Hodoffka1 — Toyota Carina E, 1.6 liter, 1994
As the finances appear in your pocket, I purchased spare parts for running. In August, I decided to seriously take up the undercarriage, having accumulated some dough, I went to the service station to change all the worn parts.
Longitudinal rear link
brake hoses
O-rings for exhaust manifold
Pillow under the engine (front)
Pillow under the engine (rear)
The back one was from Ipsum, I marked the places where I removed it to fit.
Racks (rear) anther + sealant assy
A-pillars unfortunately did not have time to take a picture, as they bought immediately went to put.
Stabilizer bushings (front + rear)
Front arm front bushing
Rear bushing front arm
Tie rods
Steering tips
Earrings (back)
Earrings (front)
Everyone is here
Brake pads (front)
Bushing (finger) for the rear silent block of the front lever
Fuel filter