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Search Kia Sportage or the best the enemy of the good


This time it was necessary to find Sportazh 2012-2013гв according to standard criteria and on the guarantee to the budget of 1 million rubles. 2.0, at, front or all-wheel drive, by and large, there was no difference. My personal opinion is that such crossovers are better to take on the front end, that most of these machines operate in the city, and the city full drive is not needed. In winter the most important thing – ground clearance, and it is the same on the same machine with different drive configuration. However, when you purchase you will save buying mono drive crossover. Well, this is my opinion, of course.

Well, now about the search. Everything, as always. The Internet is full of tempting offers, the customer throws me a bunch of attractive links, which are hidden outbid and other mischief in the form of parks, playgrounds, saleswomen with lovely female names, and so on. Real ads, as always, a little. In the course of communication with the client, understand that he would like to buy a car a little cheaper million. And here I fully agree, that no need to buy a used car for the money, it is better to leave a little on the wash.

The first option that I decided to go see was: 2013гв, 1 owner 55t km mileage, under warranty, no colors, technically no problems, in excellent condition, for 975тр, front-wheel drive. Just what need!

Search Kia Sportage or the best the enemy of the goodFull size1

Search Kia Sportage or the best the enemy of the goodFull size2

About small chips and lapped also told me on the phone, but it's not a new car, it is clear that they are, and what they in reality need to watch.

Search Kia Sportage or the best the enemy of the goodFull size3

Honestly, mistakes were many, some scratches zapominayutsya, some will remain. The body itself without Perekrestov, all in original paint.

Rubber only one set for summer. Many swear in the comments saying why do you need to give the second set with the car? Partly, I agree, especially renting a car to trade-in, very often people just do not give a second set of wheels, t on the value of the car it is almost not affected. But agree that the spare wheel is included in the complete car, so it should be, and there was this:

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Don't know where is Delhi tyre, but the fact remains. Technique there were no objections, all THE things completed on time, car warranty, everything is fine. Looked into the "brain", there also were no errors, moreover, they never dropped, so the mileage on the collection tubes is equal to the mileage after the last reset, which has never happened before.

Search Kia Sportage or the best the enemy of the goodFull size5

The cabin is also all good, nothing is worn, only it needs a little clean, there are small spots on the seats, but it is not critical.

Search Kia Sportage or the best the enemy of the goodFull size6

Search Kia Sportage or the best the enemy of the goodFull size7

Search Kia Sportage or the best the enemy of the goodFull size8

Well, what do you say? It's a good car, right? In principle, it is possible to take. To buy the spare tire, buff out scratches, besides, soon she needed to do next, in General, just a million all and go, if to buy the machine itself and do the rest. Maybe someone shoveled a bunch outbid options, in desperation, comes here and sees this car will buy it, that after seeing stuff it seems like this person is great.

I sent all the photos to the customer, recommended that you think about it, and he decided to look for another. I knew that ideally you need a car a little cheaper and a little better. I had another option, at a price just slightly cheaper – 949тр. In order to learn it better or worse, had to go and watch it. I recently "lucky" to ride from one end of Moscow to another, this time was the same. MKAD, jams – everything as usual, but this is nonsense, tons of expectations were on the car are very good, and when I arrived on the scene and saw her almost immediately realized that instinct did not fail me this time.

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jpg class=c-lightbox-anchor c-pic-zoom data-action=lightbox.zoom data-size=1920,719 rel=noopener target=_blank>Search Kia Sportage or the best the enemy of the goodFull size10

All the "shoals" on the body that can transmit the phone's camera, fit into one photo:

Search Kia Sportage or the best the enemy of the goodFull size11

I am completely honest saying that a couple of scratchy just not be called "schools". Anything that can be called a drawback on the body, just no! Want – believe, want – no.

