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Here's a misfortune ... - Toyota ist, 1.3 liter, 2002

In general, I was driving myself ...
and suddenly, there were no obvious reasons for this, a whistle began to sound from under the hood, nifiga myself, I thought ... I stopped, opened the hood, took out the phone, turned on the torch and looked in the direction from which the whistle was heard. It came from the area of ​​the power steering belts and the generator. Thank God I have a timing chain, so it immediately swept aside, ... the lights were shining, the belts were both normal, well, I think, kick-ass) maybe some pulley spun up, ... in general, with a squeal and creak it drove to the parking lot. I went home, and already began to figure out options for where and how much and remember friends who can help with repairs ... annoyance covered with a copper basin. =) on Exist I found straps, pulleys, called friends, stations. I agreed to meet with friends to see what I could not see. I come to the parking lot, looking for some ... and. ... there was no whistle, the motor whispers quietly evenly, miracles I thought))) but I still went to a friend's meeting,… opened the hood, started to shine with flashlights, saw that the power steering strap was hung on the left side, and it didn't go badly, wonders! I thought again, because only yesterday I looked myself and nothing of the kind was there, ... in general, a friend explained that it was possible that snow had fallen, and with it sand and some kind of pebble could have fallen, so my poly V-belt jumped one division thus, he began to rub hard on the side of the pulley, hence the squeak with a squeal, talked about the price tags, like he agreed to help in two days with a repair for 200 rubles. replacement + strap ordered on the original Exist for 500 rubles. in time it will take no more than an hour, I also advised to change the GUR dextron since it became transparent, but it should be reddish, about dextron I will still find out which and how much,
Here is such a misfortune) ... I
will try to post photos, well, and supplement the story as needed.

Price tag: 700 ₽
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DOS 01.12.20

well, nothing too serious. I have the same shnyaga. there is no time to do it yet. I'll hand over the session, take a day off and take care of my little brother right away. I started it a little. I hope he will forgive me and tolerate a little more

SnowbOrder 01.12.20

Dimasik what are you talking about) We are brothers! )

DOS 01.12.20

Yes, I talked about my iron brother))))) but I'll take care of you too! I need to drink beer normally))))

SnowbOrder 01.12.20

)))) yeah

SnowbOrder 01.12.20

At the pulley, the direction of the "tooth" is not perpendicular, but longitudinal, the strap jumped one tooth to the side, and the belt was chipped off, perhaps a hard object fell with snow, such as a pebble.

somebody 01.12.20

Do the pulleys dangle? just with such a tension on the belt, the snow left there quickly, and the belt itself had to fall into place almost immediately, it is strange that the whistle was heard for a long time, the parallelism of the pulleys again ...