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little joy and big stupidity - Toyota Probox, 1.5 L, 2004

little joy and big stupidity - Toyota Probox 15 L 2004

concept: I seem to be unlucky in life with wipers) constantly problems with them.
here, at the end of winter, there was no strength to endure and I decided to buy frameless, like winter ones! I prepared for this for a long time, saved up money and bought the case when I turned up)

set and was horrified ... cleaning is not that bad ... ahem ... vaaashche nifiga unclean! only smear everything pathetic on the glass.
dejected and frustrated, I occasionally used a cloth to wipe the windshield.

BUT suddenly it dawned on me! and I realized that I was stupid! I didn’t take off the PROTECTIVE PLASTIC COVER from the wipers!
no, well, etozh should be so tupanut))) I have never seen winter brushes and thought that instead of an elastic band there is plastic. because they are winter and probably should also scrape ice off the glass, I thought, and did not look at the presence of a rubber band under this cap. everything is clearly visible in the pictures.

And yet I also once scolded the Americans for their stupidity ... but here's how it happened.

what can you say ... anything can happen)))))

little joy and big stupidity - Toyota Probox 15 L 2004little joy and big stupidity - Toyota Probox 15 L 2004little joy and big stupidity - Toyota Probox 15 L 2004
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pon4ik 01.12.20

zhjoooshshshsh =))

DeColor 01.12.20

Pleased :) Guuuud :)

baksbaks 01.12.20

ahahahah, neighing :)

DOS 01.12.20


KLubnika 01.12.20

Yes, it's funny))) Men! And you run into blondes)))

bloodhoundgang 01.12.20

what pleased me - a washer is not needed if the dirt does not have time to dry on the glass.
a little moisture and wipe off anything)))

DOS 01.12.20

how plastic removed everything GORGEOUS)))))

bloodhoundgang 01.12.20

khhhhh))) Well, anything happens :) the main thing is that it does not become a habit))))

well, do they clean normally without plastic?))

Azure 01.12.20

smiled ... funny you men, sometimes ...

M37 01.12.20

All with experience! =)

DOS 01.12.20

Duc, in fact, the manual was limited to 13 ways to put on these brushes))

Citramon 01.12.20

Read the manual intimately - stupid Americans are taught this from childhood :)

SnowbOrder 01.12.20

Yeah) was present at this moment))), too, because it was underperformed) and also looked at the color, thought it was like cool gray - silicone))))