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GPS - Price and Quality - Toyota Mark II Qualis, 2.5L, 1997

GPS - Price and Quality - Toyota Mark II Qualis 25L 1997

Yesterday I bought a simple little thing for my beauty, a ZHPS navigator, chose for a long time and settled on the JJ Connect 320 model.

I read the reviews, looked at the characteristics and that's what I think about this.

Nice apparatus. Cheap, nothing superfluous, everything is convenient and informative. There are many possibilities.

Advantages : High-quality navigator at the lowest price. Convenience of installing additional software - no need to climb into the "brains" - everything is read from a flash drive /

Changes needed : It is advisable to immediately change the standard 512 MB card to 2 GB, if in the future you plan to install more modern navigation systems, they do not support cards less than 2 GB. (minus - don't buy fast cards, he doesn't see them either).

The rest of the test mode went off with a bang, sees everything well, except for small alleys. Re-routes the route very quickly. A very good device for my money. Recommend.

PS Of course, the purchase history was the same, the cheapest unit was found in Eldorado, but apparently something happened to the batch in this store, I can only guess. I brought the device back 3 times - it did not work from the cigarette lighter (everything is fine from USB) ... in the end I said take it, keep it for yourself, and even did not receive the attention it deserved to your person when servicing after the purchase (I did not like it) and went to another store. A funny fact, while you are on the territory of the retail space, you will be licked from head to toe, as soon as everything, no one came out. Eldorado is known of course for many cases of poor-quality equipment, but I was lucky to find a normal copy.

VERDICT: Replaced the memory card with 2GB - Put

1. << Navitel Auto >>
The version specially designed for car navigators (not for PDA).
Unfortunately, I did not find broken maps for this version, but there are a whole bunch of free maps, including a map of the Nizhny Novgorod region, the site www.gps-nnov.ru

2. << Navitel XXL >>
Version for PDA. There are all commercial cards available as of August 2008 and works with any free cards.

4. <>
More needed for overseas, n. there is no Novgorod, but there is almost all of Europe.

5. << ozi Explorer CE >>
The program works only with raster maps. Something like a paper atlas that indicates the position of the traveler. Useful when walking in the woods, driving along the river in fog :), etc.
On the Internet, you can find maps of any area.

1. TotalCommander - it's clear what.
2. MoveWindow - window "shifter" + English keyboard, a very useful thing, for example, when you need to drive a serial number into a program
3. AlReader - a reader, including * .doc files, sometimes you need to adjust the text encoding to get rid of krakozyabliks
4. Calculator - can translate currency and some mathematical / physical quantities
5. ResInfo - all kinds of information about the system

TCPMP - a player for everything that is played and shown with a set of codecs, the
rest in this tab is standard MP3, MP4 players

It turned out to be a cool little computer :)))

Price tag: 3 333 ₽
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somebody 01.12.20

in eldorado and in the market it is better not to buy equipment and shawarma

OlegUfaev 01.12.20

Wow! It turned out very budgetary!
I read a little about it, it seems like people put iGo 2006 and iGo8 on it without any problems (I just use them). :)

Demon-Zheka 01.12.20

Not expensive at all!

By the way, the question has been circulating in my head for a long time - is it possible to use such a navigator off the road?

Lvovich52 01.12.20

It all depends on the cards and software! I think ... About the market and Eldorado you are in the subject :)

Lvovich52 01.12.20

Now everything is visible, even the paths between the houses!

OlegUfaev 01.12.20

> Is it possible to use such a navigator off the road?
even if there are no maps, you can use it like a compass :)
you start walking, and he shows you with an arrow in which direction you are moving, although here it depends on the program ...

Lvovich52 01.12.20

Yes, with OziExplorer ...