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Conversion of the speedometer scale from miles to km. - Toyota FJ Cruiser, 4.0L, 2007

Conversion of the speedometer scale from miles to km  - Toyota FJ Cruiser 40L 2007

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Conversion of the speedometer scale from miles to km  - Toyota FJ Cruiser 40L 2007
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kurazh1 01.12.20


KuR 01.12.20

The use of a tripkomp working through the diagnostic line on the go is fraught with irreversible consequences ...

Kulikoff-Sun 01.12.20

You know, as in the joke: "... Not aesthetically pleasing somehow ..."

In fact, I don't care about miles or kilometers. I haven't changed myself. My tripcomputer is much more important to me, which shows the real speed corrected for the size of my wheels.

KuR 01.12.20

So I don't understand))) These kilometers per hour were given) Moreover, the speedometer scale in the original is double ... miles and km

Sonique 01.12.20

and than miles are bad?

Savage00 01.12.20


The controller can start to spontaneously increase revs, open the throttle valve, skip ignition (disable coils), stop fuel supply, etc. It is very dangerous…

A strange statement. Connecting a computer through the diagnostic connector has never had and will not have ANY effect on the engine.

kurazh1 01.12.20

tripcomp is not a controller

KuR 01.12.20

The controller can start to spontaneously increase revs, open the throttle valve, skip ignition (disable coils), stop fuel supply, etc. It is very dangerous…

kurazh1 01.12.20

Where does this information come from? And why should something happen to the controller during a diagnostic session if it is diagnostic? More? What was, what was set, what was done, what happened. Because nothing is clear yet

So as not to go 3 times, there is little information on the Internet on this topic and the one that is does not inspire concern
(I have this one) - there motor control commands are not included in the ROM at all

KuR 01.12.20

Undoubtedly)))) That's just it connects to the engine control controller and exchanges data with it in the "request-response" mode exclusively with an open diagnostic session.

KuR 01.12.20

Where from? Yes, from my own experience ... Pocket, I remember, lost a lot of weight))) I don't remember which BC I installed, but the correct one ... Auto Passat B5, connected to the diagnostic block ... On the move, while coasting, the throttle opened, the automatic transmission switched down and we "flew") )) The curb was high, the front suspension suffered great damage, and it is light-alloy on these cars ...)))

The connected BC will not have any effect on XX, but at other speeds ... The ECU processor does not have time to control the engine in different modes and respond to the BC requests at the same time ... The consequences can be very different ... Spontaneous opening of the throttle (as was the case with me), engine shutdown in motion, illogical gear shifting to automatic transmission ...

Note that a regular BC on any machine never works on CAN and VAN buses ... All data is taken from separate outputs of the engine ECU, automatic transmission ECU and instrument panel, specially designed for this ... And the rest of the simplest calculations are made in a separate microcircuit on the information output device ...

But in general - think for yourself ...

Re-read this one more time very carefully old from the Multitronic website ... The subtext is obvious))) We are talking about VAZs, and what will happen to a modern car is generally difficult to predict ...

Open diagnostic session, and emergency situations?

All diagnostic trip computers "Multitronics" operate in the open diagnostic session mode.
As for the question "Is it good or bad?"
1) A / m at the factory during running-in and during testing is diagnosed with an "open diagnostic session", but otherwise, it was invented for this. Or to diagnose a possible patient with modern electronics in the old fashioned way posthumously - "an autopsy will show"?
2) Keyword Protocol 2000 approved by the VAZ department does not prohibit working in an open diagnostic session mode.

As for the question of the hypothetical possibility of non-standard situations.

As already mentioned above, problems with stopping the engine may arise through the fault of a careless user or installer when connecting anyone, we emphasize a diagnostic device working with a "K-line" to an ECU with firmware earlier than 05.2000 if there is an immobilizer with a software version below 44. You cannot avoid this difficult, just look at the release date of the block on its case and update the firmware if necessary.
As for the hypothetical possibility of influencing the engine from an arbitrary diagnostic device connected to the "K-Line", we can say the following.
The impact on the engine of some abnormal command (such as "turn off the injectors" or "change the engine speed") is hypothetically possible only under the following combination of circumstances:
- the presence of this command code in the diagnostic device ROM.
- a malfunction in the program, due to which this command is not sent to the controller in a regular way (for example, while driving).

Failure in the program can be caused as a mistake by developers and programmers, which we would like to consider unlikely for devices "Multitronics" and similar, as well as non-standard external influence (for example, electromagnetic caused by a malfunction in the ignition system).

Our company has a long experience in the development and production of various automotive digital devices on various types of processors, and the issue of protection against electromagnetic interference caused by the ignition system has always been and will be relevant. In connection with the issue under consideration, the following should be noted.
Throughout the history of the company, the author has not been able to hold in his hands a device presented on the market (including Multitronics - this is not advertising or anti-advertising), which could absolutely "survive" in conditions of another faulty (from the point of view of electromagnetic interference) ignition systems. In the life of electromagnetic car interference, there are all sorts of things, and the criterion here is only the time and the level of interference, therefore, devices are stable and not very.

Therefore, not trusting the case, the developers of the Multitronics trip computers basically did not include engine control commands in the functions (and therefore in the ROM program code) of the device. We are aware that by reducing the diagnostic capabilities of the device, we fundamentally exclude the possibility of sending an abnormal engine control command to the ECU, and the possible occurrence of an emergency.

Steel-West 01.12.20


Kulikoff-Sun 01.12.20

no, I have not met anywhere else. In the States I've seen multicolored, but they are also miles away.

Steel-West 01.12.20

Yes, I'm laughing))) can you tell me what to think of?

Kulikoff-Sun 01.12.20

Litter again ...

Steel-West 01.12.20

well ... but I practically installed it already))))

Kulikoff-Sun 01.12.20

Kind! Unfortunately, we have not made them for a long time. Equipment sold out :(

Steel-West 01.12.20

Good afternoon! How much will the redesigned scale cost? can you send to Kazakhstan?