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As I didn't buy Lada Kalina

A few days ago, after they took the kid to daycare, we drive my wife around town and talk about the second car. A lot of money there, and if one does not want, and here we come to the idea to get the wife a new jig on the machine. The first thing I thought it was about Kalina with 126 engine and automatic jatco.

Advantages of products of AVTOVAZ: low cost original spare parts and consumables, cheap Buzovna and optics, ease of repair, availability even in novobarovo almost any parts.
Disadvantages of products of AVTOVAZ: it is not clear what the best quality products, because you need to get to the "good car" (I always drove), the questionable quality of the spare parts (although if you do not put a cooperative game, problem personally I have not ever occurred), and... well, actually for me personally.

Having lived daily with thoughts about Kalina station wagons, weighing the pros and cons, I came to the conclusion I need to show this car to the wife, and jointly to decide as to drive most of it.
Station wagon this car is worth about 600 thousand rubles. Yes, not enough. But today, with automatic transmission, nothing other than products UZ GM, to which no special trust, not just buy. The realities of today. Well, I think half the price will give at once, and rest for a couple of years take a loan, the benefit of the savings Bank gives me the green light.

Go to one of the three salons in the city. There, he's under reconstruction. Going in the other, it, too, but in the pavilion next door rubbing boys with strange hairstyles, visible from afar, sales managers. Go and see two cars: Lada Vesta cross vs 800 with horseradish thousand, and a field 3D khaki in color and on large wheels for 700 with the same body.

As I didnt buy Lada KalinaFull size

People ask me where Kalina station wagon, open the show. The boy is removed for 5 minutes, and returns, and begins this dialogue:

— The need to wait 30 minutes until it will adjust.
— Why I can't see where she stands?
— When you want to rent a car?
You have to see to understand, whether it is necessary. Wife needs to watch salon, to determine the configuration.
— How do you want to buy the car? For cash or on credit?
— In credit.
— So let's first apply for a loan in case you do not approve.
— I have you all approved. The car you show me?

Removed to the reception, talking to someone, saying I want you to look at Kalina.

Wife while in awe of the fields, remembers how to use a clutch pedal. All delight disappeared after she found out how much this niwasis. By the way, I really wanted to buy a 3D field in 2014, when they cost 350 000 rubles, but somehow it did not work, now regret.
In General, while the Manager about something they talked, leaving the room, fortunately there is the newly opened third. We are going there.

Come, go, see it. White Kalina cross in complete comfort on the mechanics.

As I didnt buy Lada KalinaFull size

All right, the salon, in principle, the wife liked it, and I would be such bourgeois models was not familiar, I have to work just a simple vosmiklasnica grants. And then Kalina, cross, with bright accents in the cabin. Beauty!

Conversation with the local Manager:

— There is in orange or blue color on the machine?
— On cross no machines.
— ?
— AAAA, and the machines only on station wagons?
— Are there?
— No, it's the last thing shipped from the factory, more such, neither the grant nor Colin, nor prior will not.
— ?
— Discontinued. In July, stopped the pipeline and will soon bring the restayl already viburnum and grants, and the prior is not at all to close the project. So, take that, then either be prepared to pay for such Kalina 650 000 rubles.
Okay, got it, thanks...

While I communicated with the seller, the wife looked Xray. Approached her, she asks how much it costs. I go up and say a figure of 750 000 rubles. Her eyes needed to see. She got out of the car and gently closed the door with the words "... out of here...".

Saw the news cross the sun. The car certainly looks cool, especially in spring color. But to give her so much money... I am in 2014 bought my wife a Kia cheaper... For the version with the AMT asking for more than 800 000 rubles.

When at home sitting in his underwear behind a computer watching price and photos is one thing. So everything seems cool and normal. But when you're sitting in the West, and look at her price, there is not much all cool and fine.

In General, agreed with his wife that in Kalina cross beauty, though smaller, but nicer than West of St cross, as the machine is so plastic I can't remember. Last time I went to West when it came out, and before long I went to the grant and as if I was all arranged. And then...

Don't know where is AVTOVAZ with such price tags, but we have no special.

While the last days on vacation, I want to go with my wife to Reno, I don't know what the outcome of this campaign.

Perhaps in Tyumen or ECAT is viburnum on the machine, but to be honest, I even got sick to buy a jig, or at least I want to wait for the facelift in x style, and look at those cars and look at their price.

