Cornered, but it was not there (pvp) (Dark Souls 3)
by timonuv on 01.01.21 04:52 am
Why Dark Souls 3 became Halberds 3 (Dark Souls 3)
by 2Honorable on 23.12.20 06:23 am
Armor appearance (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
by 17723 on 22.12.20 04:40 pm
Crack (Dragon's Dogma)
by Dezertir88 on 23.07.20 11:48 pm
Large shield wolf knight (Dark Souls 3)
by _Kalek_ on 22.07.20 10:11 pm
Here's the pre-order bonuses =( (Deus Ex: Mankind Divided)
by arielf on 22.07.20 03:15 am
Easter eggs in the game) (Deus Ex: Mankind Divided)
by timonuv on 17.04.20 09:05 am
Collected 9000 games the incentive xDDD
by Viktor Delakrua on 03.02.20 04:24 pm
Impressions of the game (Deus Ex: Mankind Divided)
by Kosh13 on 18.10.19 01:42 pm
The maximum amount of time spent playing
by skaskaster on 17.10.19 06:49 pm
Dragon Age. Worth playing?
by Burmatov Pavel on 06.09.19 08:04 pm