The customer wanted to find a car with a small mileage. 30-45T km, I just said that so the real mileage can not be found, and generally. There are numbers on the collection tubes, as is the condition of the vehicle. This Sportazh mileage like this:

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The body you understand it is all in their native paint. And now look at salon:

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Search Kia Sportage or the best the enemy of the goodFull size14

The car was purchased, serviced and was delivered to this dealer in a trade-in, all service history I looked at the database of the dealer, the extreme THAT was done 10.04.2016 in the amount of 23500р, and I watched her 13.04.2016! Brake pads replaced and... well everything you need it done. Te, this is not a standard option – to buy a car and do THAT and buy the car and just go! Besides, the car was purchased new in December 2013 and year in the title of her 2013, which means that guarantee it will have to 12.2018 that almost almost three years!

The bonuses do not end there. Sold the car on winter tires, but included were native summer tires, their condition, rate yourself:

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Well, as you this option to buy? In my opinion, a little better than the previous one is, isn't it?:) Here's some more photos, the headlights are all original, the radiator without damage, on the bonnet protective film:

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Search Kia Sportage or the best the enemy of the goodFull size17

Search Kia Sportage or the best the enemy of the goodFull size18

Search Kia Sportage or the best the enemy of the goodFull size19

I just don't know what show more. I have a hundred photos of this car, everything is in excellent condition! Here's another photo from the nd:

Search Kia Sportage or the best the enemy of the goodFull size20

In the end we get this: 2013гв, 2.0 at, FWD, 1 owner title, mileage 60 km, under warranty, without Perekrestov and shortcomings just made IT, there are two set of tires, clean and not smoked salon, good equipment. Final price – 930тр. Expensive or not, decide for yourself, but usually happens in the comments either expensive or lucky:)

In the end I will add only that sometimes the decision to purchase must be taken quickly as there, for example. And sometimes the opposite, no need to hurry. It happens that the car you have to search for, some lack patience, some Vice versa, too long I think. With regards to this Sportazh, I can confidently say that this was definitely the best offer in the market at this particular moment of the totality of all factors. This car and need to buy, which he did in the end.

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Xamlet 13.08.19

Kia is not worth the money as she went up... And b.from. and even more... the Sportage price red 800t with monodrive, dead dviglom, blunt box, not for the 1.4 push...

Dundukidze 13.08.19


Lemon)) for Kia))) well nafig...

In the shops go and the prices view))) all the cars rose in price from 35% to 70%. Hard to accept, but it is.

matveykas 13.08.19


In three years never never been stuck so that it would take a full drive...

for four-wheel drive do not need to be stranded somewhere, what are you such a stubborn stereotypes that if the full drive is the mud puddle and slip. Yes, in the first place is the handling car, comfort in movement, and the revenge of the mud and slip is a nice bonus. On the highway stability going into the turn, in winter, stabilization, which simply is not monoperiodic. On monoperiodic winter to overtake on the track with bricks, and the all-wheel drive like on rails. That's why you need this car all-wheel drive — for a comfortable ride and safe.

RMSV 13.08.19


no, well, unless, of course, especially to go into a "ibuna"... :)

Why especially. In Saratov, as the snow will all stand. Some lifts are all stalling. And after cleaning the city from the yard not to come out. With the shovel sling.

nalilord 13.08.19

Well, not rule it! In the winter, usually on Mosk.region do not go...

ulfishing 13.08.19

I told you the roads are not clean .To the store not to come too elementary.There was an option to take purely front-wheel drive, but the picking better.Took a full drive-don't regret it.Here, as for what purposes the car.But in our city, in any case, four-wheel drive taxis.
PS. It's not about the penny.Although it is possible the full drive voracity)

nalilord 13.08.19

no, well, unless, of course, especially to go into a "ibuna"... :)

ulfishing 13.08.19

So welcome in the winter months!Will lead to such ibunya figure out) .And to be honest here from the city, all depends of course.Our roads in the winter God forbid, three times removed.

nalilord 13.08.19


Totally agree.I do not know as in other cities, but we have, I never regretted all-wheel drive, especially in winter!

In three years never never been stuck so that it would take a full drive...

