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Prohibition of registration actions with a vehicle.


Never thought I would get into a situation where my hands would be the car with the stigma of "Prohibition of registration actions".
In plain language this meant that the machine can not be put/remove from the register, to sell or to perform any legal procedure. She banned.
The protagonist was my car Daewoo Leganza.

Prohibition of registration actions with a vehicleFull size

Paint all the details, because to make such a mistake and everyone can and my case is indicative of the series: "Well then check it, Its the same.".
At the end of 2015, I exchanged cars with a citizen from the category of friends "via the second handshake". Let's just say he was an employee, to whom I could reach at any time.
Producing the exchange, it was indicated that the car put on the account, I will not, the amount of vehicle tax at the time of possession I'll pay him in good faith.
For the sake of I then ran his name through the website of the bailiffs upon detection of liabilities or restrictions. He was pure like an angel.
Why, then, did not punch the VIN of the car through the traffic police website (check the cars) I don't know. Lazy, stupid, trusting, in General, all together.
We swapped keys and left.


Roll on the car I decided to sell it and in good faith submitted the advertisement. Thank g*GU, the car was, to put it mildly, on the fan and little common. This resulted in very few calls.
What I was very surprised - the vast majority of calls were from Central and southern Russia. Requested photos, videos, and more. I all sent in good faith. Then one of the investigators alien6631 requests a screenshot of PTS, I told him off, he punches the VIN of the car through the database of traffic police- "Prohibition of registration actions".


Independently punched the car in the traffic police- "the Prohibition of enforcement," run the man through police officers he's clean. Weird.
I logically understand that to flog a fever extra, a man I find fast enough. Remove ad from the market and postpone the proceedings for a month. I got a check from Moscow, was not up to the machine.
The only thing that stuck in my mind : "How long will the ban be removed"? Our the Internet has not made clear: some have lifted the ban a day, some months of agony.

It took 1.5 months. Call the previous owner:
— Igor, you know that Leganza is a ban on the registration steps? Moreover, since September 2014!
— There can not be such! I have everything everywhere paid. I in January the car put on the account. There were no questions asked.
OK, I will go to the DMV, I recognize that as a Yes, be ready to drive.
No problem.

The algorithm of actions I didn't know, but it is logical to assume that we have to work with the traffic police.
The only was confused because in MREO and FSSP will certainly require the personal presence of the owner of the car. Looking ahead to say that he was wrong.
So, food in MREO.
State in any MREO there is a full-time position/imputed in job responsibilities of functions "the Inspector on work with law-enforcement bodies". This person is responsible, in particular, for interaction with the FSSP, leads the investigation line, riding in the magistrates ' courts and other stuff.
Specifically in Pskov to the specialist there was no queue. The inspector was a nice girl, in the rank of Lieutenant.
Any documents she did not look - was only asked to state the number. Looked base of the traffic police - do the ban.
Printed paper and recommended to go to the bailiff, issued the ruling in the interdiction of registration actions.

Prohibition of registration actions with a vehicleFull size

Bailiff appeared on the scene, and again the girl.
Asked the name of the owner, I looked around the bases - he is in debt not the number.
Me: Wait, what about the ban in 2014?
The bailiff: Well, apparently, I forgot to send a reply in MREO.He repaid the debt, and in the database I forgot to score
I: How did you remember? Just like You all.
Bailiff At such turnover is not surprising.

Holy smoke! They have forgotten! Forgot. And it is no demand then there is no "routine we have a large..."

The bailiff printed paper to the DMV, that no debt of the owner of the car and no ban with her FSSP shoots.

jpg class=c-lightbox-anchor c-pic-zoom data-action=lightbox.zoom data-size=1080,1227 rel=noopener target=_blank>Prohibition of registration actions with a vehicleFull size

At the same time she has made in the electronic database of the Federal bailiff service changes on this account and sent vedomstvennaya regard, the traffic police the same information.
Legal terms "purity" of the machine outlined in 1-5 working days.

The ban was lifted on the second business day.

