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Drive to California. Part 29: re-evaluating car values

Moving permanently to the other side of the planet, is quite naive to expect that your way of life will continue in full. Especially in the case when the structure is left entirely at home.

Living in Moscow, we found more or less close to the ideal format of automotive life: I according to standard routes of type home-work trying to ride Marte, somewhere far away or in a large group — on Audio, the wife own Ford Fiesta. More than five years, our fleet remains unchanged.

Drive to California Part 29 re-evaluating car values

As I have said many times, the most important part of life in a typical one-story America the car and drive on it. Within walking distance there is nothing — on any question except "to walk down the street" have to get in the car.

About minivans. Rent my first minivan (Chrysler Town&Country), I suddenly kindled a passionate love for him — Oh, how many car Ah how strange it is how this family! But after some time they let me go. "Van" sounds like a sentence, it pretty much smacks of corruption and despair, and most importantly it's uninteresting cars. The final nail in the coffin was the Toyota Sienna — I have not found in this machine no dignity. In short, the furnace minivans.

Drive to California Part 29 re-evaluating car valuesToyota Sienna is in a separate furnace with high temperature and turbocharger air.

About Toyota. I can not understand Americans ' love of Toyota. All of these endless herds of Priuses, Camry and Seen — no taste, no imagination, no patriotism in the end. My experience riding on the American Toyota (from the Yaris to the Sienna) shall render an unambiguous verdict: this camobogia plastic Korobchenko with grinders instead of motors for the price of a normal car. Sorry if I offended anyone.

About the size. What in America like big cars — a myth. What we consider big cars — there is a regular, it's just not particularly favor small. In possession of a small machine there is no practical sense. The entire automotive infrastructure (road, Parking lots, interchanges, gas stations, etc.) has to ensure that you did not think about the extra two feet of length or height of your pickup.

Drive to California Part 29 re-evaluating car valuesParallel Parking? No, not heard.

About the number of the drive. It turns out that in comparison with Moscow, here in the car spend less time, but passing a much greater distance. In General, an hour here you can easily travel 100 km. In fact, sometimes during this time in Moscow, too, can pass 100, only to have meters. A simple example: we live in Sunnyvale, my daughter goes to school in Los Altos. Every morning we drive Sunnyvale, then San Jose, then go on highway, I stop in the Los Altos, passing it nearly all — on the edge the school is located. All the way — about 10 miles, in morning rush hour the journey takes 13-15 minutes one way. It's not annoying, it's nice.

Drive to California Part 29 re-evaluating car valuesPassing here every morning.

About the road. The U.S. built a fantastic road network (if interested in the details — that's a great big post in LJ on this topic). There are roads, they are smooth, they are markup. Just do not confuse the road network with directly by the quality of roads — it is a solid four and, in truth, does not go to any comparison with the German autobahns, for example. But in General, America is the land of cars and people.

About the climate. The mild climate of California has a beneficial effect on everything about cars. No snow, no frost, no mud and chemicals — machine is much less worn, without much straining years to maintain the condition of your car at the level of "almost new". Tires do not need to change (some genuinely wonder the very existence of winter tires). Wash the car every few months. In addition, year-round warmth allows you to do such nice things as, for example, profiled turns at junctions is superadobe!

Drive to California Part 29 re-evaluating car valuesTurns at many intersections similar to a fragment of a racetrack — they are built at an angle. While driving even with a relatively high rate of people not in the car and pushes the seat in the side — so much more comfortable. But in places where it can be cold and slippery so it won't work — for example, stopped at a junction the truck at risk of sliding on such a "hill" in a ditch.

About safety The accident rate on the roads is low. All go calmly and without strain, good roads, interchanges and intersections designed with the mind. For the year, I saw only half of the accident — one car crashed into a pole, the other slipped and fell funny on its side in a ditch at the interchange. The probability of an accident is small, but at this point it is better to be in a great and safe car. In the event of an accident all can be very serious medicine here is super expensive, and liability to third parties could amount to superdelegate (suddenly you're a sysadmin, a Facebook press or fly into the living room of Tim cook). Therefore, all such risks you need to insure it. Pleases that in comparison with Moscow prices for the full insurance against all trouble (the equivalent of our insurance) are lower at times.

Drive to California Part 29 re-evaluating car valuesCalifornia typical Volvo driver.

About sensations. If you like spending time behind the wheel, typical of America (outside large cities) will bring you joy every day. In this sense, I was very lucky, in the automotive sense of the word, we are absolutely happy family — my wife and I love to drive, and kids love road trips of any length and duration. In addition, we appreciate every pleasant trifle and all sorts of interesting things-Dryukov, which so many modern machines. And that brings us to the main theme.

