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I bought MAG-Lite 5xD. - Toyota Corolla, 1.5L, 1998

I took it into my head to acquire:
a) A quality flashlight.
b) A legal means of self-defense.
Since lumpen bits did not suit me, and I already need a certificate for all sorts of pukals (and I receive certificates honestly, and this is long and expensive), I decided to buy a Flashlight (with a capital letter).

I started looking for stores. As it turned out, not too many stores in Moscow sell such gizmos. And most of them are online shopping.
And I don't like online stores (except for large ones).
You cannot twist the thing in your hands. If something happens, there is no store, there is no owner, and the buyer is like a goof left with a defective product in his hands (all the buyers really screwed up with the Ultra store).
In general, I found the company "Mart", which sells all sorts of protective equipment.
First I went to their stall in VDNKh, but they said that they only deal with shockers. Then I went to the office on the street on March 8 (symbolic, right?).
So - there is a road repair and nowhere to park.
Well, okay, I'm not proud (and not a pig - to leave the car on the road with an emergency light), I'll walk 300 meters on foot.
In general, they explained to me that 5xD differs from 6xD in actual size and number of batteries.
6xD seemed too big for me, so the choice fell on 5xD.
Well, I think that apart from the fact that it is made in the USA and its body is made of anodized aluminum, it is 43.5 cm long and weighs decently with 5 batteries, nothing more is needed.
Actually, as it seems to me, 5 batteries are needed to give the lamp a certain weight :)
It shines perfectly (and not like a Chinese g-but) and fits perfectly between the driver's seat and the door, as if it should have been there.

Price tag: 1 375 ₽
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AZATei 01.12.20


he put it in a bucket of water at the dacha =) although it does not seem to be permeable, but more than a month in the water made itself felt =) the reflector completely peeled off! and the lid for replacing the batteries did not unscrew, and when I tried with wrenches, the skiff came to the lid =) I wanted to buy a new one, but it was not before that! =)

A month in the water!

These are your Son's experiments =)

AZATei 01.12.20

A month in the water!

These are your Son's experiments =)

girj 01.12.20

he put it in a bucket of water at the dacha =) although it does not seem to be permeable, but more than a month in the water made itself felt =) the reflector completely peeled off! and the lid for replacing the batteries did not unscrew, and when I tried with wrenches, the skiff came to the lid =) I wanted to buy a new one, but it was not before that! =)

maxru 01.12.20

There you need to rotate the boss to focus / defocus the beam.

And how can you break this iron fool? o_O

girj 01.12.20

I had one but broke =) or rather my son broke him =) =) =) as a club it fits perfectly =) and the light really shines decently! does not scatter but shines with a ray! I liked it =)!

maxru 01.12.20

They can squeeze by the baton. And he is a lantern in Africa. When I bought less, that's the whole story)

zhekas 01.12.20

I have a police baton. Although the flashlight is more reliable!

AZATei 01.12.20

Straight sword of the JedI =)