Prohibition of registration actions with a vehicleFull size

Prohibition of registration actions with a vehicleFull size


My case is private.
I'm sure I was lucky in terms of solving the problem for several days.
In fact, I tensed for 2 hours to only two points ired, FSSP, and most importantly:
— All the officials were in their places;
— No one decided to get smart and be beastly to the visitor, "I'll call You", "Excuse me, I have visitors" "It's in the court/vacation/sick leave/left. Young man, its documentation I don't saaaaaay", "do You see what turn! And I have one"!
— No one claimed the real owner.
— One owner, just in case, was in the city.

From all the above we can draw three conclusions:


If caught in such a situation, then in any case do not despair and do not panic.
Immediately try to find the previous owner. Clarifies the situation.
First go to the DMV and understand what happened. They have all the installation data about the ban. Who made, when, on the basis of the Executive document. I assure You, at the moment law enforcement agencies are changing and You will come to the rescue. You just describe everything correctly and do not fall into aggression. Always remember that in the case of "kiss-off" You have the right to complain to higher management. Now is the most effective measure. Do not hesitate and act. Inspector on the ground will react instantly. But the traffic police only executor, the initiator of the FSSP.
Poetomu the second turn go to the FSSP. It's all up to the end clear up and tortured by police officers in the tips solutions. If you start "ox to have." Switch to "complaint to higher management".
Physically, the problem is solved within a few days.
But again, maximally avoid this "problem" before buying the car, not now as a result.


-To buy a car, you need only the true owner! No "friends are asked to show", "sick aunt", "grandpa asked." In the case of a floating jamb where will you run? Where You will find the seller? He will throw out SIM card and "Hello, Andrew"! Only the real owner can engage in dialogue. The rest of the temptation that might come out of the situation "is Not God stick nor a poker for the devil".

Prohibition of registration actions with a vehicleFull size

— When buying the first thing to always look the passport of the seller and remember/record its registration.
The ideal option is to take the seller under the handle and to go along with it in MREO. In one window removed/put in the car and pay off the seller. Adequate person will understand.


-Never be lazy to punch the owner of the car for all svobodnovihrevym databases for the traffic police, Federal bailiff service, the deposits of banks. And this should be done before the inspection the machine!
After inspecting the car You may emotionally "float", the machine is very like, and already deciding that this lastochque Your"score" on all checks.
More details can be read here, in the first, preparatory, part.
-Download to your smartphone a few apps from the "Avtoekspert", "Autoassignment" and other. Most of them are free. Very helpful.

And most importantly - catch the mood of "no confidence" to the seller. By default, it tries to deceive You, not let me do so.
Do not think that You dexate, the most intelligent and with you cheating can not happen. Can.
In the market there is no integrity. Here is the main principle of criminal procedure - the presumption of innocence. He says he's not guilty? Prove the opposite!
And don't forget
It's not personal, it's just business

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Suslik1987 14.08.19

Sold my old car, turned out it is banned, as many as 12 years ago, on the second day after registration in the traffic police, was in shock, the buyer jumped at once. Own car and did not check even since the previous owner, my grandfather, and there was not, did not take loans, pay taxes. From the traffic police first sent to the bailiffs, in words, no reference was not published, the police have not found any cases on me. Went back to the traffic police. It turned out, when checked in the city, the traffic police imposed a ban on the reg. the action, while shot the car for theft in another region, where I drove. Well, as usual I forgot when the response is to make a database selection. 12 years have passed. In the tracing Department, I say: "the answer is 2 days after the request for deportation came, it is strange that did not remove the ban." In short after 4 days our database on the website of the traffic police stopped atmaca to glow. So.

Statirov 14.08.19

"From all the above we can draw three conclusions:" ONE! Never buy a car by proxy! Even with relatives! Only a complete renewal at once!
I had a similar situation, the only machine in the arrest was... well at least not taken...
Here briefly described my situation www.drive2.ru/l/5721318/

legist1983 14.08.19

In my opinion, the most important conclusion You have hidden in the third paragraph of the second conclusion: "the Ideal option to take the seller under the handle and to go along with it in MREO. In one window removed/put in the car and pay off the seller. Adequate person will understand." Or, in the case crainhem put on the account in the appropriate time.

