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Inspection Lada Priora

Asked to find Prior. Need the whole, not rusty, and those without attachments. If anyone has this, and for the sum of 200 000 rubles, call me! I in Chelyabinsk!

Someone long ago asked me to put in a blog Prior, as the car is often purchased, especially for young people.

The customer found this ad.

Inspection Lada Priora

Price 180 000 rubles. Called
I — Which host in the TCP? ? ?
HE is the Third
I'm on the body painted the first two people, and what you painted?
HE — no One was painting, I also do not dyed
I Checked the thickness when buying?
HE personally did not check, the buyers who came to watch were tested, two came and said all of the entire
I — What are shoals on the body is?
HE is the Back right door, it on the Parking lot rested.

Well we agreed to meet and see the car.
I want You to look at the pictures and decided on the basis of mileage. Is HE HONEST, and the bottom is the answer! So a Video of running the engine, and it works! And all their views, share comments!
Inspection Lada Priora
Inspection Lada Priora
Inspection Lada Priora
I saw a car like this. Overall, looks good and without any flaws. Tell me, did You see the school on the right rear door? I think not
And all because to take a picture of you so that at least all of it is broken, You can't see it! In these photos, no photoshop, just the right angle, and whole machine is smooth and beautiful.
So looking at the ad from another city, for a small price tag, not going to watch it at breakneck speed.
In fact there is not such a machine as the photo!
Inspection Lada Priora
Inspection Lada Priora
Well, I walked around the car, and here are the STOCKS that people nedorabatyvayut on the phone. About the door I was told, but about the mirror is silent!
And when you ask at the meeting — What about the mirror something not said? Begin to twist the face and say that I am not asked specifically ABOUT the MIRROR :)) BUT if I'm talking about each item asked, he would have told me)) That's such a sell... And if such a car and go 200 miles, it's all simply wasted time! So either ask all doskanalno, or ask for MORE photos to You on e-mail.
And in our time have Viber, Whatsapp, and so on. To a photo, after 5 minutes, if one is interested to sell a good car.
Inspection Lada Priora
Then as usual the measurements of the paintwork, and the front left fender, trunk lid — PAINTED. On the question of what and how measured LKP those who come, REPLIED, that as told him, and he told me.
Again lying. Either not measured him LKP. Or knows, but is silent.
But I push these sellers... When just after the visual inspection does not fit what he said to me on the phone! Come on, open the door, look at the salon.

Inspection Lada Priora
Inspection Lada Priora
The wheel. Without braids, and so on. But as You see in the photo. Smooth, napoliroma, sometimes a Chur...steering wheel horn Button as well casertana and caught up with rim.
For those who like to say that rests IN THIS PLACE and because of this the wheel has sashikala, I will answer. SO KEPT IN ALL the PLACES the HELM, since he paserman everywhere, not just in one place!
Inspection Lada Priora
Seat. In General, they are poorly preserved, but do not pull on the mileage of 50 000 km in Some places progeny holes from cigarettes. The photo is hard to see, especially this focus is not emphasized as a smoke, and run through the holes in the seat do not understand.
However, the fact that the seat is sagging, there is no doubt, and this is about the mileage.

FOR FANS to SAY, what do you want? machine 2008! Please look on this car 2006
Inspection Lada Priora
Button zakolochennymi. We must assume that they are erased from the fact that they are used! Apparently there is often used. They Wycherley, and these can be seen on the Accent
Inspection Lada Priora
The gearshift lever. Leather torn on it, but growling is original, not replaced on the farm as often happens to hide the mileage! The whole machine is like a book, read Yes, read, nothing is hidden!
net/5d3a262s-960.jpg width=960 height=1305 itemprop=contentUrl>
Pedal. Purely on it, the mileage is not great. But because the lining is very simple to buy, and everything is available, they often change people. But mostly this involved outbid. I for one hate that the pedals are crooked? But on the Vase, they are often crooked
Inspection Lada Priora
Twister headlights, Ala Opel and so on. She pecherkina. How many thousand times have to turn the dim light to take her to such a state? Pecherkina as she spun around and around. It also indirectly tells about the mileage.
Inspection Lada Priora
Open the hood. See washed the engine. Maybe even just washed, as the water at the checkpoint did not even evaporated. Visual leaks found. Whether they are actually or washed, is another question.
Then please start the car