Conclusions: there is a million rubles, do not go to the dealership and still nothing not even for the money. Saturated with foreign cars In the class for automatic transmission now costs 800 000 rubles, and this gentlemen, is not enough.

As I didnt buy Lada KalinaFull size

Sit now seriously study the market of freshly distilled prola.

As I didnt buy Lada KalinaFull size

As I didnt buy Lada KalinaFull size

As I didnt buy Lada KalinaFull size

Well, for those who think that fresh fielder to pay a million rubles is expensive, the price tag of all-wheel drive Audi A4 with the engine of 1.4 liters.

As I didnt buy Lada KalinaFull size

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iLUHON 15.08.19

There is no negative, there is an objective and sober attitude to the outdated automatic transmission, which can not withstand the load above average, based on their own experience. If You have a desire to buy this ancient 4-speed unit, which if anything has changed over the past 30 years, we have added a separate oil cooling radiator, go to the salon Renault and thousands from 700 it's yours. Then go up to 100 thousand in a big city like Moscow and region, without changing the liquid in the machine, as recommended by the automaker and thoughtful look at the facts, checked Your personal experience!

RoGeRMuR 15.08.19


Apparently You belong to the press service of Renault.
Resource tests Autoreview to help You, in particular the Nissan Almera. I personally owned a car with such a gearbox, so all of Your investigation on the Internet Community of Reno is not taken into account.

Seems to be just ldin negative is your machine)). Also interesting facts on the upgraded machine to see.

Ivan-58 15.08.19

not a member, look specifically for the special desire is not (I repeat — if there is a specific link you can send it to get acquainted), wonder underestimate the community — if there's any problem and she will always be discussed — such a bad blowout of the feet, or rubbed paint along the contour of cards of doors, and if the problem is isolated or outstay — never wrote one)

iLUHON 15.08.19

Apparently You belong to the press service of Renault.
Resource tests Autoreview to help You, in particular the Nissan Almera. I personally owned a car with such a gearbox, so all of Your investigation on the Internet Community of Reno is not taken into account.

Ivan-58 15.08.19

again, are the communities of Reno and have not seen the negativity on the updated machine, there is a link, show, read, and 40000 to only one box was able to die — DSG and some versions

iLUHON 15.08.19

Radiator is good, but the linings of the box requires careful relationship to it, namely, to heat, to drive in long traffic jams to go to winter mode, which eliminates first gear. So if you are frugal or not the pensioner, or a very calm driver, the box last a long time, and can be up to 40,000 for repairs to get...

Ivan-58 15.08.19

well how do you know he previously broke down due to overheating, it was upgraded: put a normal radiator a few years ago and people go, the negative reviews did not come across, if you have information on the updated machine and how it pours post a link, I esteem

iLUHON 15.08.19


well, if the task is new and inexpensive machine, the Active LOGAN 1.6 l 16 CL. АКП4 for 687 990, the condo and all will be vital, but the glass lifts only the front and mirrors are only manually adjustable (although adjust 1 time per year if not less), and of course it is expensive for Logan, but it's what it costs, as abovska the city consider a good option. "easy to repair, even in the presence of novobarovo almost any parts" is present

You know what the machine is for Logan?
DP0 DP... with a new number. Joint development of Peugeot/Citroen and Renault, a Peugeot AL4 is. Very capricious and unreliable transmission. Pours the only way to go, also on Nissan Almera is, which the body from a Nissan blue bird Silvi, and the interior of the Logan. No need of anyone like this machine.

grigoryev-102 15.08.19

Well AVTOVAZ now it is already possible to say Reno, so of 800,000 at the current rate it is even godly. Here's what the RFP remains the same - trouble.

Bianky057 15.08.19


Rezedent14 15.08.19

What kind of site like this with pregnacare cars?

mamku 15.08.19

Niva for 700 and on is a BRONTO... the Usual Niva 3D and now you can buy new in the region of 500 kilorubley

Windarland 15.08.19

now been six months no snowball or grants, there are grant-2, it is also in B0

Windmak3r 15.08.19

as Reno is West to B0. Kalina grant classic PP VAZ makeup from Reno.

Windarland 15.08.19

the basin is already 6 years old as Reno . this year withdrew all Russian cars other than fields.

DimaDjWolf 15.08.19

This is what you need to be, where to study, to work, to buy Russian bowl for that kind of money, and on credit (it is not a full bottom) ?!

avtotaz — just e...s with this pricing !

karlon3 15.08.19

Cheaper the repair. Gum less.