Derweer 14.08.19

Was in a very similar situation and also the fault of the bailiffs. That is, a ban they slapped the moment, but to remove...Yes, the turnover is, you know

Igor87Kot 14.08.19

informative, thanks for the article

deadHorse 14.08.19

VIN KLAVA pleased 😉

Black-Light 14.08.19

and penalties

Greystalk 14.08.19

Thank you for the detailed report, I fucked it, too, should ban, imposed because of the vehicle tax unpaid or even for fines?

chernysh88 14.08.19

Thanks for the article!

Dopper 14.08.19

Also buying the car found out that there is a ban, for the owner was a surprise, but in fact it turns out that long paid for, but money you don't accidentally go out, pay again, but again forgot to remove the restrictions that the bailiff is not present, then something else, in short, as always, in the end, at the conclusion of the DCT, the hostess once again paid for everything and she took in all the desired instances and then justice is done, to be honest, the issue price was a penny. By the way with all this database for mistress of the debt was not listed, was only the ban on the car

sodomais 14.08.19

There was a case .a friend of a friend bought a car in Moscow .drove in Astrakhan and on the account is not immediately supplied. Oddly arriving after half a year .Paid the fine and quietly put on record. Ridden 4 years and then pishla time to prodavati the car and then went running. The prohibition of reg.action. steel at base to check-out the car was stolen.here zhezh 4 years and went here get.With sudebnymi police officers there, too, the whole story happened... the essence of the story is that the system we have ebb:-)Ty. It all ended well. Just Moscow owner came fine. He went in the traffic police and said that was sold.don't know how the hell but the Moscow traffic police hung up the theft. All this rigmarole with the shipment of fines and sanisteam database did not happen immediately but in a year approximately. Quickly:-)

pavsh 14.08.19

The most effective way to go with the owner in the SAI. When I worked in the salon there was a case: the machine on the Commission, has broken all — all clear. The next morning the buyer went to put on record, and the machine ban. It turned out that this morning the bailiff made a decision on the former owner...

RKorolev 14.08.19

at work people have.sold the car.it even sold.and again sold.right now on the car arrest. and the last one is suing my work.so .

bogatir32 14.08.19

I have the case from the category of fnatastic.The machine is in the ban as much as the previous owner, on title the owner and the other a ban on the old.Here I am trying to solve the puzzle.

razor46 14.08.19

Yes, the creatures are police Officers.
I also had about
Comes SMS from the Bank — your credit account blocked due to non-payment of traffic fines.
Yes think so, always pay. Climb directly to the website of the traffic Police, there all paid. Go to the Bank, there dauu printout of the ban from the bailiffs.
Food in another city, because there was committed a traffic violation and there is a ban imposed. Picked up from all the receipts of payment of fines.
Come opachki a fine of 2014 type not paid. Pfft get a receipt...
The bailiff is, Yes now lift the ban.
NOT DAMN, and I just... l just have no words. Like so
Start there to shout and frantic, just like the author's response — staff turnover, forgot to add. God...Well you check before the prohibition to impose stupid...
From the Bailiffs I'm shocked in General
And all the papers on payment hold, and then you never know...

Alkozavr 14.08.19

I NAV choose a new car, but first want to sell the current one.
How do I give the buyer to design a car until I got the money? Who prevents him to send me to... when he gets WED-ku ? Or at first to break all prohibitions, to give the documents and get the money?

Safari666 14.08.19

No)) I like Paul scored.
Too much pay fuel insurance horse parts. itself is not tired of it?

RKorolev 14.08.19

well, you see.cha still vperedi.