Run. And the video is not clear, but the sound of the motor LOUD. To say that the motor works well, the language is not rotated. In fact, for my mileage it works out pretty well. And so, to go to capitali him not long. If you're lucky, he's still 50 000 km will pass. Maybe more, maybe less... But the extra sounds are present, the joints may died...
Inspection Lada Priora
LKP metering cups. And they are in their native paint. On a glass of wine, almost always the LCP is not a lot thicker. TV as a whole. Photo measurements as well, but they are not here vlasiuc...
Inspection Lada Priora
Since painted the tailgate, to look back, and at the same time to look at the spare tire. The reserve is not native, well pojejena... Stuck in the ass but the car was not. No rust, water there so not. The rear bumper is not worth a lot not exactly, but this is easily remedied.
Inspection Lada Priora
Like rubber)) is still good will run it)) Not like Chelyabinsk screw!
Inspection Lada Priora
Here's the mileage on the dashboard... how Real is it?
Of course not. It 200-250 000 km, if not more.

Such runs appear for many reasons. A lot of cars in a taxi — priors. Taxi drivers say they bought a new, wrapped her 100 000 — 150 000 km, hit the road to run and sold... Went and bought a new one, again.

A lot Prior even 2013 from 2-5 owners. ON THIS PRIOR 4 HOST INSTEAD OF 3. Why am I writing this? For sale, every person shakes run! The more, the more wound usually, of course there are exceptions.

Find Prior REALLY honest and good, really hard...a Lot of young people killing them constantly and so on. Runs on Pryor wound almost always. About it has a story.

It was comrade Priora of 2011, in complete Norm. He wrapped her 80 00 km, while the condition of the cabin mileage was. And in hodovku been tampered with, and understand mileage can be easy. The hood is all chipped, there were lots of them, from the fact that I went 2 times at sea, and we have enough of gravel. Hood Pryor BLOSSOMS like Apple-trees! In General, we can say that the bonnet is rusty. Is there a primer on Pryor I don't even know, the feeling that the paint on the iron...
Paint the hood did not, then every second I do not think it in the face of the bit. It was sold in a month, then a second, and then he asked me, -WHAT to DO to SELL?
I — Well, what can you do? Motel mileage on 30 000 — 35 000 km and you will have happiness.
Last week, the car is sold and people bought it only because of the low mileage!
In General, everyone is happy, the wolves are fed, the sheep are safe...

And so do all! And the more owners, the less likely you are to buy a good car... but in General, if not to save on diagnostics, then go to the OFFICIAL Vase, and watch the mileage in the BRAIN. In the Message it is stored not only in the collection tubes, and many here will refuse to go see it, verified by personal experience!
Inspection Lada Priora
Come back to this Prior. Took off all the photos to the customer, explained everything, etc., in General for an adequate amount of to take it, but go to the station a must. And the owner of the Priory, was ready to go to STO when I saw the car. But when it came to reality, he told me — out of ME and ANOTHER 5 PEOPLE to COME WATCH, someone will buy for one HUNDRED will not go...

Be careful not to be fooled!

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Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

The only true review

Ingener-Serega 08.08.19

here at 200 -230 sure!
my 125 just looks cheerfully!

LedySkyter37rus 08.08.19

Thank you :)

ololob 08.08.19

Thickness! Buy horstek or et rates from 6 starts

LedySkyter37rus 08.08.19

Very interesting entry, I read with great pleasure! In December we also have the question about buying a car the choice was between Kalina and priorei. All the priors that were in the range of 200 000 were either dyed or is bugged, viburnum, too, looked they looked cool)but I was lucky to buy through a friend, the man kept it in the garage, not ridden and the shore as they could. Now I know the name of the device to check the machine painted or not :) within the what amount it is better to buy? Suddenly never lucky to buy a car znakomyh, just have to check carefully)

Ingener-Serega 08.08.19


PRIORE. It's about her coming!

recalled the correspondence with the guy who asked you is the door to change or so will do(blog) =)

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

Apparently this time agree)))

sapozhnikov666 08.08.19

that comrade Cossack no comments)))
he's usually foaming at the mouth proves otherwise written)))

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19


Emilgan 08.08.19

signs pasted in the wrong order)

Xandre 08.08.19

about erased the helm, was in the possession of the prior, bought new by me, worn steering wheel to 50,000 mileage... well, there is clearly seen that the mileage is not real.

