Disks — Toyota Land Cruiser Prado, 4.0 liter, 2006
Finally ripe for the next step in setting up a horse! I thought about the dimension for a long time :-)) I tried to try on 18, but when I saw 20 I got stuck
I opted for MAK Quark6, but they did not fit on the hub, at that time they were alone in the city. Boring did not help and did not want to neglect safety!
Then they showed me MAK Fuoco6 (3) and that's what happened
krasotaaaa =) listen, is it really tougher or is it the same? I just don’t want it to be tougher, and so I often climb mountains and 20s won’t go
and today I'm looking for mirrors with folding and heating. and buttons for them. no pipets anywhere. current to order.
body looks good! I also measured these, there are many where there are such! especially those poppies that did not suit you, but I chose other disks ...
what about the summer set? I just need tires. So I'm asking, can someone thread their 17th baryzhit)
Nope, it’s definitely not until winter, otherwise I have 2 sets of tires for 17. Where will I go then :-)))