The choice of the car. In short — our automotive tastes and preferences here completely changed. My wife, loving my Fiesta and small cars in General don't look at the cars-babies. Is irrelevant. I will never forget as she breathlessly walked around black Ford F-150 Raptor in the showroom of the dealer (if at this point in her pocket accidentally lay extra 50 thousand dollars, she would have bought it, I'm sure).

Drive to California Part 29 re-evaluating car valuesOh, Yes. To this handsome man and be jealous for long :-)

We looked at a lot of different cars, from Buick to Audi. Nothing has attracted. Audi was particularly disappointing — in General nothing interesting (not surprisingly, from "der of Grosse Troika of" business in America they are the worst of all). I stopped to look Smart — well, Smart as a Smart car. Again, as a second car — does not roll. To go on business to San Francisco, for example, not. If you go for a second car — Smart for the wife and two kids to leave like it's not even funny.

In General, change in life (especially automotive) has completely changed the selection criteria of the vehicle. The result of our joint research was the acquisition as a main machine, a large white Ford Explorer, stuffed with all kinds of security systems and buns for its inhabitants. It's a supercar, really!

Drive to California Part 29 re-evaluating car values

A year ago I would have never thought that after Ford Audi seem a big step forward, not backward. But it's true. The only problem is that now I almost lost access Explorer — captain of this ship family land was Olesya.

I currently left a pedestrian, since leased a month ago today, Sienna was relieved to pass. Now remains to solve the second part of the task "choose vehicle" — select the car smaller and simpler for themselves.

Recently Alex K47r drove to the Chevrolet dealer (by local standards, something like AVTOVAZ). And — Oh, God! am I ready to go down with the premium all-wheel drive station wagon and rear-wheel drive rear-engined coupe to some unfortunate Savica?!

Drive to California Part 29 re-evaluating car values

We know the answer in a few days.

To be continued
In the previous series:
Drive to California. Part 28: the First employee
Drive to California. Part 27: Legalization
Drive to California. Part 26: a New season
Drive to California. Part 25: Tesla Motors
Drive to California. Part 24: Maker Faire 2013
Drive to California. Part 23 PayPal
Drive to California. Part 22: Stanford University
Drive to California. Part 21: The Myths. Americans smile you fake
Drive to California. Part 20: Concept changed
Drive to California. Part 19: the Apple campus
Drive to California. Part 18: rental housing
Drive to California. Part 17: car rental

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FRANCH-ART 10.08.19

This Ford Explorer...I just love it!))

kazax01 10.08.19

25-28 plus taxes for another 2500-3000.

MaximChevy 10.08.19

what you have is a 3.5 Camry?

kazax01 10.08.19


About the Toyota very much, constantly trying to understand the phenomenon of this brand at the present time. If earlier it was indestructible quality and svoeobraznyi design now it is faceless and raw cars German.

They are now reliable. Price is not the same as the Germans. At least in the States.

deadnapalme 10.08.19

Yapov have have good cars, but European so fed up with something.

shargins 10.08.19

Oh, You're right about Japanese cars. Straight to the point!

somebody 10.08.19

Very informative and interesting your blog posts ! Still, once again, convinced that the lifestyle is much more practical Amer and our post-Soviet world view, as the rocks on the "would-be American".

darkbound 10.08.19

But in Egypt, cars are something like us, here's a trend in the countries 3rd world =)

RokkrulV 10.08.19

Well? The most expensive tricked out Camry is about as cheapest BMW on this website.
I do not understand the reasoning in this thread, the starter said that Toyota is not interested, that's the truth is. But the fact that they are bad as cars, and are unreasonably expensive, it is nonsense full. Normal capowski, easier, and significantly cheaper than the Germans. Reliable.
And if not about the Toyota, but about the Japanese, generally speaking, there is a lot of interesting.

MaximChevy 10.08.19


"Japanese cars German" and so on — this is not an opinion. This is nonsense. Voiced publicly at a major automotive site. Therefore, pay attention to it. Expand your horizons, that was not such "opinions".

auto.ria.ua/newauto/%D0%9...rice_do=¤cy=1&text= I certainly didn't even compare Toyota with BMW, but since you gave an example please have a look, I think it will be clear even in our currency.

MaximChevy 10.08.19

Well going to read more)

RokkrulV 10.08.19

"Japanese cars German" and so on — this is not an opinion. This is nonsense. Voiced publicly at a major automotive site. Therefore, pay attention to it. Expand your horizons, that was not such "opinions".

