Auto makeup — logbook Toyota RAV4 2008
I started doing eyelashes for my Elizabeth back in the spring, but everything ended with just a sketch, today I overcame myself and finally finished what I started. So, let's begin.
Basic materials:
Vinyl film to match the color of the body (there is nothing to match the color of my body, so I took
the usual black oracal) Something that can be used to make a stencil (I had a plastic overlay for the headlight, I successfully gouged one, and on the second since I drew the contours of my future eyelash directly on the headlight)
How it was done:
Having applied a plastic cover to the headlight, I began to create ... I tried everything, but I didn’t want an eyelash stupidly on top like everyone else, and even more so there is a size. After reviewing all my ideas, I settled on one. Having glued the overlay with adhesive tape, cut out the stencil with a cutter and transferred it to paper (the eyelash turned out to be long, so it took two glued A4 sheets). Having cut it out again, but already from paper, I sent the resulting stencil to the scanner and transferred it to digital form.
Slightly aligning the contours in Photoshop, I printed (on 2 sheets) the result. Once again, cutting out the stencil (already the final version), I drew the contours from it already on vinyl.
Well, then it’s a matter of technology (look for how to glue vinyl in search engines). It turned out what I wanted.
I want to say that my cilia do not affect the headlight illumination (near, distant, dimensions).
If you like the look of the eyelashes, you can download my file for Photoshop [278KB] you just have to print it, transfer it to vinyl and stick it on the headlights.
Thank you for your attention.
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