The last of the Mohicans. — Toyota Celica, 2.0 liter, 1998
A little background …
Last week I gave odds to a friend while his car is in service. I myself go to equal 4 brothers.
Call last week from a friend:
-Seryoga, hello! Do you know if anyone sells a GT-Four?
-Who's interested?
- Yes, then the guys came up while I was parked, they ask. We arrived from Tomsk, already looked at 3 cars, they are not satisfied.
. I look at what is for sale, I say the coordinates, we say goodbye.
On the same day, a friend calls. He used to have 202 Selick, asks about the odds, what is good and bad about those that I know from our city. Going to take.
Another call earlier this week. Seryoga is calling from the village club.
- Listen, my friend came from another city, he is now looking at the Vor from Zheleznogorsk, he rides, he says something is going poorly, you can see it in a week, ride it.
... hmm, I'm already starting to react somehow strangely to these calls.
- No problem, let's call in the evening and go.
Got the last call yesterday. Calls Sanya, whom I gave my car.
First phrase!
-Can you sell it already?
- Sanya, what are you talking about?
- A guy drove up to me at a traffic light, first from one side, then from the other. I lower the glass, I was interested in selling or not.
-hehe, some sort of raid on them began. Apparently they are already dying out and finding a living specimen is becoming more and more difficult. until I sell it. If only to become impudent and offer for 400 = D -
If someone drove up to me, offered to sell the RX-8, I would immediately go out and sign =)
Here is such a series of strange coincidences in 2 weeks. Apparently they began to prepare for the winter, they are switching to 4vd.