Test- Road rage! be careful! — Toyota Celica, 2.0 liter, 1991
Your driving style
test result
We believe that when evaluating any driver, the following factors should be considered: safety, aggressiveness, politeness and rage. In each driver, they will be combined and together form an individual style.
We also recognize that the same person can be both a normal and an aggressive driver. You can be polite, but sometimes give in to road rage.
Here you see your results in four categories:
Safety level: 77.5%
You are a safe driver.
Average score, passed the test recently: 66.0499
Your aggressiveness level: 45%
You are not very aggressive.
Average score for recent test takers: 60.0617
Your level of politeness: 77.5%
You are a polite driver.
Average score, passed the test recently: 73.9747
Your rage level: 35%
You are a fairly calm driver.
The average score of those who have passed the test lately: 53.0689
Here is the link roadrage.ru/testovaya