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About my car

About my car

With all these medical histories have not written that still bought the car. A few weeks ago I asked readers of the Board, what kind of car to choose. I can only say that the pull to square American cars just needed to recover. In a few weeks I calmed down and went digging through the rubble of the old Japanese women in a car.ru. Of the mandatory hotelok left only a gun and a coupe body.

After a couple of days in Domodedovo found Mitsubishi 98-year issue, with a gun, red color, apparently without damage and jambs. Sold for 155 thousand rubles. And since I know nothing about cars, with you to the exam, I took Ivanwith which we repaired the BRDM. I bet the previous owner obviously did not expect from us such speed – Vanya had been working around cars for about an hour, examining every nook and cranny. It turned out that the former owner bought it three months ago, had to change the engine and box into fresh contract and for some reason I got it in dark red color. The car was dead summer tires, and the left headlight was broken. We bargained a little bit and came to 110 thousand rubles for the car and a set of winter tires.

The next day again went to airport and took the car. By an amazing coincidence, the world this day celebrated #of Deribasovskaya, perhaps there is something mystical, hehe). In any case, I have my public transport already left, so sorry, now only car. Let me remind you that bought it "godowska for each day that is not expensive to maintain and do not mind." I think for 110 thousand is generally ideal.

About my car

True history would be incomplete without pitfalls and nuances. Sequins.

I mentioned that the previous owner for some reason painted the car yourself, but it would not be so sad, if not color. Red sequins, it sequins, exactly like the nail Polish from your girlfriend and wife! I found myself in a strange situation. It is foolish to pass up a good car because it sparkles, but even more stupid (as I did not care for the look of the machine) to ride in a wheelbarrow with sequins!

About my car

Repaint is a Japanese bucket would increase its cost twice that nepodhodit categorically. In the end, for starters the car ran the usual set of post-sales actions: alignment, tires, replace all fluids.

About my car

Then carefully and well washed from all dirt.

About my car

Removed all the lights/grille.

About my car

And started wrapping film. TCP was specified the color red, so decided to just return the original bright hue. Film chose Matt to show less dirt and shit. The top of the roof decided to do black. First tightened the hood.

About my car

Then bumpers front and rear. I'll tell you that the bumper was the most difficult element.

About my car

About my car

Tighten the trunk. Still haven't figured out what to do with a recess under the room. Russian game there, of course, not fit, so screwed lapped and low before him, understandably, lacking. By the way, dig for it on the road?

About my car

Pulled the right wing :)

About my car

The most recent element. Here we have already seen the laced roof.

About my car

Broken headlight :(

About my car

And here is the finished look. All the work took about two days. The cost of material and labor – is more than satisfactory, though I had to run to Moscow in search of the right film :)

About my car

In the light of day. Plastic element of the boot for room only was left loose, but he, thank God, without the sequins.

About my car

Another angle.

About my car

And another one.

About my car

In short, I am now in a wheelbarrow. Thanks to all who took the trouble me any advice in the last post, and special thanks to those who wrote that I'm an idiot and trouble with an American car. About the choice of cars and taping the film better ask Ivan directly. ABOUT BRDM: because all of the stories from the hospital I have now is not up to the expedition, so news about the armored car in the near future will not be exact. But about the car can be anything else you write :)

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short-circuit 11.08.19

the author, no offense, but a machine — a faceless remnant.
it is clear that better than ušatannyj the PELVIS for the same money. But how can you give up on this, Americans?

supertima 11.08.19

about 40K

Terminator10t00 11.08.19

what all that on tape snapped. On taste and color...
I do red cars don't like that glitter, what's in the film. But that's me. What I can tell, the film looks good, plus it will protect from chips and scratches the paint. I do not know how it is properly glued, not seeing a living, not define, but photos good.
I wish you success.
If not a secret — how much did it cost to film?