RMSV 13.08.19


Well, Vesta and 7 ka this car in any case (though different years), so I'm about Kia judging by Spectrum, and spectrum of a terrible car and hence all the same brand, better it over time. Don't know how the Koreans make cars as opposed to those of the Japanese or the Germans, do not know how

Friend does not know how to do the Korean cars. Only LEDs or cerate't remember ushatal test Toyota Corolla. And i 40 climbs in the segment Toyota Camry. And Genesis the Germans went. That damn do not know how.

matveykas 13.08.19

you do not know what you are talking about

danila-ilin 13.08.19

Well, Vesta and 7 ka this car in any case (though different years), so I'm about Kia judging by Spectrum, and spectrum of a terrible car and hence all the same brand, better it over time. Don't know how the Koreans make cars as opposed to those of the Japanese or the Germans, do not know how

werWolf13 13.08.19

It's like saying that seven is the same AVTOVAZ and Vesta. You can stick any label, always decide the materials to which the label is stuck. And when compared to the KIA spectra — any KIA after 2010-11 is different cars. Especially in terms of comfort inside.
But of course in the current realities of the price I would have a car have not changed.

danila-ilin 13.08.19

And unless the Spectrum is not Kia?

werWolf13 13.08.19


although I repeat the owner of the master

Do not compare the Spectrum, which consists of a hodgepodge of spare parts from the U.S.-Japan auto and modern Koreans with their production. Mazda 3 2011 for example is tougher than Cerate 2013.

Almeka 13.08.19


Buy new rapid or polosedan, they are the same cost:)

Well, she. rapid 630 , with a / C and heated seats, though prices rose. In November I took over the 570. The dollar is falling, prices are rising, don't understand the logic.

Alexandr-136 13.08.19

Good afternoon. What to look for when diagnosing these cars:
1. www.drive2.ru/l/9021711/ — condition of hoses.
2. www.drive2.ru/l/8539570/?m=150935168&page=0 — revision spline transfer case.

Serega-Sever 13.08.19

What threw 19 thousand RUB from original price?

LexxSharingan 13.08.19


Carman36 13.08.19

Bought in Moscow for cheaper price, in salon b.have ideally, for a year only replaced the pump the car is in the signature) so all this bullshit

Vanechka82 13.08.19

Once again convinced that the reason to go to Moscow for a cheap machine there.
Just yesterday stumbled upon the blog of this author, agree with him 100%.
In the same condition for almost the same money we have. But as the author writes, people get hung up on price, and then tumbled into a bunch of money on maintenance, and you can just buy a (even slightly more expensive than the market) and ride.

kir1k 13.08.19


Sportage mid-size SUV and full-size they have a Sorento. Sizes first learn. x1 it the size of handica и20 and dumb, should of sneakers, nor height nor length. Starting from X3 something more or less like a BMW becomes. Q5 in length, the height just like the Sportage. At the time they cost odinnakovo, Audi is a little more expensive. If my cost of 1.2 million — the corresponding configuration of the Audi was worth 1.4 million

Well, bonus
Sportage 2010 : 4440 × 1885 × 1635
BMW x1 2010 : 4477 x 1798 x 1545

Yet you'll prove to me about srednerazmernye?;)

kir1k 13.08.19

1)NEW KIA SPORTDAY: 4480 × 1855 × 1655 ( old less ), the new BMW x1: 4439 × 1821 × 1598 , in which place he became a mid-size? While study sizes or what
2) Q5 in length, the height just like the Sportage — good sense of humor, they(X3,q5 ) even now more of the new generation Sportage, about last body and say nothing, because it is even less
For reference: X3 on the market since 2010 ( 6 years), q5 from 2008 ( 8 years), when will the new generation, they more will
3) ку5 for 1.4 ? in the 2009-10 year they were already worth in the region of 2 million rubles

matveykas 13.08.19

Sportage mid-size SUV and full-size they have a Sorento. Sizes first learn. x1 it the size of handica и20 and dumb, should of sneakers, nor height nor length. Starting from X3 something more or less like a BMW becomes. Q5 in length, the height just like the Sportage. At the time they cost odinnakovo, Audi is a little more expensive. If my cost of 1.2 million — the corresponding configuration of the Audi was worth 1.4 million

kir1k 13.08.19


where do you see this? BMW expensive at times. If you're talking about the X1, they do nothing to compare — they are different cars, the Sportage matches at least X3, AUDI Q5, but the price is what? Above