Eindhoven 08.08.19

haha people live the dream for 180K looking for, come down to their money, people are looking for t car if not the car goes, and the mileage is or the number of people in the PTS soul warming

el0ne 08.08.19

The main problem is that 90% looking for a car at a minimum price of their maximum budget. ie a person has 350 thousand he will not look for a good accent for 270-300. He'll be looking for the lowest price on the car, which costs on average 420. Therefore, step in shit. And then whine that the terms of some scammers and outbid. Hlebom less clicking necessary and problems at anybody will not be. And prodavan right not to go to STO. It is not necessary to fuck. He's a sucker for his car will find without this crap. The pelvis is of course not a good example of the machine selection. But on fresh cars and 70% bought, you can weed out very quickly and by phone, provided that searching for the vehicle not for resale but for myself.

WhiteKing174 08.08.19

XS did not go again 2 parts done + right door

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

Watched it? the motor is the same?

WhiteKing174 08.08.19

OO thanks it just rodet her again and we are looking for a hatch universal-) www.avito.ru/chelyabinsk/...ada_priora_2008_574313236

Minimus 08.08.19

I have to Kalina also worn light controller. Mileage 55 honest.

Minimus 08.08.19


I'm the second owner its Kalina don't know if it's real mileage but the car is 10 years, 90 thousand. With the condition that the machine is constantly carrying all kinds of Shit at work it looks better at times, only the wheel is also jammed.

For 5 years, 90 is the norm. When I bought Kalina was an option 11 with a run of 35 :-) the cabin it was evident that 100 minimum.

somebody 08.08.19

I your wad bought in October, 10 thousand can still not have to roll — although a trip to Moscow and Kaluga on a regular...

Minimus 08.08.19

Mileage — my wife's Citroen, 2010, native mileage 26000. The father X-Trail, ' 08, mileage under 100. Speaking of runs...

It's personal for everyone. But the average is still 15-20 per year. I bought the car 2 months ago and almost 5 thousand have already clocked up, although the machine is not working.

Minimus 08.08.19


Its going to sell,12 years, Norma,1 owner, engine box ideally, the suspension on the 4+, but with LKP damn, enough stocks.Then fading, then scratchy, and recently someone rear wing cyanol.That's because of these nuances to throw off in the course of not a few have. About whirlings dimensions and low beam, I have it too rubbed, although a run of just 42 thousand.

This pen management light bought new in the store and is changing in two clicks.

renault31 08.08.19

I'm always delighted dummies interested in the mileage...sold by the way employee's prior zero configuration with mileage of 120 thousand, but fuck smetany to 20 thousand...happy Highlander left satisfied-(switched to selling oil, brake and coolant fluid and the belt, put back native wheels and pads) and all!runs is wound not only on the basins, all to sell the car-unless of course the seller is not a goof or there is no point in satyavati...

PVM102 08.08.19


For is not get 12 thousand a year riding it)) rarely goes. Note 4 host probability of such coincidences is negligible)))) I know two people who run pulls only personally. And 8 year to review and prior think not. If they new worth up to 400 for 1 year, they lose about 100 thousand Can be found think and 2010

Mileage depends on many factors. I in the year of passing 10 to 15 high, small town. By car every day, the day is almost not worth it at all. Prior to 2009, the total mileage 87 at the moment. You can argue for a long time)). A lot depends on the driver, can he sitting in the car rubs hand buttons, the nerve of some))), etc.

PVM102 08.08.19

Yes, I do not praise too to Oh, say that in principle it is reliable in the whole machine. Never been let down. B/the cat in the bag always. If the sale to always tell the truth, you can take a year to sell))))
I agree about the phone, I was promised that prior to the ideal, and when I arrived I saw that only recently painted and sits in the garage pretty baby, don't take it...lied))))

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19


is not the case)) you are selling cars?

If you were in Chelyabinsk could see cars, and so on, and so the View knows what you got there)) by phone all have the best car)))

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

very rare. and undertake only a great car. but not so much...

PVM102 08.08.19

is not the case)) you are selling cars?

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

well done.