Djigit-kz-ssr 15.08.19


I.e. beam thing? And mnogoryichazhka just that more expensive cost?

Beam safer.

Windarland 15.08.19

would not have bought it

joydays 15.08.19

Fuck you need the pots? Their price should not exceed the limit of 300 T. R. I would have bought the right wheel by far!

Windarland 15.08.19

Datsun Mido Trust II
610,000 rubles
1.6 l
87 HP
Than wife is not pleased? quite a machine on the machine

Windarland 15.08.19

all uzbagoysya, you win, and I fear peed )))

Garsiamen 15.08.19

Draw Diwali character, to throw the words invincible or what?

Windarland 15.08.19

Comment has been deleted

and the fact that sukook? I now it will be interesting to see dryscha against me )))

voditel-161 15.08.19

As I understand it, other than Lada you had nothing?

somebody 15.08.19

Take a new grant of the automatic transmission. The best there is on the market now.
For the money it is the best budget engine. With proper care 300 thousand drops (oil every 10 thousand is not a care). Dynamics is not worse than the Koreans, flow etc also.
Automatic jatco 4 twenty quite normal for the city. Not 6 speed. Korean but the price is not 800.
For 600-650 nothing new to buy and even more automatic. Fucking Sandero 680 with conder on the mechanics. Polo sedan 700 and also mechanics.
The interior is quite normal, the suspension is soft, chumki enough. Yes, it is all good 😀

1rb1s 15.08.19

Buy sunglasses...

Fonimoni 15.08.19


It was the motor... it already any equipment is normal.
Well, went to the Convention... think you're smart? Disappoint) people who take the car with novya well served and maintained in perfect state will not be just to sell it for half the price...and you don't buy new because I can't afford it, and nothing else... it's you girls pour...

And you can afford a new one? You will find 700K, yeah! Soul to the devil sell?

1rb1s 15.08.19

Comment has been deleted

I'm not, but you are. Lie less

phantom-1 15.08.19

All well said.
I mean, the situation is different. The priorities are different. Interests and tastes.
No, every NARS to say how others live.
Everyone fancies himself a strategist, seeing the battle from the sidelines.
In General, a normal person will understand what and how. And the idiot will climb to its Charter.

Fonimoni 15.08.19

Incomparable as said Arkady Raikin — well, fools all of you! Everyone is trying to prove to the opponent squaring the circle! And anything that everyone has different situations in life are? It is clear that somewhere in Blagoveshchensk for the money it is better to take beushku pravorulki to drive changing spare parts which at any kiosk roll! And for example, in the Ulyanovsk region or on the farms of the Krasnodar region the situation is diametrically opposite. Who out there vsralas your nip when there's nothing on her, and our favourite Bob with a screwdriver and the key 13 in the open field repaired! Again, life puts its priorities. I worked as a driver at FC Ural. His car did not fit. All the cases were decided on the service. Its only needed once a year at the South to give up but to garden on the weekends to drive. It is clear that in this situation I mileage, fuel consumption, repair is not at all interested! And then life turned around and now I'm working also in a normal office, but in HIS car! Had FILA to sell and buy a Polo sedan. And nothing — no buzz! Happy with everything. And what some Japanese right-handed or a gluttonous SUV simply would restoril me with my runs or fuel or spare parts! As in the famous Comedy — the life force and not raskoryachishsya))) Maybe messy spoke, but normal people are messagi I realized. So before you throw poop at each other think, and what would you have purchased in a similar situation and how did. Different? Well, the flag in your hands. The free will!

Groshev 15.08.19

As they say: want to get rid of wife, buy her the products of AVTOVAZ...

Gonta2017 15.08.19

"Why do you need cars if you've no roads?" — Vladimir Putin

Andrei16ru 15.08.19

For this you can look BU car)

Windarland 15.08.19

And no steering wheel

BoBa25 15.08.19

Suzuki Jimny? Not an option just for this amount are a good option you can find. A small tax, Japanese quality, automatic 4vd, 3 door true...

BoBa25 15.08.19

I still dream his wife to buy instead of Goetz.

Antony2711 15.08.19

Rots any car without exploitation. Of course, I have to admit that the quality of GM in Russia for the last 15 years has dramatically fallen. It's about the quality of body metal and paint cars, among the many parts of "the left", far from the original quality of the product. And yet, the quality of the Cans is also not up to par.