Safari666 14.08.19

Here's the problem)) that everyone is afraid of (( and flesh and must be hard to score, and behold! No court has vigran there is a practice court, there are people who win, and the courts.
A feed of Putin and his cowboy is not going to!)) I would have canceled them a long time ago. All the little bitch Medvedev and Putin is silent, and do not prevent lawlessness. so th do not have))

RKorolev 14.08.19


Interesting. and for Nalogi put a ban? They just did not pay and not going to pay the car sold a long time ago. all the traffic police do not get there to get off or not with me if che is in the scrap immediately

a countryman for life.trust me.until they penny will not give up.do not fall behind.trust me.think bounced.sold the car and all.no.they pulled up cha by the balls at the most eligible point for you.they know how to crush you.to humiliate, deprive of means of subsistence.they will find you anywhere.they pulled you in for another thread.when you do not expect a dirty trick.it is a system.it was hard to combat.almost not possible.trust me.and the timing for them is not a hindrance.remember all.this STATE! so give them what they want.faster. because the interest will drip all the time whether zdorov.and to give still have.

OBN-RacerMan 14.08.19

Well, I didn't send. myself by accident about the ban learned when I had another car to amend title change of address...

Safari666 14.08.19


Well, for unpaid motor vehicle tax imposed arrest (or rather a ban on the registration steps). And sold once on the gene.proxy machine and the one where I went and where everything was paid (I was not even able to make changes in connection with change of residence).
P, S, And — when I have resolved the issue with this problem (written application for termination of registration to the car was considered to be disposed of), I still have two or three years sent a tax on the cars sold (although I would personally bring in a tax certificate from the traffic police).

2 years went sold.
Do not know designed don't forget the garbage to get to know.
And 4th year th do not pay and platige not going to.
They I hat sent the lawyer said, at so much paper in the toilet is not legitimate.
Accordingly, I have not been informed as it should mean good-bye)))
As they say hard position x#$)))) better hustle

Safari666 14.08.19

I IIG tax.
And so))) if at the expiration of half a year after the occurrence of the payment is filed in court to recover the debts that are forested.
With her aunt she worked in the tax case led 90% of winning the case in court.
Tai your crap))) the tax is not profitable so sue Keck EO to every have individual approach and condemned and at the expiration of that period they go again to the forest. the current scare court

OBN-RacerMan 14.08.19

Well, for unpaid motor vehicle tax imposed arrest (or rather a ban on the registration steps). And sold once on the gene.proxy machine and the one where I went and where everything was paid (I was not even able to make changes in connection with change of residence).
P, S, And — when I have resolved the issue with this problem (written application for termination of registration to the car was considered to be disposed of), I still have two or three years sent a tax on the cars sold (although I would personally bring in a tax certificate from the traffic police).

Safari666 14.08.19

Interesting. and for Nalogi put a ban? They just did not pay and not going to pay the car sold a long time ago. all the traffic police do not get there to get off or not with me if che is in the scrap immediately

Pavluxaozr 14.08.19

DAEWOO leganza ... Pat steel)))))

wadimr 14.08.19

you are not alone in the history of police officers.I was like and also FORGOTTEN )))))

nurtools 14.08.19

My friend decided room (001) deposited to pass, came to the traffic police, the ban on reg action, began to understand, was that the ban imposed on the Gazelle with this number (the one he was hanging about 4 years ago), and the prohibition issued in Q3 of each other. About a week the lifting of the ban have taken.

AEKB96 14.08.19

so you work, the loot how to write cut, the type of value you and depend on you always from those who shit on you and how they do their job, this is true life

Vladislav123 14.08.19

The easiest way to blame all around. We must start with ourselves.

Thank you for your attention. The conversation was over))

AEKB96 14.08.19

if the government decided that the service needed, but decided that I needed to pay it is ridiculous to wait for another relationship

Vladislav123 14.08.19

So I say. Live so badly that nobody wants to work

AEKB96 14.08.19

but if no other job but trading a person does not want, he comes in, it knocked all the cases dismissed, he honestly tries to do something, then in exchange for your pennies stupidly scored and runs until zae...t quite place or will not find and so the new

Vladislav123 14.08.19

I have always believed that responsibilities should normalto execute normally, as people volunteered for this job. And then arranged to work as sleepy flies and whining that they are underpaid.