Zloy55 11.08.19

People just advertise their services . Purely business!

infeneon 11.08.19

Honestly do not understand why it was necessary to glue the film but still this color. Why then immediately come to mind rusty Lada in the gold film or something like that. Now of course too late to say something, but if you do not like glitter was matte film transparent glue, and the color would have stayed and sequins would be lost.

In the end how much was spent compared to original cost of the car?

cabrioserge 11.08.19

with all due respect turned to absolute bad taste this film

KvaK-Simf 11.08.19

I'm sorry, but it was better without the film

FordaK1 11.08.19

it was better without the film

TepeX-ON 11.08.19

Film standards. Zakislenna machine on these wheels no Kai film look good will not ) Need a little! to understate and beautiful alloy wheels — that would be great! )

Dennis123 11.08.19

The perfect comparison!)))

Aureum 11.08.19

now looks like a prosthesis

999serega999 11.08.19

only made worse

Agiotage 11.08.19

Room — dig. There is a simple solution, numbered frames with brackets under a narrow sign, with built-in lighting. The cost of the part in the region of 600 rubles, "all car markets of our country." There are more zamaroczy way shaving tailgate and rear bumper to cut the piece from the bumper Ваз2110. Details: www.drive2.ru/l/288230376152255009/

VS-team 11.08.19

was the color terrible, was generally a nightmare. The money I would have spent another

Agiotage 11.08.19

You should not give up so ahead of time))) the guy's Got the right attitude, have a car, money is not so much to take much better than other cars. But there is a desire and attempts to do better that is, this is important! Handsome guy, come on!

VS-team 11.08.19

This car has nothing to help...

Agiotage 11.08.19

Also not a fan, but then only the new lights. And they probably get one hell.

VS-team 11.08.19

Oh my God not only atermal-chameleon in the spotlight.

Agiotage 11.08.19

About the film. Normal film, and it looks doubtful not because of her. First of all auto glass is much older than the body that is not immediately noticeable, but is very off-putting and unnatural a fact, And then save the item as a budget solution (not to change the whole glass throughout the car). Windows will be fresher and more harmonious. With optics the same as the Backside should be polished, and pour varnish. Can and the clear coat, not necessarily toned. By the way I would tail lights filled in red to match the car. Front optics in atermal chameleon. Well, the wheels definitely need something to solve, this is a direct woweeee!)))

Freestyle007 11.08.19

IMHO, old cherry color is more suitable machine. Film somehow looks cheap.

1fantomas 11.08.19

was such a great car, but with their prikolchiki)

lliric-163 11.08.19

The rare case when "to" like more than "after"!
Personal opinion, no offense!..

Prokhorov-TV 11.08.19

as such moronic posts at the top are?)

kxxpash 11.08.19

was worse! change wheels now is kind of wrong

YuSV 11.08.19

I also sequined more like it). but the taste and color))

citromon11 11.08.19

While there will be nonsense, nothing to the salon for a new will go!

AlekseyUA 11.08.19

Don't read a lot of criticism here and rip off the tape. Then have something new kolhozah. Right now, though, and a terrible lack of taste, but while that stupidity was to glue the film. Go ahead, and taking into account all costs stupidity will be buying the car itself. Offer tighten and to love what is, and to do so until to the salon for a new not going.

Abgemacht 11.08.19

Should have just tinted, change the headlight and put a more daring wheels, especially since the rubber seams, although in the winter the most it to write full-time, and spring, like grits, show...))))

Force666 11.08.19

One hundred ten

TepeX-ON 11.08.19

And he bought it for three hundred? )))))

Force666 11.08.19

Now it's possible to sell)))))

JudgeDredd 11.08.19

what's funny matte film, looks like a piece of ha/*/on

Fondukoff 11.08.19

Sorry, you bought yourself a crap friend... Japanese quality on this machine does not smell, was an instance of ' 99. The owner no wonder it was leaking after 3 months of ownership. Body of these years rusted through, only here it is before painting of course all the lesions plastered on top, but in winter it will be blown up. The rear spars also with a probability of 80% is rotten to the holes.

