Running gear diagnostics — logbook Toyota Corolla 2003
I stopped by for running diagnostics - everything is in order, only the steering rack knocks, but it’s not scary, and the replacement is expensive and it won’t affect anything except the sound, they say this is a disease of these Corollas. I heard that the rails are being repaired - they regrind the bushing and the knock disappears - maybe I’ll get confused somehow.
I left for two years and didn’t change anything except the boot of the CV joint (it burst from driving in the cold), in general, everything is in order, and I traveled far not only on asphalt on a fairly low profile, so I can say that the chassis of the 120 Corolla is tenacious except for the steering rack.
On a flat road, it does not knock, it only knocks when you go along a thread of a country road or through potholes, it used to strain, right now I have somehow got used to it. Over time, it starts to knock more (the case inside is more strongly erased from our roads). In principle, if the car knew nothing but asphalt, then nothing should knock.