AEKB96 14.08.19

well, you probably put a monument, but they work in this office and for their spelling soared you not the one who forgot to make changes and there will be no one to ipolnet these duties for that spear

Vladislav123 14.08.19

I'm fully perform their duties. On time and accurately. Otherwise I just kicked. I don't work in the office and not for the money, which would recommendnot to endure

AEKB96 14.08.19

you may think You for your RFP abut horn

Vladislav123 14.08.19

In our country all the way:

Holy smoke! They have forgotten! Forgot. And it is no demand then there is no "routine we have a large..."

All in all don't give a shit, no one is responsible for anything and doesn't want to do.

For the hundredth time I am convinced — all we need to do personally or under my personal strict control...

ziro03 14.08.19


question: and how hard is it to remove the car from the register and re-register it on yourself?

it is difficult when the queue is in the insurance 500человек

Foxtail 14.08.19

Well, there is a substitution of concepts at the household level. There is a view of the introduction of the PTS in part replacement of the owner. And Yes.

sektor064 14.08.19

machine removed from the register in case of termination of registration the owner and leaving the country, and in the other only changes the owner, the car is always on the account costs, but many still think — bought BA, put on record, for 3 years as a

Foxtail 14.08.19


garage-hooligans 14.08.19

Accounting machines have not removed.

Bakayoka 14.08.19

question: and how hard is it to remove the car from the register and re-register it on yourself?

h-metal 14.08.19

I had a similar story. I was not only sellers, but also the owner of the car. My surprise when the buyer is already at the window the registration of the new owner announced a ban of the registration actions. I was convinced that stocks were not even all the documents signed and proof of insurance issued to the buyer. Fortunately it was my friend who waited a couple of days. Also as was put prohibition enforcement officers for not timely paid the premiums, which I paid immediately upon receiving a message from the bailiffs, it was a long time ago and who would have known that they forgot to remove

andersen756 14.08.19

I have exactly the same crap was.
after later paid the penalty forgot to remove the restriction.
only here to not go anywhere.
I decided all the questions on the phone)))

the ban was removed two days later.

TonyMontano26 14.08.19


But it was enough in the beginning to zaregistrirovat the car and not be engaged in nonsense

and put the car, and after 2 months on the car restrictions put in registration because of unpaid fines of previous owner. now understand email with the bailiffs.

AEKB96 14.08.19

and if Hosa something happens, the heir, half a year, stupid might take her away from you legally

papinion 14.08.19

With this, I agree.

Foxtail 14.08.19

But it was enough in the beginning to zaregistrirovat the car and not be engaged in nonsense

6602562 14.08.19

My brother pleaded with the traffic police and bailiffs to put on the record, now expected entry into force of the judgment, recorded and applicable costs, the harm of the Russian Federation...

kostiksimb 14.08.19

Had a similar situation, a bunch of FSPP and the traffic police, it's a bunch of th...ing.
In the analysis found that:
Traffic was falling to the FSP saying that they mu...Ki
FSP cut down on the traffic police said that they mu...Ki
In the end it turned out that was type?! a glitch in the basis of the FSP, and the bailiff on the computer of debts for me, and in the internal database there. Thanks to the head of the FSP and its call, all schools, by me removed, and then wait 5 days until you remove the limitation.

nicko 14.08.19

What if owner died? Would like to reach? The more pulled the vehicle tax...

nicko 14.08.19

My case was: the bailiffs are not at the address sent a letter, a letter six months by mail pomatales and finally, during this time quick the marshals managed to put the ban, as the letter came I immediately paid. Went to another area, there to renew the car, and on it restriction, took numbers and papers, the car parked in front of the traffic police. I'm 400 km got the bailiffs on the phone, convinced them to send the paper by e-mail at gbdd, as well as to make a call... well after a couple hours of persuasion and it worked.

QuitterII 14.08.19

Zoink Leganza here... in this maintain I'd bought myself for each day))) Where to take them?

Mitya-Bryansk 14.08.19

Splashy it is. Sometimes they have failures too rode removed. Grief, if the police officer through 10K .km...

DL24 14.08.19

Yes... it was the same brand... and also — the bailiff issued a ruling on praghosa, and she quit meet, and to rake all of them were lazy... the turnover from them !11...

