We went to FEO — logbook Toyota Corolla 1980
In order not to get lost in the bustle of the weekend, a small trip to the FEO.
Vitalik (Nitro) — Nissan Silvia S12
Vova — Nissan Sunny B12
Plum is sweet to the point of no :) engine CA18DET
Yes, Sunny front-wheel drive, engine 1.6 120 forces, CA16DE
Plum finally mega! I have never seen such =) And the sunny is front-wheel drive, isn't it?
How is your corolla? Also hunting a rear-wheel drive Japanese woman or an American =)
mine slowly, we are in no hurry due to lack of sufficient finances, so we are not moving very fast yet. Boiled the body completely, the other day I'll take it to the garage and start throwing off the hodovka and the engine. from the next RFP I will order a set of polyurethane (for starters, in the future I want an AL) and I hope it will be enough for liners with springs. and then we'll see what's where :)
Yes, good. I also want to bring the Beretta into a state, but so far there is a problem with finances.