MaximChevy 10.08.19

I'm not going to argue, it was a personal opinion.

RokkrulV 10.08.19

Don't understand what you want to say. For the price of some German cars, the Japanese? Top Camry 3.5 l is 1.5 million. BMW five 3.5 liters of the cheapest is 2.5 million. The same thing will happen if other models of the same class to compare.
And what does "better at any Korean ride than on this Japanese"? Any Korean better, at least the Corolla?
The Koreans top model Kia Quoris Optima or of course good, but any Korean would be better than any Toyota...

MaximChevy 10.08.19

It I my Cruz anyone can not compare. I say my opinion about Toyota, as I work in the automotive business.

RokkrulV 10.08.19


Now can started Attac that I go to Korean smelly, and talk about the great Japanese, but I am still convinced that at the present time, it is better to go on any Korean than this "Japanese")

On what? How Japanese compare for example your cruise? (this is Korean?)

Geram 10.08.19

at most write

Nothings 10.08.19


RokkrulV 10.08.19

About Audi I think, VW/Audi still in the lead now.

Nikolay-FroYo 10.08.19

in Russia, too, it all depends on the car dealership in America, too, there are different shops and dealers those who are selling b\y for example in the same way as went over the threshold they've forgotten ) but there are many, this is as lucky a of dealers don't even know

Rust6 10.08.19


in bigger cities like NY and LA there is not much to cut but no more... Reckless driving(reckless driving) is not only increase the cost of insurance,... which is why I try to drive everything is quiet and peaceful :D especially in silicon valley there at all city towns with population of 30 — 60 thousand people

and the dealerships how to relate to Clinton before and after?
in Russia to buy lick after purchase go as a homeless beggar with requests even about what they must do

amazing 10.08.19

About specific wheels and suspension will not tell — did not compare. But at the junction of highways will be comfortable except that the S-class :-)

fmsfmsfms 10.08.19

I've NEVER driven on U.S. highways, but they say, on small wheels and European suspension at the joints of concrete to put it mildly uncomfortable. Is that true, Anton?

amazing 10.08.19

There is a little, Yes.

fmsfmsfms 10.08.19

Probably even understood why the suspension of American cars so much different from the suspension of European cars?

Legat 10.08.19

Skagway 10.08.19


The subscription closed! About Toyota. About America interesting to read was the last continent not yet visited. No longer want — grilcom with Your decorations. And Toyotas go without it and for the right price. Just look at the number of suggestions on brands Drom.ru. It will become clear why Toyota is the leader.

arikk, I support Your words let the author writes better about America, and what applies to cars with such comparisons is not correct and not substantiated by the statements of this topic is better not to touch.

Skagway 10.08.19

To speak and write always want what you think is right. Only it must be done reasonably, properly and competently. Good day to You.

amazing 10.08.19

Thank you very much for your feedback and suggestions for adapting my lyrics to your taste. But I will continue to write what you think is right, and as you see fit.

All the best.

Skagway 10.08.19

You are the author being sarcastic in response to the subscription, it is clear that You and we readers can do without each other, but your name as author You can get dirty, not competence and it is not correct. Not when you do not speak up especially bad in comparisons about a particular brand of car that is this good and the best but this fray and break like cardboard. Here is Your statement "Minivan" sounds like a sentence, it pretty much smacks of corruption and despair, and most importantly it's uninteresting cars. The final nail in the coffin was the Toyota Sienna — I have not found in this machine no dignity. In short, the furnace minivans. About Toyota. I can not understand Americans ' love of Toyota. All of these endless herds of Priuses, Camry and Seen — no taste, no imagination, no patriotism in the end. My experience riding on the American Toyota (from the Yaris to the Sienna) shall render an unambiguous verdict: this camobogia plastic Korobchenko with grinders instead of motors for the price of a normal car. Sorry if I offended anyone, " And do so, then that would not apologize. Better to argue and talk about the particular model in these words : to Me this car did not come for one reason or another I with it was worn out and I had such a breakdown or I don't what to not intermeddle, and add it to Your personal opinion.

amazing 10.08.19


The subscription closed! About Toyota. About America interesting to read was the last continent not yet visited. No longer want — grilcom with Your decorations. And Toyotas go without it and for the right price. Just look at the number of suggestions on brands Drom.ru. It will become clear why Toyota is the leader.

Here you are evil. I said I was sorry in the paragraph about the Toyota. And how am I supposed to survive without your subscription? :'(

Skagway 10.08.19

Mikhail, "Well, Toyota reliability is the same synonym as Ferrari — richness" is a very correct statement, I think the millions of owners around the world would have agreed with this and even more models Sienna mentioned by the author.

