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We handed over the car for service to replace the engine - Toyota 4Runner, 3.0 l., 1995

Today our Runner was taken to the service.
On parsing a used motor 45000r. A new one, alas, we cannot afford it ...
The dismantling staff assure that the mileage of all motors is up to 100,000. Let's hope that this is the case.
Transferring the motor in their own service costs 18,000 rubles.
When handing over the car, one moment strained ... Since we have never used the services before, we simply do not know how it usually happens ...
In general, when accepting the car for repairs, we were told: "Put the car over there. Leave the keys, registration certificate. Leave your contact phone number. . Call in a couple of days. "
And it's all…
They didn’t draw up any acceptance documents, acts, etc. ... We didn’t write any contract ... When trying to be indignant about this locally, the foreman pointed his finger at the parking lot and said: Do you see those cars? (there were Pradik, some other Toyota, Padzhera sport and others ... years since 1998-2004) ... But this Kruzak, who leaves the service? (another Pradik was rolling out of the service) "
" I see ", - I say.
" These cars are just the same and waiting in line ... we didn’t write anything for them either ... So relax ... ", - he said.
Eh ... I don’t know ... Maybe, of course, this is normal in such services (those that are ranked between "garage" and "hach services" on the one hand and official branded ones on the other).
Dumb, of course, but on the other hand, it can be like this everywhere ?
In general,

Mileage: 320,000 km
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