Windarland 15.08.19

are rotting right inside, them every six months for maintenance with the shop-fit, to presentation keep. For sale NO.

Antony2711 15.08.19

Lived at the same time in Surgut, 25 by the ICRU. Good such a a small Siberian town. Remember the tube, almost as in Moscow. And what about products UZ-GM wonder is not credible: any model, though Ravon R2, 3 Nexia, Cobalt and especially Gentra better and better every Basin. They ACP -6 degrees and parts are available as Pots. And most importantly, the repair is certainly less likely to call will have. For the wife the MOST!

Windarland 15.08.19

a car a luxury item. So the price tags from the same grow

PavelOsiev 15.08.19

Anyway, our favorite state will lead us the handle to AVTOVAZ. Taxes, prohibitions, etc. and etc. That's just always been one question, well for AVTOVAZ wants the money?very good passing, good car, starting to study in detail the tears, even the Chinese don't do that.Go on the old merc and don't see his replacement, to take nothing at all, they are not worth the money for which they are trying to sell and sell.

PavelOsiev 15.08.19

The same Vesta in Germany is 16 thousand euros.And they take it with a good idea, Recalling the simplicity of design and maintenance.

AlexTerve 15.08.19

Not price tag large and small. Alas.
Translated into dollars or euros, the machine is cheap.

voditel-161 15.08.19

Same story with me was only 2 years ago I got Solaris ( without credit).

DJ-HellBoY 15.08.19

We went looking a year ago, Vesta and x ray, but in the end cardenosa and picked up a New Rio, don't regret

TJAY86 15.08.19

800 for a tune? mdeee... better of course a little add and take Polo, if it is only on new cars and variants used weight.

Maskal7 15.08.19

for field 3D 700 Riley? I took patriot 780 so he longer and warmer, more special stages, I honestly ohrinel for there to give 700))

Teplovozik 15.08.19

Who invented?:)

JZ-94 15.08.19

The simplicity of the design? EMH... I Have a car 97 design was easier than VAZ 14 models. The parts are the same as for cars and only cars quality parts (If you take the good firms, not chum), while VAZ original parts to roll Once or twice. About the structure of the internal combustion engine is generally shock. 16 valve engines that bend the valves (A and S series Toyota, except for the GT versions) and the design of them easier than at VAZ 8 Capannina (About 16 valve engine VAZ say nothing, only there to cover valves should not enough time). But at the expense of a new P-rudders. As if it wasn't, it cuts. P-the wheel banned the import of long ago and what is written in the ads is a lie. Because it is just custom will not be allowed and PTS will not be given. Will be imported only as parts, cut the body into 2 parts and here is weld, then make out on another title, whether it is burnt or wrecked car, supposedly the replacement of the body and engine were produced. Buy, can put on the account, and when you sell, then the truth that the car is illegal in Russia. In the end, no money, no car.

Windarland 15.08.19

I wrote the model most often used in srach

Zarik-Autsaider 15.08.19

you are all just a Camry, and that is what, only 300 pieces? On Craigslist view the approximate amount of sales. This is not the only car of a higher class, they light a wedge has not converged

Windarland 15.08.19

their soooo little that can not be considered. Many people write: I is better to take the Camry. And then we read Murzilka, West sold 20 thousand, and BU Camry 300 pieces across the country. But the posts that I'd rather buy the Camry much more happens than srach Ukrainians to Muscovites in the network

Zarik-Autsaider 15.08.19


"I for the money would be better used.from. the class above will take, " Typically 90% of those who say, and continue to ride the tram the rest of my life

what nonsense? many people buy Buski a class above instead of new cars

Windarland 15.08.19

usually take not that Magnus.Yat in comments. That's what I had in mind, and that car that I write type this I have — never will take until the end of his life, and only a few enthusiasts take the case

billi146 15.08.19

Where I live, trams are not found, and the work I have in 130km from home, where not serviced by public transport. So for me a car is just a necessary means of transportation. Anyway, I don't know people who wanted but could not buy a car, everything around me are in the family at least one car. More delusional comments I haven't read it yet ;)

Windarland 15.08.19


Yes HRP at your Vesta and the Logans, they consumer qualities exactly the same and I'm not interested in (for me both of these cars are just slag, Logan only more reliable). I'm in this topic climbed only because mother-in-law asked her to drive the car to buy . She wanted to do was new and on a limited budget and accordingly had the subject to study. If you like superbudget well and ride on them, I for the money would be better used.from. the class above will take as a month from 6 to 10 thousand km and accordingly passing value comfort.