Actually, look at someone who is a competitor )))))
that x1 that belong to the Sportage compact crossover, and X3, q 5 is a mid-size luxury crossovers !
What trifles, write directly to competitors X5 and ку7 !

kir1k 13.08.19


matveykas 13.08.19

where do you see this? BMW expensive at times. If you're talking about the X1, they do nothing to compare — they are different cars, the Sportage matches at least X3, AUDI Q5, but the price is what? Above

kir1k 13.08.19

But if Kia's for the price of a BMW, what's the point of taking Kia ?

matveykas 13.08.19


Adding 100 thousand rubles, I took BMW x1 2.0 diesel 184лс 2013 question : nakoy need a Sportage ?

you live in Moscow, have you got the dealers what you want. And we have a KIA or AVTOVAZ. What would you buy? Here is the answer. The city where one buy and sell live will not understand the country that feeds Moscow. Snickering

kir1k 13.08.19



as it may not be a reliable machine with the technology from "carts"? of course it will be reliable

Scouzer 13.08.19


danila-ilin 13.08.19

I actually went to Kia, and I must admit that didn't like sitting in the pelvis, stiff as a cart, the very quality with Japanese cars don't compare, sucks to suck

Scouzer 13.08.19

It is bad when the parents of the child is not taught that lying is bad.And about the fact that the Spectrum sucks or not, you can talk with someone who went on it and didn't get to pick any of the gossip on the Internet and gave your own opinion.

danila-ilin 13.08.19

I know what went on and what is not. And Kia spectra, this sucks worse than just the Chinese and our AVTOVAZ.

Scouzer 13.08.19


I don't like Koreans very hard car drove the Kia spectra, it's hard something worse than a Lada

Didn't You ever go to KIA spectra, because it is just too soft, like a machine originally made for the American market.I say this as the owner of Spectra since 2009.

RMSV 13.08.19

well, of course!
Especially read the test driving there is also consumption of 11.8 liters.

Chempw203 13.08.19

Carlog. No not the village.

RMSV 13.08.19

what You measure? as indicated by the border?
Or You live in a rural area?

Chempw203 13.08.19

I have now in the holiday season consumption city 9L (all-wheel drive)

RMSV 13.08.19

The 1.6 on the Solaris machine eats 9-10 L. I 1.4 engine mechanic in the city of 9 liters.
And You are telling tales.
The average fuel consumption of this crossover — 10-15 liters per 100 kilometers depending on engine type, driving style, transmission and drive type. We present data from the manufacturer. The base version of the Sportage with a 2.0-liter motor 150 forces on the mechanics and front-wheel drive, consumes on 100 km of 11.2 liters in the urban cycle, on the highway — 6.9 l combined is 8.5 L. the same car but with automatic transmission has almost the same data: 11.2 l city 6.7 l highway and 8.4 combined. The version with all-wheel drive 4X4 manual transmission on the data are not much different. Consumption in the city 11.2 litres, the track 6.9 l, mixed — 8.5 L. Moreover, with automatic transmission and all-wheel drive Sportage has the same consumption data. Model with a diesel engine 2.0-liter 136-horsepower, all-wheel drive and the automatic has a less voracious appetite. Consumption in the city, 8.6 l highway — 5.8 liters combined cycle — 6.8 L. Sportage with turbo engine 2.0 liter 184 HP and the machine has a performance: 8.8 liters in city, 5.7 highway, 6.9 l country.

Chempw203 13.08.19

The flow rate is correct. I do not understand your comment about the roads I didn't write the tests many of the machines were not.