AEKB96 14.08.19


What do you want blondes by gaining an acquaintance and do not want to work/can't and screws up, would be men more responsible attitude to work.

there's just a spear does not want to work or who work half a year, of cases to the dial and blend, and while there the contest will be held to fill the vacancy until the person realizes, that defects

whatev3r 14.08.19

In General, Yes, only raspizdyaystvo from the floor does not.

zolotov1987 14.08.19

What do you want blondes by gaining an acquaintance and do not want to work/can't and screws up, would be men more responsible attitude to work.

luckiest 14.08.19

useful information )

Blackbooomer 14.08.19

Not the fact that you buy a car which has no ban, and in a year maybe a whole bunch will appear from the former owners that is no Bueno

willozaurus 14.08.19

Yes, things... lastochque) funny)
However, it is not funny to me, yesterday I accidentally broke his wings, and I have a ban register from the bailiffs, and even on a different region. Going to the DMV, try to understand

TonyMontano26 14.08.19

I agree. called the hot linwu, explained the situation, and I was the young lady at the end says ask Your representative, let him turn to place the pledge and show documents. after that, I just put the phone down.

leha4769 14.08.19

I have the same thing and also the bailiffs of the Moscow region the feeling that there was a smartass th...

TonyMontano26 14.08.19

come to e-mail the status of my appeal. and also came the official response (which I was very shocked), the bailiff said I personally came to the Department of bailiffs and proved that the car on which they have imposed restrictions in check — really my and to penalty from previous owner I have nothing to do. in the end, I again left the application (a complaint to the performers) that I live in Stavropol, and restrictions set in Moscow — it is natural to come and prove there is no way, especially since the mistake was made by the staff of the bailiff, etc. in short, waiting for another response from the bailiffs...

leha4769 14.08.19

How did you know that your galabo registered ? I have sent 10 times by email and once by mail 15 sobasei copies of documents for 2 years zero results

TonyMontano26 14.08.19

I wrote a complaint to the bailiff and sent by e-mail. Registered, waiting for the result ...

leha4769 14.08.19

And how did you solved the problem?

TonyMontano26 14.08.19


Tell me what to do, bought a car in August 2016, drove the car in your area immediately put a car on the account with the replacement offer. And then I find out that cars has imposed a ban on the registration steps 21.01.2017 on the previous owner bailiffs i.e. after 5 months after I put it on the record. As tokoe possible? Ate ate they got through they not listen to what I don't want say "pomogayut debts and we remove". To go to them once a distance of 750 km was repeatedly Sent them a letter and copies of documents by registered mail with an inventory and a certified letter but no results. What to do someone tell me?

The same situation, in October I bought a Opel immediately put it on the record, with the replacement of the state rooms, and at the end of December the bailiffs put restrictions on predydushego sobstvenika. It has 12 not paid fines in the amount of 13 thousand rubles

leha4769 14.08.19

Thank you

DRIVE456 14.08.19

sue the unlawful actions of the officials there seem duty-free. And win.

leha4769 14.08.19

Tell me what to do, bought a car in August 2016, drove the car in your area immediately put a car on the account with the replacement offer. And then I find out that cars has imposed a ban on the registration steps 21.01.2017 on the previous owner bailiffs i.e. after 5 months after I put it on the record. As tokoe possible? Ate ate they got through they not listen to what I don't want say "pomogayut debts and we remove". To go to them once a distance of 750 km was repeatedly Sent them a letter and copies of documents by registered mail with an inventory and a certified letter but no results. What to do someone tell me?

Capitan-Ice 14.08.19

Bought the car three years ago.
Register and even a year ago, I STS in connection with the change of residence . It was all about.
Here a call is heard, the person says he's from the bailiffs of the KhantyMansiysk and the car were arrested as the collateral Trustee of the creditor. I'm in shock. Found the owner who when I bought the car, he says never mind .

pavelford 14.08.19

Light fright, I their the arrest was filmed, the old owner has not paid the fine, in fact abroad, I doverco on hand... Oh, and the oncoming)