"I for the money would be better used.from. the class above will take, " Typically 90% of those who say, and continue to ride the tram the rest of my life

billi146 15.08.19

Said one thing meant another... you're not suffering from schizophrenia? The problem is new car buy used.from. but a class above? Specifically, I bought in 2016 Citroen C4 2013 for 500. Now he has run nearly 200 thousand, and its real price if I decide to sell it, 450 thousand. The time of possession of a Citroen, I replaced the front bearings, all brake pads, rear rack and thermostat, once the retractor relay on the starter. In addition to bearings, I changed everything about myself, the oil I also change itself. Me so happy, I travel a lot and almost nothing to lose in Finance. Could, in principle, new to buy on credit, but decided to do so. Logan had not considered initially, because it went on, the more the news would not have bought a bag of the same Logan and VAZ. This is my opinion and if it does not coincide with Yours, nothing wrong with that. For every product there is a merchant ;)

OOYOO 15.08.19

to the point said : "When at home sitting in his underwear behind a computer watching price and photos is one thing. So everything seems cool and normal. But when you're sitting in the West, and look at her price, there is not much all cool and normal."

people grant for 350-400.

Ref-66 15.08.19

For Proleme sometimes I go to Vladivostok, crisis of 2014 passed, people got used to dollar 66,to the far East have removed the button GLONASS up to the green in the summer, I will take Kakar, like Suzuki Hustler 4vd hybrid.

diko-spb 15.08.19

Why are you the whole of Russia wrote that you threw money for nothing?! About these machines even not worth writing!

FoxWert 15.08.19

that's fair. Bought to fresh rights of the Korean Aveo T200. Long perejival that we can better Kalina fresher but but. Kalina sat in 2 recently on the occasion of the... as Lada was and remained. robotools cal Galimov. Stopped steamed that the Aveo took. completely better
Although riding on Vesta St. cross...something like a car. Don't know where there is more plasticboy.except that in the basic utter trash, but St. cross seems to her to any side.
Logan don't even look! Generally no better.
Than Rio not satisfied?

diman290480 15.08.19

Tried. Does not help.

chervyakov86 15.08.19

Maybe go eat

diman290480 15.08.19

maybe. I remember long ago shown advertising about sale of apartments and there are just 15 million and a young family says - so cheap, it is urgent to take. Many people do not understand this ad. Yes, the hungry well-fed will never understand.

chervyakov86 15.08.19

I'm afraid that you got it all wrong.

diman290480 15.08.19

I suggest not to write what no money. You have a lot of money and your post looks like a mockery to others.

chervyakov86 15.08.19

What do you suggest?

diman290480 15.08.19

I have no money, go buy the wife a new car for 600 thousand
The rich have their quirks. Someone have nothing to eat and you chalk beads.
No wonder they say that the richer a person is, the greedier he is, and he does a little.

Sinpaulo 15.08.19


Well, if only on maksimalka.And on the West

The vest is all, Priore 2 was also, on the grants and Kalina response below

74DiamonD 15.08.19

Grant in picking comfort (but the Suite is not present, but the climate control). In the West in the initial configuration

machrusha 15.08.19

Well, if only on maksimalka.And on the West

74DiamonD 15.08.19


Well, let's close this question.We just have a different attitude to safety for themselves and their children.You are likely one of those people who buys car seat for child in Auchan for $ 1000, that would not be fined.Pro active safety ( ESP, ABS, and stability) domestic cars can not tell me-during my life I have traveled almost the entire production of VAZ-where would she come from?And I'm not a fan of b/a.I also think that the best car is a New car.But if I had a choice of car for 600 for the wife-I to the side of the Vase would not even looked.I love my wife and my son and if I can do something to minimize the consequences of possible accidents -I'll do it.

On vases with viburnum still there are abs and ESP

SergoBot 15.08.19

Ride on top of the x-ray cross for 900 T. R. almost cried, so sad for a long time did not feel

alex86-kirov 15.08.19

Yes take absolutely nothing from the new, I went to the second wave ауди80 and socks))

A2Lone 15.08.19

I would stay at Kia, Hyundai or Skoda, pretty great options

LevaAlex 15.08.19

Stepway to take and norms.

I434 15.08.19

If you want ground clearance is 150mm and not automatic either Kalina (now grant), and either lemon will be a little...