RMSV 13.08.19


hard comments, but slightly disagree. The sportazh:
the handling is not worse than the generalists (with the exception of luxury cars);
— he's only in height, so that it is small, even my ex kopaska w203 was longer and the width is the same;
— ground clearance allows not crawl through the snow and curbs, in the example, the same kopesky could not climb in the snow and Parking at curbs;
— I think the flow to 9L in the city is not critical for this car;
regarding comfort, it is not clear — salon lengthened (i.e., for large people), in consequence of which the trunk is stolen, the wagons on the contrary + in Sportage our database to mine the heating of all seats.

The opinion is my own, so no offense.

Flow Pro something you lishkanul 9 liters. There the motor of the Oka it?
Many write here what is the meaning of mono drive crossover. And I'm with them sogloshus. I'm willing to forgive crossover small trunk that he had full the drive is. And there is not one not the other. Patency on YouTube has a video as sedanini are where the crossover mono drive is in place. Body geometry is different.

maximonger 13.08.19

Well as they say here the boss with me man, I bought the updated duster on the front-wheel drive, all he say why the SUV is not AWD, and he said to me in town and such a short.At the cross of Honda CR-V 2nd generation is also front-wheel drive, from USA buy, said that there is a large part of the CR-V with front-wheel drive.

Chempw203 13.08.19

hard comments, but slightly disagree. The sportazh:
the handling is not worse than the generalists (with the exception of luxury cars);
— he's only in height, so that it is small, even my ex kopaska w203 was longer and the width is the same;
— ground clearance allows not crawl through the snow and curbs, in the example, the same kopesky could not climb in the snow and Parking at curbs;
— I think the flow to 9L in the city is not critical for this car;
regarding comfort, it is not clear — salon lengthened (i.e., for large people), in consequence of which the trunk is stolen, the wagons on the contrary + in Sportage our database to mine the heating of all seats.

The opinion is my own, so no offense.

maximonger 13.08.19


And machine do You have?

What is the point to carry the extra weight and look for a place to Park the big machine, have the worst handling and greater expense even if on average the roads these cars do not represent themselves, and essentially different from the wagon just a little more ground clearance and large sizes?So if you do not need four-wheel drive, it is best to take some kind of wagon, which would perform the same function, only it is all will be easier and more comfortable for passengers, but then of course everyone decide for themselves which car to buy, where and how to use it, but I'm inclined to the fact that the car need to buy for specific tasks.

androz 13.08.19

No, I did not start, I review answered) what set of parameters Sportage is better — I agree.

Arrrman 13.08.19

Compare as time you started, I just kept comparing. Good luck!

androz 13.08.19

sportik expensive more than 1.5 times what they compare, and if its price multiply by 1.5 it is possible and Volvo XC90 to compare it even more safer, and generally very little secure budget machines

Arrrman 13.08.19


the duster suspension moves more ground clearance(not just the minimum), excellent accessibility and weight less than 200kg, and hence good permeability, on the Drome about his blog view — going on the road very well

The duster has one big disadvantage — security. He has a very bad crash tests. And sportik among the three compact crossovers for safety.
Although, if I had a million rubles your — would take that thread over, but better than sportik or duster. Your sportika took because were selling quickly. Came out cheaper priors.

androz 13.08.19

I agree

maximonger 13.08.19

I mean that the duster is not designed to drive it into the mud, it is needed in order to get there, where you sit passenger car and all.I think we are talking about different mud tyres, the duster will be enough a/t rubber if it is 95% of the time will ride on the paved roads, m/t tires to put makes no sense, because it will only create discomfort in the city and on the highway.

androz 13.08.19

some for example to the country need to pass most of it on the track and at the end of the dirt a bit, so you can and duster hybrids a little mud on the tires, but will ride with relative comfort and responsible fuel economy, the SUV — of course off-road better, but most still main time riding on asphalt, in this mode, the better SUV

maximonger 13.08.19

Still not created the duster for conditions such, you need to always remember that it is a SUV and the long operation in such conditions will not lead to anything good, as it makes no sense to put him on m/t tires, because anyway he will not be a super-crook.If there is a need to overcome such serious off-road, it is best to think about the machine with another type of all-wheel drive.Niva and UAZ are still real SUVs because the drive they organized differently, there are reduced transmission and Oise still frame, that allows to put to her the power bumper, winch and other things needed on the roads

androz 13.08.19

The duster clutch is a hardy and even on mud tires long enough works without overheating on the road not weak. By the way, UAZ and Niva is also no mikolasko lock, but for some reason they belong to the SUV, not the SUV. Oise new are not the same, from the factory off-road qualities they are much worse than the old. Here is a good drogowcy duster drove off-road: duster.drom.ru/21735/

