So getting ready for BlackTop - Toyota Carina E, 2.0L, 1992
Got an engine. B) The
initial inspection showed that the engine was in 1998, it came without a flywheel, although the conversation was about what would happen to the flywheel. This is what stops the installation of the engine, well, I'll put it on, I'll plug it in, I can't even hit it to check. Therefore, we begin to prepare the car, namely: The
rear struts and the jet thrust salentblocks were replaced. It was not difficult to change the racks, the main thing is to PREPARE them before installing them. This procedure is required! Otherwise, there will be no racks for a month. The technique is described on the kyb website.
The most difficult thing was to unscrew the thrust bolts, because Last year, there was already an attempt to replace them, bolts from a VAZ 2109 were immediately bought, like with self-locking nuts. I just cut them off with a grinder, make the tank very neatly very close.
And so the rear suspension is ready. Next in line are rear disc brakes, already somewhere on the outskirts of the city should be.