PVM102 08.08.19


I Magnitogorsk nothing was taken, but I think it just happened)
good car there's anyone has. they come to us to the market I go!
From Sibai to Magnitogorsk is much closer than to us)))

Hi. Today I looked at his car, all labels on buttons like new from the factory, not a single scratch))

PVM102 08.08.19

good machines generally leave quickly and quietly))

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

I Magnitogorsk nothing was taken, but I think it just happened)
good car there's anyone has. they come to us to the market I go!
From Sibai to Magnitogorsk is much closer than to us)))

PVM102 08.08.19

do not argue, in principle, normal priors too quickly gone. To Magnitogorsk it is necessary to drive to see what is there. to You far away)))

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

but the car is reliable and sold well

PVM102 08.08.19

total mileage priors 87. Yes, I decided to try Ino had wanted Audi A6 years 2000-2002, there basically killed the shit, and too old Ino is very problematic. mitso 10 probably more inclined, outwardly normal, not better priors. the same old panel, you can buy a 5-year, too)))))

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

25-27ткм even the old penny can't fail))) it's not mileage))
depends what car is going to look)

PVM102 08.08.19

now I know special on BU car, soon going to change)). I just did not know what to 400 wanted. I prior for 2 years never failed, drove 25-27 tons. Tomorrow will check all your notes on the fading, etc.)))

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

I've now watched civici.
they are cheaper than real! ! ! ! ! 2010 400 thousand

well at first glance. And THEN I LOOK AND THEY are 1.4 l and with batteries)))))
none of the cars did not see 1 owner service book and so on.
no one written not bits do not paint))))

looking for 1.8 l kiss, and get a price from us))) and we have a 2008 bought for 400 000 rubles at maximum speed))

PVM102 08.08.19

to be honest too lazy to pick the obyavy on avito is already tired of one worse than the other including Ino. It all depends on the gasket between wheel and seat, not the machine sometimes)). Pictures announced all nice and washed and come shit shit)) ( no matter what brand)

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

compare condition and price come together. Lasher is cheaper you, cars with cheaper stocks, and so on. and direct service and all the price is about one. well, we can 10 ranitsy will be, but maybe at 10 cheaper to be another day)
I was in Bashkiria and my friends bought the go for the car. Perhaps something cheaper, but something we are cheaper) throw link cheap car that 30-50 cheaper I'll call them for the sake of interest

PVM102 08.08.19

I compared the lancers 10-e and something else

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

good are the same tested by me))

PVM102 08.08.19


certainly not outbid! outbid even cheaper take! www.drive2.ru/b/1462640/

by the way compare prices on Ino some recently in Ufa and You in Chelyabinsk region ( in particular Magnitogorsk), You have a more expensive from 30 to 50 for the same thing Ino is the same etc.

Renati4 08.08.19

Yes, mostly young... I just went to the Priore family with 45 thousand mileage and the owner's grandfather so dreamed of such a ))) Then spat and looked for Koreans ) Sweet deal but was not easy )

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

because you see yourself as in chelyaba they go)))) they stupidly kill))

Renati4 08.08.19

also looking for a long time prior. Was shocked even godowski okatannye ...

Greg178rus 08.08.19


she is God... etozh Lada... what tolsimir)))) these machines are bought for slaughter by default.

if you take to the slaughter — still it must be inexpensive, and krakouer will help to convince the seller to sell for the real price

PLATINUM63 08.08.19


zOOOrg 08.08.19

she is God... etozh Lada... what tolsimir)))) these machines are bought for slaughter by default.

Pashaga1990 08.08.19

In Pryor, grants, Kalina mileage is written only in fresh don't remember exactly, 13 or 14, provided that the brace is activated, and so there will be either 1mil or 0.

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

I will not argue

aliga 08.08.19

so there is no mileage, I sewed and brains, and runs spinning on priborchik, not in vases mileage in the brain, nor on one vase there, UAZ have personally read diagnosis

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

Specifically you do not tell, but on the diagnostics it find!

aliga 08.08.19

so, where is it even stored ? ))
in the brain ? what is it? in bashiqah, yanarico, M73 ? or somewhere else

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

Pryor not in one place the mileage is stored!
Just so you know when to shake will be))

aliga 08.08.19

Yes no prior mileage in the brain,

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

Unit comfort probably

aliga 08.08.19

and you can specify since when Pryor mileage prescribed in the brain, something I do not remember this))

LEVA79 08.08.19

I agree that to look for a car orientiruyas the mileage is not correct. But if I knew in advance that the machine had more than 2 owners, you even look the car would not, as a rule, kosyachny options.

d-medvedev 08.08.19


"Diagnosis" by the sound of the motor smiled :) Well the motor works, not rave.

