New overtaking camera. - Toyota Corolla, 1.5L, 1998
I installed (while on a temporary mount) a brand new overtaking camera.
Took the color Korean KT&C KPC-S230CWX.
The price is orders of magnitude higher than that of the Chinese, but it's worth it.
The image quality is very good, not "blurry" like Chinese cameras. Also, no "blinding" of the camera in the bright sun has yet been noticed. The Chinese could not stand direct sunlight at all.
I stuck it on car tape so far.
The camera is held on it too, but I'm still thinking about making a normal torpedo mount closer to spring.
On the one hand, I don't want to spoil the appearance of the torpedo with self-tapping screws, on the other hand, the collective farm is also the same for fastening with automotive tape.
Yes, remember, for an overtaking camera, the CCD matrix is ​​good, the CMOS matrix is ​​bad.
Price tag: 3 200 ₽steering wheel in the glove compartment?
is it now called right-hand drive cars?
I haven't photographed inside the cabin yet.
Here is a photo from some site:
The function is to show what I do not see on the left due to the fact that I have a steering wheel in the glove compartment)))
No, let it show all the time :)
I set the image from the camera as a background.
I press the hide button and the interface hides and only the image from the camera remains.
I'll also hook up a rear-view camera in the spring so that it turns on when you turn on the reverse (read the reverse light).
Photo in the studio.
And don't you want to bind it to turn on the turn indicator? :)
The photo will be a little later, when I finally get ready to install it normally and remove the entire collective farm)
That is, when it is warmer outside, otherwise I need to replace the video cable, and I need to climb to the radio tape recorder - disassemble a piece of the torpedo.