Vladimirr0n 13.08.19

Anyway the Duster is a crossover, he's got the drive through the clutch mikolasko lock no. In normal conditions the difference with sportycam will be offset racing rubber. And if you put large medowie wheels, the clutch will not be long to endure them and remain on the front drive after overheating.

androz 13.08.19


Don't know the technical rules of this competition, but most likely that here are not stock cars. Of the prominent is the cage, mudovaya rubber and hidden inside the winch (3.24 Navigator on the rope climbs to the tree to hang). The duster more than sportiga ground clearance, more suspension moves — its permeability will be better. But this is offset by the tires unless you have chains/mudboy rubber, it is on this drive will not leave. Yes and no, with a normal head, it will never be hard with the machine to apply on this competition can be seen that the rear bumper was torn off off-road the whole machine is experiencing increased load — so they will run and then will have 100 thousand in repair to invest after the trip. If we torture, then our fields, there is at least s/h cheap and the bumper from the metal in the drain are.

the duster suspension moves more ground clearance(not just the minimum), excellent accessibility and weight less than 200kg, and hence good permeability, on the Drome about his blog view — going on the road very well

D15a 13.08.19


Expensive p. C) they are not worth it. Tembolee Moscow.

Agree with the price, this option is only for Moscow, we still need all-wheel drive, front-wheel drive is a lot for a long time sold.what's the clearance?!funny! sedans with that clearance take and more comfortable and quieter, Camry, Mondeo is not much inferior in elevation

danila-ilin 13.08.19

I wrote above, read

TOTO007 13.08.19


I've ridden them and know what it is. In addition to the Mat I have about these machines are no words

And more, what exactly was wrong?

TOTO007 13.08.19


I oxy...u people ezdet in a hearse and leave komenty not satisfied .

Well snapped, the person may have trouble in life.

TOTO007 13.08.19


strange to hear this from a man with Grand Opel))

Quaint that he's not a Boomer of the ' 90s. Here's the car.

Avtopoisk59 13.08.19

Well, as it is not serious to pay million for a cross on the front drive

lilPrince 13.08.19


why should he? it's not four-wheel drive, and a poor excuse)) if full then direct full on all 4 wheels with distribution, that's another matter, and here(( extra weight to carry, and in fact will not save

Moscow may not need four-wheel drive, and in Russia, that would be out of the yard to go — need to shovel the snow. left tractor, at the level of the grille with a shovel to dig and quietly limber up to go to work:)
in the summer as well, no one in the town and sits and even drive to the other in the private sector, to which reach from the snow and mud is on the car to do just not possible...I keep quiet about the exit to the river Bank to rest...

RMSV 13.08.19


Lemon)) for Kia))) well nafig...

700 for VAZ Xray well what it is exactly.

RMSV 13.08.19


Oh well.the neighing spartium 4vd tipo. who could not move out of the winter border.one wheel has viveiros cool.to the ground OK 10cm.figured so is the suspension travel 8 centimeters.all-terrain vehicle .OLE

Beha x 5 the road could not move. Diagonal caught. And where is the Rover?

RMSV 13.08.19


The owner of the master, of course. But I would imagine wouldn't take a machine like this, I do not like Korean cars. I would look towards Lexus...
But this is my IMHO so to speak.

Hahaha Lexus ? Pensioner?

RMSV 13.08.19


Your IMHO ))).Buy ka Lahus 13G. 900 tyrov, unless the shifter broken in the trash ))). And you don't like Korean cars because you don't have the time.

