СевКавTV broadcasts from Pyatigorsk
Hello Bob, in the special edition of Sevkav TV, and behind me opens door wine cellars handsome Pyatigorsk... Lai-La-La-La... And the sponsor of our production of wine cellar Vardan, where you can not only wine to drink and women to meet... Lai-La-La... a Thousand apologies dear!
Brilliant writing!
And in the case, we finally broke into Georgia. Yesterday the border was closed and we were seriously thinking about changing the route, but today opened the border and here we are under the cover of night stopped somewhere on the private sector after the border.
Countrymen from Odintsovo managed to mess up a sticker sign. Understand that there is no coffee shop, but still... =)
Georgian hospitality splashing over the edge in the first half of the night for us came, drove, lived, promised the wine, and said that policy down, come dear...
Shykarnaya advertising! It is only in your cities is in the ads.
Visited Pyatigorsk. Beautiful town and I would like to get beamed inside there is plenty. Transit pass too little and not enough...
The main Pyatigorsk Intourist... from Finland I guess.
The children are practicing for the victory day... Beautiful!
Have Hyper, Cho! At this place the Yankee truck you can get, and this on the three-door.
Going... Going... Going...
Tried to be treated, not going to fly...
Morning traveler...
Photos of Georgia yet, as the night... Later, if the Internet.