Day of the motorist - Toyota Carib, 1.6 liter, 1996
Almost all day killed on the "Shumko" front doors. There is nothing complicated: the doors are almost straight, everything is accessible. Gray hair dryer, yes glue.
In total, it took 2.5-3 sheets of ISOPLAST (bitumen with foil), 1 sheet of Bitoplast (noise-absorbing material), about a sheet of SPLEN (deshmansky sound-absorbing material) for the front doors and trunk.
"The doors are a creaky structure." In the right door the crickets won completely. The left one still needs to be tweaked. I replaced the clips, apparently I didn’t glue everything with bitoplast.
There was a sheet of ISOPLAST and more pieces. Let's continue with the ceiling and arches apparently in the spring.
PS: there were discounts in Cathode. Finally bought a battery. I took 45ku with thin terminals Unistar serviced. It cost 2800 rubles.