that friend.But there are exceptions, like a bottle out the window and let spike be the helmet on her head.

lightninq 08.08.19

Sleeping on the poor performance of the security services. People icicles from the roof kills(( output - walk all winter in the helmet! Although summer does not guarantee that a thread fucker a bottle out the window throw! All year round in helmet to go! But not the fact that a drunken idiot will knock even in a helmet(( Where does these comparisons? Then out of the house in General it is better not to go! As I say "the thorns must first be in the head!" a sober evaluation of his experience, road conditions, distance and speed - is a guarantee of accident-free driving. Although batches (as recently in the snow about 50 machines) no one is immune. There the spikes are not thorns, all in a heap(((

ilya-1977 08.08.19


But those 3 cars in a ditch of course was without thorns?))
Again, if the night, closed turn, an unfamiliar route, the conditions for icing and so slow down and everything! You always have to count "the fool" and the force majeure on the road. And fly off the road and on the spikes without brains is not difficult.

People when riding the subway, did not think that they will blow up.What sleeping?On force majeure or a matter of chance?

AUTOVIN74 08.08.19

Know yet only one tire where the spikes don't fly for two or three seasons from the word altogether. Pirelli Zero's Ace. Tested on three machines.

filipsergey 08.08.19

That year was in Portugal, the factory continental, loved the tour!

discovery1 08.08.19

We have Kaliningrad region, Winter often looks like a deep Autumn, this sometimes happens and the snow that is due to the lack of frost, but the winds often turns into ice or is it just the temperature difference, there is ice, and this morning did not really want to go and feel the asphalt AVS, it is easier to buy spikes and swish them all winter, than to stick to 100tr to repair casovni about fatalities, I generally keep quiet!
PS And you do not know that studded and not studded wheels, most often, it is the same)))

lightninq 08.08.19

Snow important the tread pattern, the spikes are only for ice. In the MSC snow drowned🙈 pre-pour and pour tons of(( ice did not see last winter. But overall for 23 winters in the MSC and the region never spikes are not used. Even with the rear, even with the front, though, as it is now with all-wheel drive. This is my experience, and let everyone decide for himself

discovery1 08.08.19

About the summer no one would argue(no question here just d@moon go on the spikes)talk about winter, not dependent whether there is snow on the knee, or sometimes it falls a little)
PS about takane is nothing you, the Internet is not a social dinner !

lightninq 08.08.19

Have we met? I suggest you stick to their friends. Your review is not clear. Can't ride without studs - your right. I don't know how you do in Kaliningrad, the ship may need, but Moscow is drowning in chemical shit every season. I hope you have them, at least not year-round use? Now Boobs in the summer on spikes is becoming more and more. I think that they bite into the asphalt better braking🙈 money on wheels summer not, whether the brain is simply not available. Good luck on the road!

discovery1 08.08.19


But those 3 cars in a ditch of course was without thorns?))
Again, if the night, closed turn, an unfamiliar route, the conditions for icing and so slow down and everything! You always have to count "the fool" and the force majeure on the road. And fly off the road and on the spikes without brains is not difficult.

Nice to read masters of sports around))
Go on, you go)