MaxJumper 11.08.19


somewhere soroket

40K for the tape? And all for sequin? All the cockroaches

somebody 11.08.19

Drove us to and painted in the most expensive brushes. It would've been cheaper, with the road and accommodation )

supertima 11.08.19

somewhere soroket

profire 11.08.19

And how much money would it cost to roll the car in the film? Wife wants Pasika roll up and the price of the EP are th.

Vagulja 11.08.19

Never seen a left-handed, Mirage! Cool!

By the way, the trunk it seems like with the sedan are the same...so if annoying sticking out room — you can change...

Slava771 11.08.19

and what a bad film? what are the alternatives besides plastidip?

andreika19 11.08.19

The author has some strange complexes. I would understand if only she was pink. All long ago realized that the film is a hat.

somebody 11.08.19

the author, you should not have this farm muddied.

logan58 11.08.19

as a primer

Dani970 11.08.19

nothing with film, especially for the money...

andrewleet 11.08.19

go to the colt club =)

Tarvitz 11.08.19

photo from Dalia sequin not very visible. vpulit 40 to "lovasco" in pasting feel strange, these money can not be bad to treat a lady. the body is at least strong.

Diman94 11.08.19

Looked for 10 years and was on 25 :(
I had tires and beautiful drives wolves in 40K and would look awesome, and Faro.

YA74 11.08.19

Your rabid opinion before a fall )))))

Sanik0909 11.08.19

so in the same 40 (well, OK, a little expensive by our standards), you repaint it.

VitalyFisher 11.08.19

gorgeous car, and gorgeous looks. Although, I'd leave the paint, for example. And then, what to do with 40K private affair of the author, what are you getting with your advice in someone else's wallet. It is these 40 from the initial price was a bargain. He likes matte film and all. I like the car ) good luck!

RCIDeXTeR 11.08.19

Was normal color, now some piece of plasticine =\

Stinger 11.08.19

Frame Sataniv black and buy here takyu piece for the room pp.vk.me/c627730/v627730600/18663/ATF0WLlPElM.jpg

FOG52 11.08.19

I wonder how long before this mega post will be hanging on the main?!

Fallout3 11.08.19

What a beauty!the main thing that you liked

BadMadWinner 11.08.19

No film was better

SouthStyle 11.08.19

That's why you try to make ordinary car a piece of shit?
Not well, seriously why?

VaniyaK 11.08.19

the cost of covering more of the ride )))

Zloy55 11.08.19

Killed the machine "every day" ! Ha ha ha ! Choked for a penny, hodowca and the engine is not interesting at all, but about the body 100 photos! All the details! And in the end, about the choice of car and the stitched — to the van! Advertising! And where is the price issue? If not expensive, you can use for rotten cars on the way .

Garu 11.08.19

In the film it looks like her nail Polish peeled off after many years of operation. In General, a questionable event. And given the fact that the film could overheat, will the glue on the car or go with the paint, most likely repainted in

Dundukidze 11.08.19


AVL77 11.08.19

The original color, a thousand times better...Alas

Sanik0909 11.08.19

with automatic transmission...

U777 11.08.19

I'm sorry ... but you bought stuff . it would be wiser just to save some money and buy a fresher car . but then, you'd understand if you've not already ...

Sanik0909 11.08.19

we have a 5500 element, but large — more expensive (hood -8 thousand)

Kleetus 11.08.19

Also think already on this subject, ohereli painters in the end, 8000R per item, though not all, of the hood 11.

Sanik0909 11.08.19

I was surprised. normalling color... and then this crap with film (probably 15-20 thousand!), in addition, the film will wear off after 2 years completely. And after 2-3 months will appear below the bubbles and the local breaks...

1985ElBarto 11.08.19

Painting with glitter looks much more interesting than the banal matte film. It would be better for the money headlight replaced.