Mikhail 10.08.19

This review of Toyota because of a lack of knowledge of the author about the automotive industry in the USA in 70-80-ies. In those days, the whole of theirs by Ford, Chevrolet and Chrysler were collected semi-literate drunkards, from which the quality of the machines was very low and the cars of the American automotive industry has ceased to valued customers. At the same time, the US market came the Japanese with their super-quality and super-reliability that has allowed already by the end of 80s to capture more than half of the market.

I should add that until now, American cars depreciate more than Japanese.
Well, Toyota reliability is the same synonym as Ferrari richness.

arikk 10.08.19

The subscription closed! About Toyota. About America interesting to read was the last continent not yet visited. No longer want — grilcom with Your decorations. And Toyotas go without it and for the right price. Just look at the number of suggestions on brands Drom.ru. It will become clear why Toyota is the leader.

StrongMan-Volvo 10.08.19

after the move we also changed the automotive preferences, especially the wife . If she used to love little cars like a mini, Polo, now less than average size SUV was no longer her channel :))))

Mikhail 10.08.19

Well, to them it is all so clear — they need to sell their products. And the people-what's the use?

amazing 10.08.19

I guess this is a question for all manufacturers :-)

Mikhail 10.08.19

Question to the author: "Why the car every day with a top speed of 250 mph, even if on freeways more than 110 already against the law?"

Jennik 10.08.19

Yes I would not take a wife that is nonsense, and for the family to travel it is good.

andrew 10.08.19


Do you even Expo took the Sports version with Ecobutton high returns, or a simple 3.5 EcoBoost?
Just a simple — lethargic and dull.
We have sports there, under the order and so, in principle, stand in the salons but I was not driving, although sometimes I look in his direction.
But taking the test on a normal 3.5 Bustos — had vehemently stomp the pedal, it's uncomfortable, and unforgivable, in short he has little motor this.

I would not want my wife a mastodon with zeal Kaen. And myself, too.

Jennik 10.08.19


Not Sport, normal Limited. Well this is a family car, what really is the sport :-)

In the EU hard for this on the autobahn to drive, then families go otdyhayushie 180 min, and a 190-200. Also on acceleration there is a stock.

andrew 10.08.19

On the Drive there is a test about the Sport, everything is well written, what really is the sport =)

amazing 10.08.19

Not Sport, normal Limited. Well this is a family car, what really is the sport :-)

Jennik 10.08.19

Do you even Expo took the Sports version with Ecobutton high returns, or a simple 3.5 EcoBoost?
Just a simple — lethargic and dull.
We have sports there, under the order and so, in principle, stand in the salons but I was not driving, although sometimes I look in his direction.
But taking the test on a normal 3.5 Bustos — had vehemently stomp the pedal, it's uncomfortable, and unforgivable, in short he has little motor this.

Major90210 10.08.19

informative article, as always

amazing 10.08.19

Thank you. Here I just talk about their feelings and their experiences. And in any case do not encourage anyone to agree with my opinion. Tastes differ :-)

HighwayCruiser 10.08.19

Not so simple as Anton in the post, don't take everything to heart. And about the van and about Toyota and Audi. DenisN kazax01 out and corrected. Interesting to read how personal opinion and experience and I thank him for opinion. But that is not to say that Sienna, Odissey ... dull car without any advantages. Just for the author of a large SUV is more suitable for his needs. Everyone has their own wealth and the number of people in the family. Explorer and Sienna of course the cars are different classes and purposes are different. A big family with an average income can't buy the Explorer, be he meanaverage and fast. Just that they do not have. They have different goals, needs. They will buy the van because it is big for everyone and Luggage, will take to any place where it is necessary, the benefit of asphalt is all (with very few exceptions) of the road. On the roads for this reason a huge number of vans. Not everything is so dull that do not see the benefits of cars of other classes. In General, to discuss any particular subject. Just an interesting opinion. Thank you for it. Waiting for the continuation!

somebody 10.08.19

And if you lived in Muhosranske — it would have been in favor of the latter?)))

amazing 10.08.19

The author realized that compares the place where I lived before, the place where he lives now.

lu4ano 10.08.19

about 100 km per hour in an American village and 100 meters SaaS in Moscow
the author realized that compares ? if not, let compares the flux density in new York city and in the suburbs of Veliky Ustyug