Well written. Premium segment damn for 900 all come on. To love and not love need to have. I went on the vase. Liked. He sat on his Korean is better than our VAZ. Then we think where to go.

RMSV 13.08.19

For other money .I do not argue.

danila-ilin 13.08.19

know not driving and don't want to be honest. The Toyota car is better...

RMSV 13.08.19


I don't like Koreans very hard car drove the Kia spectra, it's hard something worse than a Lada

You are probably on the Rav 4 did not go on the Germans. And worst of Lada as you write because the suspension is accurate.call so. A vase lax. Well excuse me for not competence.

transfer82 13.08.19

Million for good option is not the money as You write here. Pinned once a fucking stupid options. Treated once disorderly, then just rake. I can not understand You write the price is high, everyone has a choice. For me, this state machine it would be nice if you search for "this machine", the main state and how many drop problems. You need to go on the machines and not a hundred then sit with them and think what the hell to do next. By the way how the evil thought came, looked at a car, and that ads good enough and not very real. For me the price is normal.

transfer82 13.08.19

If I were looking for a Sportage probably would have taken it.

Valek728 13.08.19

Funny to look at stuck cheap monoprivodnom crossovers where rear wheel drive cars with banal antibottom quietly moves off. They should at least simulate blocking in front, otherwise no different from leptomonas nine, so the least push easier.

nimble33 13.08.19

every crochet as he wants in General))

Vit3375 13.08.19

I'll try to list: the engine start button, adaptive headlights with xenon and washers, 18 radius of disk, full leather interior, panoramic roof, sunroof, front Parking sensors (which work permanently), Parking, in addition to the receiver to the camera there is still a navigation

and it is possible that this is from the Suite, but less than half of the list is exactly one all-wheel drive is already a good difference otherwise with the same success it was possible to buy a normal sedan and not a SUV

nimble33 13.08.19

what's the difference between luxury and premium? AWD and radio?))

Vit3375 13.08.19

That on which I now drive cost exactly 900 and it's maximum speed (premium) I think the 130 just pennies considering the difference between Deluxe and premium and the mileage I have even now only 68.000

nimble33 13.08.19


I bought from the dealer treydina 12 years for 900 at the maximum speed with a run of 32 but was preteroti on the wing and doors, and then the car naked on the rag without a monitor, I think it was worth another look

I bought a ' 12 with mileage of 100k with two painted items for the 770. Suite at, 2ВД. I became the third owner. I think that 180 thousand rubles. is not that difference which I would give for a car a year younger and 1 owner.

ShurikPraha 13.08.19

I took with mileage km 143000 2011, not battered, not dyed, all native. I watched the spars and mistakes, everything is clear. After that I request from the seller an extract from the email service from Belgium. The oil change on time, dressed model covers, chipped nothing to podplat can't — roads in the Czech Republic shit + launder money EU is not useless repairs of the same roads, hence the scratches on the bumper and the headlights.

Authour 13.08.19

Yet, ride!

Alexx972 13.08.19


Sportazh great car — we have diesel, 2014. There are family and Toyota and Mitsubishi. Spare parts for Kia are cheaper. A couple of years of active service there was no damage, mileage approaches 30 000 km, a small say but ride. Got in a minor accident, the front of the chin. The front bumper consists of 3 parts, first me, then brazed. Only on THE last bored through the brake discs and changed the pads in a circle, this is most likely due to the driving behavior of the driver. Overall, the car feels good.

to sell not mind?

Igor87Kot 13.08.19

PDAL I've already chosent like, but after 2 reading confused one fact is Spartaki not all of the connected drive is full, right still in doubt driven, and another question Hebe, lar as you have long been in Atli thread on the handle of the machine less, it's about hopping?

AntonioBareyro 13.08.19

About front-wheel-drive crossover. My opinion is: I don't see any reason to buy a crossover on the front-wheel drive. To take it just for clearance? Yes nafig need it. And if you in Moscow, you can do front-wheel drive, you should not think that all cities in Russia are licked. The same Saratov to take. Winter, and in the Field on some streets it is possible to get stuck.