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Unexpected expense! — Toyota Auris, 2008

Unexpected expense  Toyota Auris 2008

During the last week, I started driving without exceeding the speed limit. I move slowly and smoothly from my place! In front of traffic lights and other cars, I brake behind the wheel, dropping the gas and not using the brake pedal! Thus, while I am rolling, the traffic light changes its red signal to green, and the car in front of me begins its movement or continues it(if it also did not stop).
This driving style resulted in two benefits: first, longer it will live brake pads(rarely have to change), and secondly decreased average fuel consumption of 1.6 liters(most important in these advantages as gasoline became prohibitively expensive day by day)!
According to the manual about Toyota Auris, the average consumption in the city cycle is: 8.3 liters100 km under ideal road conditions,as I had. Now my consumption is currently 6,7 l / 100 km! At the same time, I move around the city all the time, no suburban cycle! I thought about it and decided that it was good, but how is this possible? After all, the manual indicates the report of experienced Toyota drivers! Maybe I have a bad onboard computer? Or something else? Dear readers of my onboard magazine, please leave your answers and comments on this issue, I am very interested to know your opinion! Thank you in advance! Attach photos!

Unexpected expense  Toyota Auris 2008 Question price: 0 ₽ Mileage: 13,503 km
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Lebedinsky 01.12.20

I think you just don't rush at intersections and drive carefully:) Pleasant consumption, nothing to say, I have 11 liters somewhere:) But I sometimes mess around with the kickdown option:) And so a beautiful car:)))

S-Demos 01.12.20

I have not yet gone below 7.0 l/100km. I drive mostly along the MKAD, no more than 120 km/h. Can the running-in period be spent more?

kroshkamel 01.12.20

Yes, I like to press the pedal, besides the mechanics are not slow-thinking automaton, so I have more consumption, but it does not spoil the overall feeling of the car =)

Kleetus 01.12.20

Russian language, awesome)))

Warrior7 01.12.20

Wow... In Russian.