Deprivation of rights. Expectation. — Toyota Celica, 1.8 liter, 1999
In August, I was deprived of my rights.
I was driving along the garden ring, driving not so fast, somewhere around 145. Thinking that they shouldn’t accelerate, I started to slow down, and just at a speed of 126 km / h I saw the gays, and they, along with the radar, saw me. Since I was driving in the left lane, and they were on the right, they naturally could not stop me. And when I noticed that they were transmitting something on the radio, a plan instantly formed in my head that I should turn somewhere in the yards so that they would not stop me at the next post. I began to change lanes to the right to turn off, and when I was ready to turn, a Ford Focus with flashing lights and a yelling horn caught up with me.
It was not possible to reach an agreement. Tried, not a little, not a lot - nothing. He says: "The head of the right should be put on the table. We have a share. But don't worry, you're young, if you didn't have any speed violations, then you'll get off with a fine in court."
I didn't have any damage.
Then there was a trial, and after some of my waiting, the judge read out the decision: "deprivation of water rights for 4 months"
So here I was without wheels. I had to force myself to go down into the dungeon again, into these stuffy wagons, where there are a lot of people! At first it was hard, but then I got used to it - the player and books help)
Rights should be returned in mid-December.
I'm waiting for them, and my baby is waiting for me, in the garage. I visit her, start her up so that she doesn’t stagnate, but time goes by so slowly.