Kassir22 10.08.19

"About Toyota. I can not understand Americans ' love of Toyota. All of these endless herds of Priuses, Camry and Seen — no taste, no imagination, no patriotism in the end. My experience riding on the American Toyota (from the Yaris to the Sienna) shall render an unambiguous verdict: this camobogia plastic Korobchenko with grinders instead of motors for the price of a normal car. Sorry if I offended anyone"

Plus millliona. In our country, just like the trough

ukrboy 10.08.19


Oh, I mixed it with something else. Of course 50. Thank you for your comment :-)

And here he is 80(((

somebody 10.08.19

A6 - from 1.35 million rubles.
Allroad over 1.25 million p, ku 5 for the 1.17 million -take me to America ))

surge 10.08.19

And I need to. That's fine :)

somebody 10.08.19


About minivans do not agree in principle. I don't understand sedans!The car must be practical, if it's not a "race" and exhibition copy. At least it should be a monocab. I could not resist to Express my opinion. I apologize if I offended you :)

Maybe I don't need a shed )

Sergey-3d 10.08.19

=) To keep a sense of humor. It is good you survived =)

amazing 10.08.19

The nail on the head :'(

Please give advice — what do I do now?

Sergey-3d 10.08.19

You left Russia. You are here (IMHO) useless. Enjoy. Grandmother rule your world.

andy131967 10.08.19


Oh, Yes! This Shevik knocks!
Raptor was also good... but tomasina of my dreams... Maybe when you grow a potbelly and a beard, I'd be on it in a camping ride :)

I think that the Raptor is just not for the belly, it very quickly can restricti, if fully use the capabilities of this little car :)
I don't even know for what age is he. Even age is not important, important is a state of mind. It's not a car, it's the wildest beast.

Cyrax 10.08.19

So premium is the same German trio are also expensive.

andy131967 10.08.19


And what about the environment, care about the environment? Give a Prius or Tesla)) CA also obsessed with hybrids and electric vehicles.

Tesla fabulous money's worth :)

4erep 10.08.19

heavy torments of a choice

DuxNIA 10.08.19

Somehow, too, always dreamed of a Camaro :) and very simple, without a powerful engine and other gadgets, that we have Vases :)

n1ckyrush 10.08.19

A very interesting series of articles do not get tired to follow the release of each new part :)
That's my personal impressions of a particular area and habitat.

Very interesting, Anton, keep going!
It was interesting to read more about the level of service and attitude towards customers in autosphere: dealer, services, etc.

And Toyota must love for its reliability. Comrade Camry was five years — not one unnecessary visit to the service in addition to THAT.

BAL 10.08.19

The wife and kids into the SUV, the husband on the coupé — the perfect American family autobalance!;)

BAL 10.08.19


The only thing you have to do when buying a Explorer to rip from the roots MyFord depressing his stupidity and unoriginality. Can't understand how you can like?

For God's sake, don't take a Camaro or Mustang. Six months later, would be a shame to ride on it, believe me.

This is why this opinion I wonder?))

somebody 10.08.19

Thank you. Very informative!

ValeryAMG 10.08.19

Anton, Hello!
That's what I wanted to know unlike Europe, in some States (can't judge the whole country) often see photos of cars without a front number. Especially if the sign is not consistent with the aesthetics of the bumper)
How are things going with numbers? what is required to carry a driver in the US? and you need a fire extinguisher and first aid kit on the inspection in Palo Alto?
Thank you.

Garka 10.08.19

Toyota ... the uncle Seryozha to a standing ovation ... )
It was interesting to read, thanks!

DIRECTOR2 10.08.19

Here I read and think I'm exactly where you do not live there...

olegvorobej 10.08.19

Ford then level comparable with AVTOVAZ postsovke as doji, actually

Birkow 10.08.19

Everything is just super. I think, if we buy American car, it must be the pickup. F150 :) Has lived and worked in the US, Just did not get out from behind the wheel of this machine.

amazing 10.08.19

So Mercedes, how many in Moscow, it is fine :-)

And so — Yes, meet, C - and E-classes, GL, ML. SL/SLK sometimes. S-class is very rare. A and B did not see never.

vitalij 10.08.19

Hello. well as in to California with Mercedes large Mercedes. what and what? And do them there.

vitalij 10.08.19

"it's not that guys"

Yuppi77 10.08.19

can you show that Toyota isn't boring machine

andrew 10.08.19

Renovated congresses races on the ring road is also sloped. All new interchanges for several years made the mind — not "flower", and very smooth turns, with highway and normal acceleration lanes.

For example, the rebuilt interchange, where I regularly go. "Flower" left, parallel to built a flyover, which is almost without reducing speed pull the ring road or MKAD. Here, the inclination in the "flower" part.