VillyLind 11.08.19

well, to put it mildly, so-SO)

Benico 11.08.19

the branch rzhu Muggles from the comments... for the money luchsheb headlight replaced XD

Outrunboy 11.08.19

In my opinion, but the taste and color) by the Way of louvres in the bumper why not taped?

luckiest 11.08.19

film ) all that is done ...all for the better ) if you like, why not )

VladimirVue 11.08.19


Sequins younger than she looked, and the film was a lot older! I do not understand what a person's sequins confused...While in Moscow go and make out of what they have going on there...Maybe GAY wink! =)))

turn signals — for straights and gays just not podmahivat.

supertima 11.08.19

Yes, we have fag notably on the roads :(

Nicotin4iK 11.08.19

Sequins younger than she looked, and the film was a lot older! I do not understand what a person's sequins confused...While in Moscow go and make out of what they have going on there...Maybe GAY wink! =)))

Asti-ZR 11.08.19


Rot the Japanese all except Toyota that is also rot but not like this. Mazda, Nissan, Suzuki, Honda all are rotting very well.

Oh, well, she... When the Japanese are just starting to rot, European, this, time, rot.

deGODy 11.08.19

Unlikely. Although the bottom was treated, 4 years ago)

Alex-Shavela 11.08.19

So your civic an exception:)

deGODy 11.08.19

In winter the average temperature is -25. Sometimes there are sudden changes. Today was porridge, in the evening, everything froze. Spring is happening at all nonsense. Then +10, then 20. This summer, the snow fell. IN JULY! In Belarus, too, is going on? I even heard)

Alex-Shavela 11.08.19

And I'm not saying that the Siberian climate is mild, just you, the winter is cold the average winter temperature is -15 everything is frozen and all is well. We have a winter with frequent thaws, in which the machine swimming in water and saline. Your Hotel would be to us in Belarus, I think in 14 years you would have digested and repainted a couple of times so accurately.

deGODy 11.08.19

Yapov have weak paint. Dip them in order. Siberian climate, I wouldn't call soft. Especially with taiga.

Alex-Shavela 11.08.19


Europeans are rotting even more.
By the way why I have a civic rot? 14 years already, and still no rust. The car is under the window.

SeGline you wrote everything correctly, the majority of Japanese are very weak corrosion protection. Most Europeans in this respect a cut above.I suppose that your civic doesn't rust because of the climate in which you live...

mmglipetsk 11.08.19


SeGline 11.08.19

It is not pictures of covered machine and in the native paint. I painted cleaned the jambs later.

mmglipetsk 11.08.19

don't need it. I have a 2000 proli in his native paint. And it pictures drenched the car. heh

SeGline 11.08.19

This 306 Peugeot 98go year. To throw the years of the Korean? Or Japanese?

mmglipetsk 11.08.19


Suggest to read a lot of useful information on this topic. In short-leaders are: Volvo, Audi, Peugeot/Citroen. outsiders-Koreans, Japanese

yeah, kaneshno, Peugeot Citroen

deGODy 11.08.19

From wiki "Renault Logan is a budget car, developed by Renault specifically for emerging markets. The main production is maximized in Romania, factory industrial group Dacia, which since 1999 is owned by Renault."
Logan is Renault.

SeGline 11.08.19

Logan is Dacia, as the Sandero and duster. budget shit. you take of the Reno-Laguna, vel satis, scenica is a French real.

deGODy 11.08.19

if Logan is not Renault, what is it? Misunderstanding, as well as the entire firm?) I now have money since I go to the Japanese and changed only consumables) More from me, he asks nothing.
BMW cool is only for students and patsanchik years of 24.
The frogs in Siberia and don't need. Already have seamless Japanese with the Koreans.