Hear that knock Hideki.

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

well, if by hearing heard odd noises, why continue to watch?
how to check the motor? will you tell me?
if the compression is fine but knock Hideki — good motor?
if the compression is normal it is a good motor?

100 times I wrote there is a way to check the engine! To take it apart.

Vodokanal2 08.08.19

"Diagnosis" by the sound of the motor smiled :) Well the motor works, not rave.

d-medvedev 08.08.19

I would 150 this was not taken. To drive it frustrating mess... I get its generally cheap given such instances sell... Recently called buyer — happy as an elephant)

Dizzart 08.08.19

Thank you, very detailed and interesting!

ThankYou 08.08.19

"But when it came to reality, he told me — out of ME and ANOTHER 5 PEOPLE to COME WATCH, someone will buy for one HUNDRED will not go...

Therefore, it remains only earnestly wish such Golden pradamano the month with the pot not to get off from the wild of diarrhea))))

whitewolf75 08.08.19

Thank you, very useful information.

Murad1397 08.08.19

What did not like is the Council to throw off the mileage... then they grumble that everyone lies... it is minus the image... need to call for honesty. I 14ю sold, she was 2.5 years, mileage 140, Kalina 5 year 200 thousand, now Lacetti 300 thousand also does not twist. And nothing, maybe less given, but not tormented by conscience, and at the meeting do not have to blush for the lies.

Murad1397 08.08.19

By the way, my 14 saw then in the city, stopped the mileage was 88)

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

the pelvis is the norm

Ibragimov899 08.08.19

The quality is actually really bad, I would have your salon 100k would actually 50

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

with priori no point to the inclusion of

Ibragimov899 08.08.19

I'd like to send you pictures of their priors) do Not know, after reading your blog I would think that mileage is more than it really is.((

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

Stopped reading as soon as it was written the phrase on the actual mileage of 200 thousand km. my second car Priora 2009 saw the photo salon and saw all the same as mine. I have the mileage of 101000. And he is real, he hitting the entire.

this suggests that you do not follow the car. with tazoodle to argue and no need

Volte 08.08.19


I do not crack clips. I'm on a car ride.
there is not mileage 85000 km to deny it does not make sense.
and indirectly, the mileage says not only the interior and motor etc

In every post accusations. Not work conversation.

Volte 08.08.19


Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

I do not crack clips. I'm on a car ride.
there is not mileage 85000 km to deny it does not make sense.
and indirectly, the mileage says not only the interior and motor etc

Volte 08.08.19

1-I wrote something about the sound of the expansion joints?
2-you then visited the lade to 100 TK. to keep the cabin in its original form? even if everything in cellophane to keep everything will not help.
3 - I understand You can determine a person's character by the condition of the cabin? The thoroughness of the individual to determine one review, it's very cool. !
4 - with regards to my pedantry - you've been in your car ever changed the clip of the insulation of the hood because it cracked? It seems to me that 99% of people not even looking at them while this cloth will not fall on their heads.

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

when pedantic the owner of the salon to 100,000 km like new. you don't have that? So are you the host or the quality of the materials. Although both.

And the sound of the expansion joints at this mileage is the norm, too?

Volte 08.08.19

What does the line under the number 2 ? What criteria got to determine what I am the owner?

Avtopoisk74 08.08.19

1. quality prior no
2. you're a bad owner
3. I have a friend in Priore's interior mileage 200 and in fact 55000. just quality shit

Volte 08.08.19

Stopped reading as soon as it was written the phrase on the actual mileage of 200 thousand km. my second car Priora 2009 saw the photo salon and saw all the same as mine. I have the mileage of 101000. And he is real, he hitting the entire.

StanislavKox 08.08.19

watching how to follow a car, I'm on my 124х with up to 85 hit the road and sold for more to do is not have a mind, understand. The buyer I said that the car is good not umotala)

Solo59 08.08.19

And I say that these buckets of flower and does not smell, there is the same narrow-minded claim that a great car.