SeGline 11.08.19

Reno a good car, despite what of course. If you think that the Logan/Sandero is a Renault too-it's sad. Without any hints, you live very far away and many go on RHD cars. We have the right wheel is not recognized at all, also probably what it says? And I know, that when you have the money you want then buy. BMW cool car-but for the rich people, if you can afford to serve them. French you and will not ever serve as his right-hand stuff to work out.

deGODy 11.08.19

The site of some left. Especially from Belarus. And they can not be trusted.
Yeah even Reno is also a "leader", especially the Russian Assembly. And 4хлетнее BMW, which every day requires money. Leader!11 Audi from the same Opera. French (except Reno) we have a few places cater to that as be alluding to the fact that they pissed some more. And on the roads Peugeot I don't remember when was the last time you saw. Subtle hint. Such cases. Yes.

SeGline 11.08.19

Suggest to read a lot of useful information on this topic. In short-leaders are: Volvo, Audi, Peugeot/Citroen. outsiders-Koreans, Japanese

deGODy 11.08.19

Quality auto does not depend on the vehicles. Compared the left-handed civic of the same years that my. The difference in quality is not found. Even in left-handed equipment was better.
European is a BMW, Mercedes, Foltz. Don't know about the rest.

SeGline 11.08.19

Here is one option-the car is RHD. better quality than LHD. Europeans is what brand?

deGODy 11.08.19

Europeans are rotting even more.
By the way why I have a civic rot? 14 years already, and still no rust. The car is under the window.

SeGline 11.08.19

Rot the Japanese all except Toyota that is also rot but not like this. Mazda, Nissan, Suzuki, Honda all are rotting very well.

deGODy 11.08.19

The Japanese are rotting right? Are you kidding? Problems with rust only in Nissans. Yapi well the rest of the body treated. Cant they have only weak paintwork.

SeGline 11.08.19

I took the cart ruined her collective film-but not in this whole problem of junk Japanese-a problem in corrosion resistance. They rot very well.

stepanych 11.08.19

people do not believe you Prodavam "wach Masin harosi, I pominyali schto you, especially for you prepared road 155 asking you for 110 give, take!"

Sgrundik 11.08.19

what all pounced on the author? normal film
but the car looks (a combination of glass, wheels and optics).
New optics around here, in the bunker of her, to put coilovers and wheels 8-9J*17 species)))

MeganeFox 11.08.19

Good!)) and sequins - beeee(

Lokkor 11.08.19

Adnaznachna in vain!

somebody 11.08.19

nothing Oakley was just bombyces

StMehVod 11.08.19

Need a good sneaker will be super

stralis9 11.08.19

looking good!

Graff-M 11.08.19

Wheel will give a more elegant appearance)

sacura 11.08.19


narkomanavernoe 11.08.19

What is the model?

Arkantos 11.08.19

left hand drive, Ino, for 110K... in this province will never see it =)))

HenryChinaski 11.08.19

I would buy a fur coat and nothing pasted didn't have ;)

Pahanu4 11.08.19

I would not say that the nicer he became.
Metallic rocks. Matt the hat.

sEVANS 11.08.19

One can see a good job. So to spoil a car — you need a good try.

Diman19991 11.08.19

My first car...
Torment no. Time to change fluid and to serve faithfully for many years.

Osstap 11.08.19

The beautiful color)

Vane4ka88 11.08.19

more female machine I probably had no idea

ElinR 11.08.19

OOO cool car take lights one piece cool look

agayeff 11.08.19

Polishing and touch-up chips — here's what you need. A film without words...

Zubatiy 11.08.19

the film looks like crap after lakirovanie paint! it would be better palynol as it should.

CrazyTapo4ek 11.08.19

perhaps so as not to see how it rots

Akvaprint79 11.08.19

What do you do for money such constriction? Do not understand what is the charm of the film?

vazovod52 11.08.19

I had this machine super.Any minuses has not.

slawa010 11.08.19

Wow E. Let's get well. Are you serious?

supertima 11.08.19

voobscheto came to the hospital

slawa010 11.08.19

Topic BRDM bent after purchase?

NEMO-PTZ 11.08.19

who would not say that but the old lancers and mirages fly away))) unkillable bucket)) and fun in them there is the spirit of the student body )
Mirage Mirage in garage garage)))